#Idea Queue For recording, organizing, sharing, and developing ideas about Scott's text-to-image synthesis project, especially in its application to bird-processing.
##Reading CUB and Writing to Torch
###Handling Missing MTurk Data
- Ignore MTurk altogether.
- Impute.
- Fill with a default value such as -1's.
##Estimation of Bounding Boxes
- Scale down bounding box by fixed factor, centering at each keypoint.
- Compute Voronoi cells of set of keypoints, and round to rectangles.
- Find maximal disks around each keypoint containing no other keypoint, and circumscribe squares around them.
##Demo (Want as generic as possible)
- Gradient Descent on Descriminant.
- Graphical Models (backprop rnn)
- install Ubuntu
- try running training script (minus gpu)
- convert py bbox stuff to lua
- write script for 50/100
- try GAN for posture generation
- cool read: SPatial Transformer Networks