0.40.0 (2017-09-20)
- config: Update tabWidth's type to be integer first or string (6f8fe9b), closes #241
- prettier-eslint: gracefully handle resolveConfig.sync error (97ed081), closes #267
- error-logging: log errors to Atom's developer tools (eddc7bc)
0.39.0 (2017-09-15)
- prettier: bump bundled version to 1.7.0 (20281be)
- prettier-config: use options from prettier-config if present (881bd09)
- prettier-eslint: bump bundled version to 8.1.0 (142de95)
- settings: add ability not to format on save if a prettier config is not present (97bdf8e)
0.38.0 (2017-08-27)
- display-of-errors: show syntax errors for unsaved files (cc402c9), closes #235
- statusTile: Fix style scope (1e563b6)
- formatOnSave: Added 'eslint-plugin-prettier' to list of packages to look for (#247) (b3a6838)
- prettier-eslint: bump to 4.2.1 (89bed30)
0.37.0 (2017-07-22)
- graphql: add GraphQl query support (requires language-graphql) (c3672ca), closes #237
- prettier: update to 1.5.3 (85b3d68)
0.36.1 (2017-07-07)
0.36.0 (2017-07-06)
- debug: Fix usage of readPkgUp to fetch package info (4c2561d), closes #217
- formatOnSave: don't prevent user from saving if uncaught error (8f3bfd9), closes #190
- main: Subscribe to onDidChangeActivePaneItem when onDidChangeActiveTextEditor is not available (2efe713), closes #205
- prettierOptions: Always disable trailingComma option for JSON (600cbc0), closes #212
0.35.0 (2017-06-29)
0.34.0 (2017-06-22)
- css: Add LESS and SCSS to default scopes for CSS files (d41a008), closes #195
- statusTile: Display status bar tile only if active file matches one of the scopes (file extens (56467b9), closes #170
0.33.0 (2017-06-08)
- Settings: Add missing parser options to settings screen (7d9f22c)
- format-on-save: add option to not format on save if prettier not in dependencies (1a32d47), closes #43
- parsers: add typescript and CSS support (9882a0b), closes #183 #184
- prettier: bump to 1.4.4 (aa701a0)
- prettier-eslint: bump to 6.3.0 (103ca8b)
0.32.0 (2017-06-02)
- warnings: Check if linter-eslint is actually active instead of reading user config (88114c6), closes #168
- prettier: bump to 0.4.1 (1791886)
0.31.1 (2017-05-17)
0.31.0 (2017-05-14)
- statusBar: Avoid attaching the status bar tile in activate() (54eb696)
- options: add editorconfig option to package settings (ad47fae)
- statusBar: Add an option to show/hide formatOnSave's state in the status bar (1abded3), closes #153
- statusBar: Added click handler to toggle formatOnSave (2710924)
0.30.0 (2017-05-03)
- command: Add a command to toggle "Format on Save" (bc112c6), closes #117
- config: add .editorconfig support (e2aff36)
- eslint-fallbacks: fallback to user's prettier settings if cannot be inferred from eslint confi (f4520ac)
- statusBar: Add status bar tile to show enabled/disabled state (f36478b)
0.29.0 (2017-04-22)
- contextMenu: Enable context menu entry for JSX files (06e9945)
- contextMenu: Uppercase P for Prettier in context menu entries (3376665)
- embedded-scripts: skip single-line script tags in html files (4f5d1c6)
- formatOnSave: Don't format if file is saved for the first time (2a7c0cd)
- ignore-globs: switch to using node-ignore instead of minimatch globs (5122823), closes #133
- command: Add a debug command (63c91d1)
- main: Lazy load displayDebugInfo() (cac4403)
- ignore-globs: Some files that were previously ignored may now no longer be ignored, and vice versa.
0.28.0 (2017-04-15)
- config: Added config options for the Prettier options 'useTabs' and 'semi' (b920be7)
- deps: upgrade to latest prettier(-eslint) (a13a732)
0.27.0 (2017-04-13)
- deps: upgrade to the latest prettier-eslint (f3a0b7f)
- useLocalPrettier: Prefer local prettier over bundled (98e2ea9)
0.26.0 (2017-04-02)
- error: Cleanup error notification (95ced9d)
0.25.0 (2017-04-02)
- config: Updated description for bracketSpacing option (9d7051a), closes #106
- prettier: Don't alter text buffer if file is already pretty (613f28e)
- options: add prettierLast option for prettier-eslint (0f2714d)
0.24.0 (2017-03-25)
- prettier-eslint: bump to 4.3.2 (f5fbb5d)
0.23.1 (2017-03-15)
- formatOnSave: do not format on save after plugin is disabled (1c7cd9b), closes #84
- linter: refresh linter highlighting after format (9a538e1), closes #86
0.23.0 (2017-03-09)
- whitelist: force whitelist if provided (c2a7054)
0.22.0 (2017-03-07)
0.21.3 (2017-03-06)
- $config: Unset old config options causing errors (5f221d5), closes #72
- excludedGlobs: Respect excluded globs when formatting on save (a178813), closes #73
0.21.2 (2017-03-06)
0.21.1 (2017-03-05)
0.21.0 (2017-03-05)
- $linter-eslint: Warn about linter-eslint "Format on Save" (ac9b1d0)