- All life is valuable
- It's possible to love everyone, but not very practical.
- It's perfectly OK to dislike some people, but better to just not care about them.
- Hate requires a lot of effort that isn't worth spending on people who ask for it.
- It's important to recognize that everyone is important to someone
- But that doesn't mean they should be important to you.
- It's easy to assume people share your morals, most don't
- Humans are destructive by nature
- People should be judged by their actions, not their words
- People should be judged by their actions, not their gender, color, religion, etc...
- Assume good faith. Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
- Gay marriage should be legal everywhere
- Abortion should be legal everywhere
- Assisted suicide should be legal everywhere
- Health care should be available to everyone who needs it
- The death penalty should be used in extreme and certain cases to protect the public
- Prisons should be about protecting the public, not about punishment
- Recreational drugs should be legal and taxed
- Owning a gun should be legal but require certification from a firearms officer verifying that they've taken a safety course, are free of violent criminal record, and have passed a psychological mental health check.
- There is no God
- Remember, we will die
- Souls don't exist
- Intention can't create reality, but can change our perception of it
- There is no such thing as a miracle
- There is no heaven/hell
- We don't have a purpose given to us, but we can make one up
- Other dimensions and universes exist
- Micro and macro evolution happens
- Something like the Big Bang happened
- Something existed before the Big Bang (outside of time and space as we know them)
- The human brain (in its current state of evolution) can't comprehend the universe
- We have no cosmic significance
- Aliens exist
- Non-carbon-based life forms exist
- Space travel throughout the universe is probably entirely the domain of robots and cyborgs
- Forwards time-travel is possible, but backwards is not
- Chances are, we live in a simulation
- We can change our behavior and habits (it requires a lot of energy)
- Consistently eating well and exercising is the only way to be sustainably healthy
- Vaccinations are good for society, but shouldn't be devised or regulated by profit focused industries
- Computers will be building better computers than humans by 2050 (the Singularity)
- Humans, computers, and Earth will evolve into a super organism by 2200 (if we're still around)
- Humans that embrace change (and give up some of their humanity) will survive the Singularity
- Technology will eventually disrupt all other human-created institutions (politics, religion, identity, economics)
- Free will is mostly an illusion (but does exist in limited form)
- Pure altruism is an illusion (but kindness is not)
- We tell stories in order to create and remember meaning
- Consciousness is the result of a feedback loop between our story-making cortex and our subconscious (ain't it nice though?)
- Privacy is a human right
- Giving up our privacy and individuality in exchange for better connection will be the norm by 2050
- Most schools in the US are bloated and behind the times.
- Most schools focus on teaching people to follow orders rather than embrace learning
- Most jobs lost in 2008-present aren't going to come back, new ones have to be created from scratch
- In the future, working will be more thoroughly decoupled from having the means to live
- Power will be more quickly redistributed when it gets too heavy at the top
- Global warming is real and will continue to cause big problems
- There will be 10 billion people
- 80% of people will live in cities and new mega-cities by 2100
- The number of living languages in the world will drop to under 100
- Genetically modified foods will become the norm
- Coral reefs and the ocean ecosystems are going to break with unknown consequences
- Solar and wind will slowly replace gas and oil
- We tend to favor the beautiful
- We tend to see what we expect to see
- We tend to attribute too much credit to success (and under-credit luck)
- Love is not binary or singular
- It's possible to love many people in different ways
- Love and hate are very similar, different points on one spectrum.
- Resilience over strength, which means you want to yield and allow failure and you bounce back instead of trying to resist failure.
- Pull over push. That means you pull the resources from the network as you need them, as opposed to centrally stocking them and controlling them.
- Risk over safety.
- Systems over objects.
- Compasses over maps. Knowing how to find your way is more important than knowing a way exists.
- Practice over theory. Because sometimes you don’t know why it works, but what is important is that it is working, not that you have some theory around it.
- Disobedience over compliance. You don’t get a Nobel Prize for doing what you are told.
- Emergency over authority. The crowd instead of experts.
- Learning over education. Education is what others do to you, learning is what you do for yourself.
- We have very little control over what we believe in
- Some of my beliefs will be proven wrong
- I'm willing to be convinced that my beliefs are wrong
- Making and maintaining this list is useful and fun (you should do it too)