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@scotdotwtf, @colastee, made with love <3
So like this is a script that tries to emulate ROBLOX's 2016 user interface, graphics, and more.
This is my 4th one lol. I'm hoping this is my last one.
loadstring (game :HttpGet (" https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scotdotwtf/Final16/main/loader.lua" ))()
Final16 has a simple module based loading system that allows you to choose what you want to load and not to load.
To specify what modules you want to load, simply specify getgenv().modules = {}
with the modules you would like to load.
Here's an example of loading only the camera and graphics module:
getgenv ().modules = {" camera.lua" , " graphics.lua" }
loadstring (game :HttpGet (" https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scotdotwtf/Final16/main/loader.lua" ))()
The cool thing with final 16 is that it loads all module even if you don't specify it. Here's how I did it:
-- * LINE 16, scotdotwtf/Final16/loader.lua
modules == nil then
getgenv ().modules = { } -- > modules
Want to contribute? Simply make a pull request with your module, fix, or other addon and I will merge or communicate.