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Releases: schorschinho/osprey

Osprey v1.2.0

24 Mar 15:03
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  • Added CRLBs and h2oarea as csv files to the LCModel fit in Osprey
  • ProbSpecReg for multiplexed and MEGA data
  • Tabular outputs are now .tsv, rather than .csv, and accompanying .json files are produced. File naming conventions for structural outputs are also reviewed.

Bug fix

  • More information to the OspreyProcess Module in the ops_plotModule and updated the wrong calcualtion of FWHM in ppm. This was done to match the GUI and print output. Thank you Deborah Barany for reporting this issue.
  • updated the nii viewer function to work for all kind of combinations of .nii and .nii.gz files
  • close the opts.PDF generated plots
  • report from Cristian Guerrero about 'Concatented' fitting not creating
  • Siemens DCM loader bug for older spectra fixed (reported by Jill Naaijen)
  • Siemens HERMES/HERCULES coil combination not working when 4 averages are acquired in the water reference scan
  • Bug fix for Siemens TWIX PRESS data acquired on Connectom Scanner with VD software version
  • Single average RDA MEGA-PRESS data not being processed correctly

Osprey v1.1.0

26 Aug 19:29
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New functionalities

  • Automated LCModel integration from within the Osprey pipeline for unedited data. Osprey automatically creates the needed control files and calls LCModel from within MATLAB. The results are imported back into Osprey to be used in the downstream modules. You can also provide your own control files and .BASIS files. You need to add compiled LCModel binaries into the libraries/LCModel folder (visit for instructions). Currently, Osprey is shipped with compiled binaries for Windows 10 and macos catalina.
  • Nifti MRS loader and export functions

Updates & Bugfixes

  • Reduced file size by removing redundant basis set from the MRS container
  • Issues related to the deletion of user supplied strucutral images

Other changes

  • automated OS identifier and font picker

Osprey v1.0.2.1

09 Jul 21:00
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Version check bug fix

Osprey v1.0.2

09 Jul 20:01
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New functionalities

  • updates to the MRSI module to process three slice edited MRSI data (loading & MoCo)
  • GE nifti files accepted
  • MRSinMRS markdown function
  • 7 T relaxation time lookup table for quantification
  • Improved functionality to run Osprey on the server
  • Added co-edited MM model to HERCULES modeling
  • OspreyOverview can be called after OspreyProcess to generate overview plots without fitting

Updates & Bugfixes

  • Preliminary fit picks metabolites based on the supplied basis set (e.g. Cho containing compounds instead of Cho)
  • FitQA definitions updated to match the original paper
  • AllPDF bug fixes
  • Updated GE load function
  • Updated Siemens DICOM loader
  • Updated all example jobFiles to reflect the current functionalities of Osprey and to reflect BIDS structured automated processing
  • Updated version numbering and check function to give soft warnings only

Other changes

  • Prior module check function

Osprey v1.0.1.1

05 Apr 21:03
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-This hotfix release was resolves issues related to the version comaprison

Osprey v1.0.1

05 Apr 14:07
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  • Resolved issue #75: Instead of relying on Curve Fitting Toolbox functions (spmak, fnval) to generate the cubic spline basis functions, these are now created with an explicit iterative analytical procedure.
  • Fixed a major bug in the interactive job file creator, which caused all entries (except for the first) of the water reference file array to be wrongly populated with the file names of the water-suppressed (metabolite) data.
  • Added basis set for macromolecule-suppressed GABA-edited Philips MEGA-PRESS.
  • Removed separate version definitions for each sub-module - there is now one single version number for all modules.
  • Fixed an error occurring when short-TE water, but no water reference, was used.
  • Small fixes to errors caused during GUI calls.
  • Added fancy badges to the README file.

Osprey v1.0.0

12 Mar 18:13
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Releasing Osprey v1.0.0