All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
🎉 3.16.0 (2022-09-18)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- deps: update dependencies (non-major) (#350) (129012f)
- deps: update dependencies (non-major) (#351) (57667ba)
- deps: update dependencies (non-major) (#357) (6a458c7)
- deps: update dependencies (non-major) (#359) (5b5edfe)
- deps: update dependency katex to ^0.16.1 (#356) (38f3168)
- eslint-WSL: remove
import to avoid memory leakage (8695c38)
⚡ Performance
✨ Features
- vue: start to read vue.js internals book (63b0f39)
✨ Today I Learned
- css-animation: reduced motion styles (d05421c)
- css-design: component UX design patterns (bbb3975)
- css-design: UX checklist (0f616b6)
- css-layer: advanced
syntax (f1f2129) - css-layer: layer priority (d03b21e)
- css-media:
media query (49195af) - css-media:
media query examples (24783b6) - css-media: foldable device media query (2a6afb4)
- css-property:
rule fallback (4cfe77a) - css-scrolling: scroll port and item properties (ac8d292)
- css-scrolling: scroll snap for scroll item (885b466)
- css-variables: space toggle tip (2c417f4)
- css: css feature detection (8e34493)
- css: reduced motion query (d650b12)
- css: responsive image object style (05553dd)
- git-bisect: git bisect current commit (6b5b32b)
- git-log: log full history (189cb62)
- git-objects: git objects store (efc0a83)
- git-objects: git objects store commands (34cf738)
- git-proxy: make git proxy great again (7b7fd0d)
- git: git bisect command (c7b0a58)
- git: git internals (156bddb)
- git: git packfiles (b37f9d0)
- html-form:
autocomplete input (9ddbfb6) - html-form: form
attribute (4e2993d) - html-form: form validation guide (a4aa4d7)
- html-form: fully autocomplete attribute list (906e6ba)
- html-form: html form
example (b94ee2e) - html-form: payment form (4fc1d45)
- js-animations: web animations JavaScript API (88ee2fd)
- js-devices: web devices-related platform API (14c21bf)
- js-devtools: console utilities API (d915855)
- js-DOM: HTML attributes for DOM properties (4052ba5)
- js-functional: immutable data structure (b401923)
- js-payment: web payment platform API (0ea8a91)
- js-performance: video pre-loading (f41cbb0)
- js: get default HTML attribute (7a6e00d)
- linux-ffmpeg: media conversion via FFmpeg (78349ae)
- node-debugging: node debugging cli options (da2a83f)
- node: nodejs.dev new website (413c2e8)
- react-effect:
usage guide (cd6b222) - react-effect: cleanup API fetching race condition (58443c0)
- react-effect: cleanup fetching race condition (a31131f)
- react-effect: event handler not an effect (4f59cb1)
- react-effect: remove stable value from deps list (dfbc921)
- react-effect: strict mode for cleanup effects (f2e06e0)
- react-effect: you might not need effects (f239753)
- react-hooks:
get latest snapshot (3536ba9) - react-hooks:
hook mind model (983c76d) - react-hooks:
upside (f3833b8) - react-hooks:
invoke timing (8aed664) - react-hooks: primitive deps list (9d1bfc3)
- react-hooks: ref for latest value (e5498f9)
- react-hooks: sync external store hook (ff4ab3e)
- react-performance: prevent re-rendering guide (1d21473)
- react-ref:
always return same object (900ca3f) - react-ref:
examples (4c642ce) - react-ref: ref usage timing (baff633)
- react-ref: refs as escape hatch (952ee6e)
- react-state: queueing series of state updates (d007c8a)
- react-state: state structure principles (fd84d2b)
- ts-assertion: type assertion signature (47b9f23)
- ts-generics: constrained default generic types (3b3e337)
- ts-generics: constrained generic return type (b020f09)
- ts-generics: generic parameters (e1065a3)
- ts-union: rust-style discriminated union (3c9b8de)
- ts: constrained template literal types (5034d9f)
- ts: index signature error (9a37ed0)
- ts: indexed access types (eb0d6c8)
- ts: recursive mapped types (e263dc3)
- ts: route recursive type (306fbc4)
- vue-component: provide and inject (c2bfe74)
- vue-components: higher order async component (cf9add2)
- vue-components: loading component for async component (e424679)
- vue-composition: composable function example (385e6e7)
- vue-composition: composable functions (b3122fe)
- vue-directive: custom directives (9899cbb)
- vue-lifecycle: composition lifecycle (967a93c)
- vue-list: list directive (6ef23c7)
- vue-performance: tree flattening compilation (08934be)
- vue-reactivity:
-related APIs (0785bc2) - vue-reactivity: auto unref (f8799de)
- vue-reactivity: computed value best practices (82d0488)
- vue-reactivity: effects bucket (83b4d03)
- vue-reactivity: proxy array exotic object (ee4fe98)
- vue-reactivity: proxy keys method (695f2d7)
- vue-reactivity: proxy object keys (e9ef738)
- vue-reactivity: reactive system (375a7b2)
- vue-reactivity: skip triggering current tracking effect (9bbede7)
- vue-ref: unwrapping refs (19ea39f)
- vue-slot: slot usage (8db3ddb)
- vue-SSR: client only component (04ebcb5)
- vue-teleport: built-in
component (6d673a5) - vue-template: class and style bindings syntax (90b710a)
- vue-transition: built-in transition component (feb31da)
- vue-watcher: effect watcher and post watcher (70969e9)
- vue-watcher: implicit deep watcher (2e8c23d)
- vue: built-in
component (c682d15) - vue: component
advanced usage (1bbb202) - vue: patch dynamic blocks (3719d24)
- vue: setup render context (ffe2e70)
- web-devops: hot module replacement internals (0a770d2)
- web-jamstack: islands architecture (0605754)
- web-library: atomic stores (730491b)
- web-library: audio visualization library (b9fb4bb)
- web-library: automate e2e testing library (63b44ba)
- web-library: automate visual testing (96f170a)
- web-library: carousel library (775a69f)
- web-library: chat component (fc9d3db)
- web-library: chrome remote interface (5a05a4c)
- web-library: command palette menu (57bad65)
- web-library: crawler library (66fda84)
- web-library: memory leaks and heap snapshots analysis tool (aac84b7)
- web-library: React prototyping tool (d29998a)
- web-library: tour guide library (5afe28b)
- web-library: visual testing library (6334e88)
- web-library: WebSockets server (4d7b673)
- web-network: service worker cache (367097e)
- web-performance: chrome lighthouse audit tab (7b47932)
- web-performance: core web vitals (72138b2)
- web-performance: image pre-fetching (8d7a864)
- web-performance: reduce web font size guide (ebb249d)
- web-performance: web vitals guide (937a50e)
- web-pwa: advanced PWA offline features (b46df58)
- web-security: CSP directives (53d1db6)
- web-security: same site cookie recipes (a770eee)
- web-security: sanitize URL (cfc256f)
- web-security: security headers list (b79da3e)
- web-security: supply chain threats (14525b9)
- web-SEO: google SEO testing tools (3f8d292)
- web-SSR: hydration targets (40a123f)
- web-SSR: isomorphic router and store (64fa641)
- web-SSR: SSR components (49811ed)
- web-SSR: SSR hydration flicking (ca7f013)
- web-SSR: vue SSR guide (fefb3fc)
- web: framework design principles (2482d91)
- web: modern web framework internals (d13a667)
- web: virtual dom for declarative UI performance (bb4a07a)