The repository is used to install SAP HANA on a single VM using the Bicep language. It applies a similar logic as the SAP-HANA-ARM repository:
- infrastracture deployment with predefined SKUs and recommended disk layout
- custom script extension for the OS update and configuration of the VM
- installation of SAP HANA using SAP media located in the defined Storage Account
- preparation for Azure backup with SAP HANA
At this time (December 2021), there is no direct way to deploy Bicep files through Azure portal (as with ARM templates). However, we can use Azure CLI or PowerShell for the local deployment.
Don't forget to download the media (SAP HANA server package + SAPCAR) and provide access to your storage account including the SAS token.
git clone
cd sap-hana-bicep
az deployment sub create -l westeurope -f main.bicep -p parameters-newvnet.json
List of parameters which are not defined in the bicep file or in the parameter file:
- SAPStorage = URI of your storage account, like
- SAStoken
- VMPassword