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446 lines (338 loc) · 13.3 KB

File metadata and controls

446 lines (338 loc) · 13.3 KB



What's New:

  • Avoid warning when compiling with Xcode 16


What's New:

  • Fix issue where alert wouldn't animate back in place after dismissing the keyboard


What's New:

  • Fix occasional crash on iOS 15


What's New:

  • Proper use of semantic versioning


What's New:

  • Support for Swift Package Manager


Bug Fixes:

  • Fix incorrect padding for content views in action sheets


What's New:

  • Refactored the action sheet UI to code, eliminating the hard-to-understand XIB


What's New:

  • Action sheets can now receive an image view on the left and accessory view on the right of each action
  • The color of the chrome/dimming view can now be set on visual styles
  • The spacing between title/message labels has been updated to the ones UIAlertController uses

Bug Fixes:

  • View controllers presented from alerts/action sheets aren't dismissed anymore when using the alert's dismiss() method
  • The area around text fields is now the same background color as alerts when one is set
  • Dark mode appearances are more like the native UIAlertController ones


What's New:

  • Dark Mode support on iOS 13.


This release brings Swift 5.0 compatibility.


Bug Fixes:

  • Fixes incorrect margins for new iPhones


This release brings Swift 4.2 compatibility.


Bug Fixes:

  • Fixes incorrect spacing when an action sheet doesn't have a label


This release brings Swift 4.1 compatibility.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixes build issues when using the new build system and CocoaPods
  • Fixes a missing contentView in action sheets


Bug Fixes:

  • Fixes the inverted dismissOnOutsideTap behavior for alert views
  • Hides action sheet labels when no title or subtitle are provided
  • Fixes action sheet layout issues on iPhone X
  • Invokes the preferredAction when the return key is hit on a hardware keyboard
  • Return no preferredAction when the style of the alert is an action sheet


Bug Fixes:

  • Fixes a layout issue when creating an alert with a custom content view


This release brings Swift 4 and iOS 11 compatibility. It also increases the deployment target to iOS 9.0.

What's New:

  • Adds a closure for handling taps in the outer (chrome) area of the alert
  • Improves accessibility for alert actions
  • AlertController.add() has been renamed to AlertController.addAction() for clarity
  • The AlertBehaviors constants are now lowercased, following Swift 3 conventions.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixes an issue that could lead the alert to be shown in an unsupported orientation


Bug Fixes:

  • Fixes a bug that could incorrectly set cancel button attributes on action sheets


Bug Fixes:

  • Fixes a retain cycle when adding text fields to the alert
  • Properly makes the first text field the first responder when presenting an alert with text fields


What's New:

  • Makes AlertVisualStyle subclassable again
  • Adds support for custom background colors in action sheets
  • Adds Taptic feedback when dragging between buttons on iPhone 7

Bug Fixes:

  • The dismissal animation looks like the system one again
  • Action sheets without an explicit cancel button won't show the inferred cancel button twice anymore
  • Button labels size and truncate as expected now, instead of being cut off


Bug Fixes:

  • Avoids an infinite loop/crash when using an action sheet without explicit cancel buttons


This is a compatibility update for Swift 3.

Bug Fixes:

  • Correctly calls the cancel button's handler in action sheets


This is a compatibility update for Swift 2.3.


Bug Fixes:

  • Gives action buttons the button trait for Voice Over


Bug Fixes:

  • Fixes the inability to override visual style properties in a subclass of DefaultVisualStyle. The VisualStyle protocol has been removed and the conforming class been renamed to AlertVisualStyle. The old class name is still available, but marked as deprecated and will be removed in the future.

What's New:

  • Makes an AlertAction's handler public.


5.0 is a compatibility update so the project builds in Swift 2.2 and doesn't generate warnings. It also changes the Objective-C names of the public enums, which Swift now supports.

Bug Fixes:

  • Prioritize textColorForAction() over the tintColor of an action
  • Properly exposes visualStyle as a property on SDCAlertController in Objective-C
  • Makes actionLayout a non-optional, allowing it to be exposed to Objective-C
  • Exposes a public init method in DefaultVisualStyle so subclassers don't have to implement this separately
  • Correctly shows buttons if an alert has scrollable content after rotation
  • Fixes incorrect accessibility labels on buttons


Bug Fixes:

  • Fixes incorrect fonts for text in alerts


What's New:

  • Adds support for presenting action sheets
  • Implements alert behaviors such as parallax and "tap outside to dismiss"
  • Action highlight colors can be changed with custom visual styles

Changes: This version introduces other changes that are not compatible with previous versions of SDCAlertView.

  • The automaticallyFocusFirstTextField property is now implemented as an alert behavior
  • In Objective-C, the presentation and dismissal methods are now named presentAnimated:completion: and dismissAnimated:completion: to follow Objective-C nomenclature more closely
  • The title and message label fonts are removed from VisualStyle. To change the labels' fonts, please use attributedTitle and attributedMessage with NSFontAttributeName instead.
  • setShouldDismissHandler() and setVisualStyle() are now properties named shouldDismissHandler and visualStyle respectively. Their functionality is unchanged.
  • The convenience method showWithTitle(_:message:actionTitle:customView:) has been renamed to alertWithTitle(_:message:actionTitle:customView:) to provide more consistency with the action sheet's counterpart


Bug Fixes:

  • Fixes a retain cycle
  • Resolves an issue that would not correctly disable actions when needed


What's New:

  • Adds an option to give the alert a different background color

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixes a bug that would not apply appropriate padding to the labels


Bug Fixes:

  • Fixes a crash on iOS 8 when adding text fields to the alert


Bug Fixes:

  • Resolves an issue that would never use the white status bar color if it was specified


Bug Fixes:

  • Fixes a major issue that would simply not display an alert
  • The example project now formally depends on the SDCAlertView target
  • Added a missing docstring


Bug Fixes:

  • Fixes an issue that would sometimes use the wrong scroll direction for actions
  • Fixes the pod spec so it refers to the correct tag, not a branch
  • Removes some unused (overridden) methods in the Objective-C bridging header


What's New:

  • Completely rewritten in Swift
  • Updated for iOS 9
  • Deployment target increased to iOS 8


Bug Fixes:

  • Xcode 7 bugs/warnings


Bug Fixes:

  • Solves an accessibility-related incompatibility between UIAlertController and SDCAlertController (#105)


Bug Fixes:

  • Fixes a bug that would show the wrong cancel button title in a legacy alert in some cases
  • Fixes a retain cycle between SDCAlertController and SDCAlertView


What's New:

  • You can now specify the text alignment of the message label (#101)

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixes an infinite loop that occurred on some device configurations (#91)
  • Fixes the wrong button handler being called in some cases on iOS 7 (#97)


What's New:

  • Re-introduces an explicit title property without generating warnings (#99)


Bug Fixes:

  • Fixes a crash in a compatibility update introduced in the previous version


Bug Fixes:

  • Fixes an issue that would prevent legacy alerts from calling the shouldDismissHandler (#90)

What's New:

  • Adds 2 new customizable properties: titleLabelColor and messageLabelColor (#92)


Bug Fixes:

  • Reverted the fix for ###87 because it causes a more prominent bug (#89)


Bug Fixes:

  • Fixes crash when using attributed title in legacy alert (#85 & #86)
  • Fixes a stack overflow on iPad 2 (#87)
  • Fixes an issue that would not reflect the attributed of an attributed string after creating an alert (#88)


What's New:

  • Improved semantics for alert action styles. See the discussion in #81 for more information.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixes an animation issue in SDCAlertView on iOS 7 (#79)
  • The warning introduced in 2.2 is removed


Bug Fixes:

  • Fixes an incompatibility issue that would not correctly fetch text fields on iOS 7 (#67)


Bug Fixes:

  • Fixes an off-by-one error that breaks compatibility with iOS 7 (#70)


What's New:

  • The usesLegacyAlert property is now made public

Bug Fixes:

  • Updates the import in SDCAlertController.h to not depend on any precompiled headers
  • Fixes several issues with the legacy alert (#62, #63, #64, #68)
  • Improves upon UIAlertController so that when an alert button is quickly tapped, it will highlight (UIAlertController does not do this)
  • Fixes Auto Layout warnings for multi-line labels (#60)
  • Returns the correct text when accessing titleLabel.text


Bug Fixes:

  • Raises an exception when presenting SDCAlertView 1.0 from a UIAlertView or UIActionSheet (#56)
  • Prevents a crash when creating an alert with a nil title or message


What's New:

  • All new API that matches and extends UIAlertController
  • Ability to always show buttons horizontally or vertically
  • Backwards compatible with SDCAlertView (1.0)
  • More stylistic elements you can style (alert width, button separators, text fields, etc.)


Bug Fixes:

  • Fixes an issue that would not enforce contentPadding on the title and message labels properly (#58)


What's New:

  • Extra properties to specify padding and spacing in the alert (#55)


Bug Fixes:

  • Show the button top separator in an alert without title or message text (#40)
  • Initialization is written a little differently to be more subclass-friendly
  • Ready for use in iOS 8

Though the alert can still be used in iOS 8, keep in mind that the actual iOS 8 alert looks slightly different. The plan is to eventually have support for both, but that's currently not the case.


What's New:

  • Added the ability to position a two-button alert vertically as opposed to horizontally (#29)
  • Added attributedTitle and attributedMessage properties (#30)

Bug Fixes:

  • Auto-layout doesn't complain anymore when using [[SDCAlertView alloc] init]
  • Fixes a bug that would not show correct button titles in certain alert configurations (#32)
  • Instead of clipping button text, it now reduces the size of text on buttons appropriately (#33)


What's New:

  • The SDCAlertViewTransitioning protocol allows users to customize alert transitions and behavior
  • SDCAlertView now supports tintColor for buttons and contentView

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixes an issue where the status bar style would not be preserved if it was set to UIStatusBarStyleLightContent (#26 & #27)
  • Fixes a bug that causes the app to lock up due to a race condition (#28)
  • Adding subviews to contentView won't have any animation-related side effects anymore (see #25)


Bug Fixes:

  • Resolves an issue that could put an app in a bad state when transitioning to and from multiple alerts in rapid succession.


What's New:

  • New convenience methods for showing alerts more easily
  • The SDCAlertViewWidth constant is made public (#24)
  • The contentView does not require vertical constraints anymore, though they can be used to size the contentView other than "hug its subviews" (#23)

Bug Fixes:

  • Resolves an issue that would show the status bar if it was previously hidden (#21)
  • Resolves an issue that would sometimes return the wrong button index when using addButtonWithTitle:
  • Transitions between alerts flow more logically if you call several show or dismiss methods right after each other (#25)
  • The animated argument in dismissWithClickedButtonIndex:animated: is honored again


What's New:

  • Support for styling an alert. A number of properties have been exposed so that alerts can be easily given a different style. Styling all alerts in an app using UIAppearance is also supported.

Bug Fixes:

  • The alert's background is no longer using the toolbar hack (#16 & #17)
  • Accessing a text field before calling show does not cause a crash anymore (#14)
  • The color of text on a button color did not match UIAlertView's text color 100%
  • A disabled button will have its label's enabled property set to NO, which is also where it gets its gray color from
  • A 1px hairline at the bottom of the right button in a two-button alert was removed


This release marks the first official release of SDCAlertView.

SDCAlertView's behavior should now match UIAlertView's. Any behavior that's different from UIAlertView and is not documented as a "won't fix" or known bug is considered a bug that needs to be solved.


Beta release