This page contains in mixed order some possible features of a future release.
- Give an estimation of the download volume (how many GB will this release consum? ) and monitor a pre-defined maximum dowload volume per day. If exceeded display a "sorry, please try tomorrow" message.
- Add some nice stats pages to graphically present when and where downloads took place. Maybe mashup with google maps?
- Currently you have to login via "Releases.cgi" - this is not really intuitive. There should be a central "Login" page
- Customize the public download page with own content
- support also Letter format for PDF files
- archive creater (upload single mp3 files, check id3tags for title nr, image, album name... and pack everything to zip on the server side)
Implemented but not released yet:
- add expiry date (e.g. download expires after 1 year)
- Inside the "Add new release" area, defining the central download page (= public URL printed on the voucher) the page contains fixed examples of the possible URL. This should be dynamic examples, containing the real http://my-domain... bits
- Add a Progress Bar for uploading the music ZIP file
- Let admin ahange the text of the vouchers
- Add Upload Later to an existing project