Helps you know exactly what comes in and when. The package will log all query and body parameters attached to a request.
Install this package via composer
$ composer require sdkcodes/logpress
** The package comes with a middleware that you can apply either to only the routes you want to log, or all routes.
The middleware lives in the namespace:
use Sdkcodes\Logpress\Middleware\LogRequests;
Open your App\Http\Kernel.php
To log request to all routes, add the LogRequests api to the $middleware
protected $middleware = [
Or you can add to specific middleware groups $middlewareGroups
array e.g 'web' or 'api'.
Or add to the $routeMiddleware
array to apply on a route by route basis.
By default, the package 'avoids' logging fields with the name 'password' or 'pin', however, you can overwrite these values by publishing the config file and updating the 'avoids'
λ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Sdkcodes\Logpress\LogpressServiceProvider" --tag=config
This command publishes a new config file 'logpress.php' to your config directory and you can modify to include all the fields you want to avoid logging.
The output generated looks like:
[2020-04-25 16:42:17] local.INFO: GET / - Body: {"q":"artisan","person":"goodluck"} Query: {"q":"artisan","person":"goodluck"} Full path: http://laravelpackagedev.sdk Scheme: http
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.