These benchmarks are released as part of the following accepted publication.
I. Scarabottolo, G. Ansaloni, G. A. Constantinides, L. Pozzi and S. Reda "Approximate Logic Synthesis: A Survey" under-review in Proceedings of the IEEE.
The included benchmarks are
- x2: small benchmark from LGSynth 91. Metric: Hamming Distance (HD). Approximate design generated using BLASYS.
- mac: multiply-add arithmetic circuit. Approximate design generated using BLASYS.
- buttfly: butterfly structure. Metric: Mean Absolute Error (MAE). Approximate design is same as exact.
- abs_diff: absolute difference arithmetic circuit. Metric: Mean Absolute Error (MAE). Approximate design is generated using Circuit Carving (CC) technique.
- mult16: 16-bit unsigned multiplier. Metric: Mean Absolute Error (MAE). Approximate design generatered using DRUM.
- mult8: 8-bit unsigned multiplier. Metric: Mean Absolute Error (MAE). Approximate design generatered using EvoApproxLib.
- adder32: 32-bit adder. Metric: Mean Absolute Error (MAE). Approximate design generatered manually.
- fft: 8-point fast fourier transform sequential circuit from ABACUS release. Metric: Mean Square Error (MSE). Approximate design generated using ABACUS.
- classifier: A support vector machine classifier sequential circuit from ABACUS release. Metric: misclassified labels (%). Approximate design generated using ABACUS.
Each benchmark circuit comes in its own folder with four files:
- bench/bench.v original design in Verilog
- bench/bench_test.v testbench for the design in Verilog
- bench/bench_approx.v an example of an approximate design for the original design
- bench/ a python function to evaluate QoR results of approximate design against original design
- iverilog for simulation
- Python3
Usage: To produce the accurate results for each benchmark:
iverilog bench_test.v bench.v
./a.out > res_accurate
To produce the approximate results for each benchmark:
iverilog bench_test.v bench_approx.v
./a.out > res_approx
To compare the results:
python3 ./bench_qor res_accurate res_approx
regression_test is a test script that sweeps across all benchmarks.