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Functional programming

Jonas Juselius [email protected]


layout: false

What is Functional Programming

  • Invented in the 30ies (Alonzo Church)

  • Not popularized due to limited computers

  • Functions are first class

    • Data and functions are equivalent
    • Lambda functions
    • Higher-order functions
    • Function composition
    • Partial function application
  • Functions are pure

  • Immutable data: no state, no variables

  • Advanced type systems


  • Haskell: Pure functional, immutable, lazy, advanced types
  • Scala: Functional, object oriented running on JVM
  • Clojure: Modern, concurrent LISP on top of JVM
  • F#: Functional, object oriented on top of CLR
  • Python: lambda, HOFs, map, zip, filter, reduce
  • JavaScript can emulate functional programming with HOFs


  • Purely functional language
  • Strongly typed (and no ma, you ain't seen strong)
  • Lazy by default
  • Elegant syntax
  • Efficient
  • "If it compiles, it works!" (often)

Function composition

Composition is the way to reduce complexity

    a = f(g(h(x)))
    $ cat file.txt | sort
    $ cat file.txt | rev | head -2
    $ cat file.txt | tr a-z A-Z | sed 's/$/!!!/'
    a x = take 2 . rev . sort $ x
    a' = take 2 . rev . sort

This is why we don't use parens in Haskell


  • Pure functions has no notion of state: They take input values and return values
  • Given the same input, a pure function always returns the same value! Function calls can be optimized away!
  • Pure function == data!
  • Purity is key to equational reasoning


  • Partial application of functions
  • All functions take one or zero arguments and return a function
    add :: Int -> Int -> Int
    add x y = x + y

    add42 :: Int -> Int
    add42 = add 42

    mulf2 :: (Int -> Int) -> Int -> Int
    mulf2 f x = 2 * f x

    main = do
        print $ mulf2 (add 42) 5
        print $ mulf2 add42 5


  • No state -> no loops: Recursion and tail recursion
  • Loops are hard to understand (but recursion is worse)
  • Loops are not declarative
  • map, filter and fold: Looping with style!


Concurrency is nearly trivial

import Data.Vector as V
import Control.Parallel.Strategies

main :: IO ()
main = do
    let n = 1000.0
        a = fromList [1.0..n]
        b = fun a `using` parTraversable rseq
    print $ dotp a b

fun :: Float -> Float
fun x = y + 1.0 / exp y
        y = x / sqrt x

dotp :: Vector Float -> Vector Float -> Float
dotp a b = V.sum (V.zipWith (*) a b `using` parTraversable rseq)

Real life

Summary of advantages

  • Reduced complexity
  • Easier to reason about code
  • Easier testing
  • Easier parallelism and concurrency
  • Higher level abstractions
  • Less boiler plate, shorter code

Fortran example

program fp
    implicit none
    integer :: i
    real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: x

    x = qeq(life(5), 4.0, 2.0)
    print *, x
   pure function life(a) result(b)
      integer, intent(in) :: a
      real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: b

      b = 42.0
   end function
   elemental function qeq(a, b, c) result(y)
      real, intent(in) :: a, b, c
      real :: y

      y = -b + sqrt(b**2 + 4*a*c)/a/2.0
   end function
end program

What can I do?

  • In fortran, write pure and elemental functions when possible
  • In C++ use shared_ptr and/or smart_ptr
  • Write modular code
  • Don't write objects when a function will do
  • Write short functions which do one thing and do it well
  • Avoid global variables, including module and object state
  • Keep the IO layer connected and thin
  • Don't reuse variables