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Android Speech Recognition Example with Azure Custom Op

This example shows how to use ORT to do speech recognition using the Whisper model and calls the OpenAI Whisper endpoint using the Azure custom op. You MUST update the code to specify a valid OpenAI auth token. See here for details.

The application lets the user make an audio recording, then recognizes the speech from that recording and displays a transcript.

Example App Screenshot - A Successful result returned from OpenAI endpoint:

App Screenshot

Set up


See the general prerequisites here.

A pre-recorded audio file is provided in the app to simplify usage, and you can also record audio if you choose.

This example was developed with Android Studio Giraffe | 2022.3.1 Patch 1. It is recommended to use that version or a newer one.

Generate the model

This is optional. Currently a model generated by the script is checked in. If any changes are required they should only be simple adjustments. (e.g. change default audio format from wav to mp3).

Copy the model to app/src/main/res/raw/openai_whisper_transcriptions.onnx.

Prepare an OpenAI Auth Token

It's required for the app to provide an OpenAI auth token. Please update the authToken variable in SpeechRecognizer init (app/src/main/java/ai/onnxruntime/example/whisperAzure/SpeechRecognizer.kt) with your token.

For local testing, you should be able to create an account with API key and initial free credits.

OpenAI authentication

Build and run

Open this directory in Android Studio to build and run the example.