r = requests .get ('http://example.com' )
# Replace requests by `s` in your future requests to use session.
s = requests .session ()
s .proxies = {
"http" : "localhost:8080" ,
"https" : "localhost:8080" ,
# Classic Post
r = requests .post ('http://example.com/submit' ,
headers = {
'Content-type' : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ,
data = {'user' : 'guest' },
verify = False # Check Certificate
r .url
r .status_code
r .headers
r .cookies
r .raw
r .content # Byte
r .text # String
r .request
from http .server import HTTPServer , BaseHTTPRequestHandler
class httpHandler (BaseHTTPRequestHandler ):
def do_GET (self ):
self .send_response (200 )
self .end_headers ()
self .wfile .write (b'Hello World' )
def do_POST ():
httpd = HTTPServer (('' , 8000 ), httpHandler )
httpd .serve_forever ()
encodedStr = "VGVzdCBSYW5kb20gU3RyaW5n"
text = base64 .b64decode (encodedStr ).decode () # 'Test Random String'
data = "Test Random String"
encodedBytes = base64 .b64encode (data .encode ()).decode () # 'VGVzdCBSYW5kb20gU3RyaW5n'
urllib .parse .quote ('/Tést Rä' ) # '/T%C3%A9st%20R%C3%A4'
urllib .parse .quote ('/' , safe = '' ) # '%2F'
Interpret newlines as char
my_string = 'hello\n world'
my_string = my_string .encode ().decode ('unicode_escape' )
urllib .parse .quote (my_string ) # 'hello%0Aworld'
urllib .parse .unquote ('lol+lol' ) # 'lol+lol'
urllib .parse .unquote_plus ('lol+lol' ) # 'lol lol'
with socket .socket (socket .AF_INET , socket .SOCK_STREAM ) as server :
server .bind (('' , 4444 ))
server .listen ()
sock , addr = server .accept ()
with socket .socket (socket .AF_INET , socket .SOCK_STREAM ) as sock :
sock .connect (('' , 4444 ))
# Set Timeout
sock .settimeout (5 )
# Receive
sock .recv (1024 ) # b'Random content'
# Send
sock .send (b'Random content' )
# Close
sock .close ()
os .system ('echo desbarres' ) # Exit Code
os .popen ('echo desbarres' ).read () # 'desbarres'
subprocess .call ('echo desbarres' , shell = True ) # Exit Code
subprocess .check_output ('echo desbarres' , shell = True ) # b'desbarres'
from threading import Thread
thr = Thread (target = func , args = (1 ,))
thr .start ()
thr .join ()
class ExampleClass (Thread ):
def __init__ (self , * args , ** kwargs ):
super ().__init__ (* args , ** kwargs )
def run (self ):
thr = ExampleClass ()
thr .start ()
from concurrent .futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
# Run 1000 time func with a max of 25 threads simultaneously
with ThreadPoolExecutor (max_workers = min (25 , 1000 )) as tp :
for arg in range (1000 ):
tp .submit (func , arg )
hashlib .md5 (b'password' ).hexdigest () # '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99'
hashlib .sha256 (b'password' ).hexdigest () # '5e884898da28047151d0e56f8dc6292773603d0d6aabbdd62a11ef721d1542d8'