diff --git a/Documentation/Quickstart.md b/Documentation/Quickstart.md index 102f90e01..87a27fb5a 100644 --- a/Documentation/Quickstart.md +++ b/Documentation/Quickstart.md @@ -125,3 +125,28 @@ Find the source code for this project You can review the different voices and languages [here](http://www.ibm.com/watson/developercloud/doc/text-to-speech/using.shtml#voices). You can download all the source code for the Watson Developer Cloud iOS SDK [here](https://github.com/watson-developer-cloud/ios-sdk). + +###Create a Text to Speech app with UI + +Fork the project +[here](https://github.com/IBM-MIL/ios-sdk-watson-speaks/tree/master). + +Additions to the quick start app: + +1) Separated all SDK calls into the ```ToSpeech.swift``` file: + 1. Uses SDK's ```synthesize``` function call to synthesize text to speech. + 2. Uses SDK's ```getVoices``` function call to get all the available voices for people to select from and use. + 3. Loads asynchronous fall and notifies the ViewController with NSNotificationCenter. +2) ViewController now manages the app's UI actions: + 1. Defines a table to display all the voices for users to select from and use. + 2. Allows users to choose which voice they would like to use in order to convert the text to speech. + 3. Adds a text field to allow users to input any text they'd like to output as audio. + 4. Adds user error handling to alert users to select a voice, or that the text field is empty. + 5. Adds a button +3) Main.storyboard uses Auto Layout to format the UI +4) UIViewExtensions adds the ability to make rounded corners, define border widths and colors for any objects. + +Things to note: + +1) All voices are loaded as an option to use. Foreign voice selections (i.e. 'ja-JP_Emi') are expecting the text input to be in Japanese; however, using English in the text field and selecting that voice will produce an audio that pronounces English with a Japanese accent. +2) Default voice for options not included in the ```pressedSpeakButton``` switch cases is Kate's British voice.