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Santanu edited this page Feb 19, 2019 · 4 revisions


Predicate based rules are a much needed component of many runtime decision making systems.Let's take a few examples:

  • A communication system that selects wire templates based on payload
  • An offer disbursal system that selects offers based on transaction details payload
  • A traffic router that selects upstream nodes based on request payload

Hope tries to solve for this by providing a small expression language and evaluation engine.


  • Hope provides well known idioms and operators to express complex matching logic
  • Scalability and performance are central to the design of hope. As a result it provides ways to optimize re-evaluation paths for same rule and short circuits multiple same path evaluations in the same evaluation scope. Parsed hope rules are thread-safe, cacheable and reusable across millions of evaluations from many threads.
  • Hope provides a set of well known/used/familiar functions and operator for clients to work with. Hope also provides ways for clients to plug in their domain specific functions to be used as part of rules.

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