Tool to parse IEC 61850 Sampled Values from the packet payload. The SV payload contains the following information:
Field |
Description |
Application ID |
Message length |
Number of ASDU in the sequence |
Sequence of ASDU |
And for each ASDU contains the following information:
Field |
Description |
User-defined unique string identifier used for subscription |
The name of the data set being sent |
Index of the SV message |
Configuration revision |
Synchronization mechanism of the clock used for sending the SV |
Sample Mode : samples/period, samples/sec, sec/sample |
Sample rate |
Time of the first sample |
Length of the sequence of data |
Sequence of measured voltage and current values |
The structure containing parser information can be managed using constructors and destructors.
All you need to do is call parser parse_SV_payload
, providing it with the SV network packet payload, and the previously created structure.
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