This document provides an overview of the Shipment data model, focusing on its core entities - Shipment, ShipmentItem, ShipmentPackage, and ShipmentRouteSegment. It describes the structure for managing both incoming and outgoing shipments, handling route segments, and tracking shipment packages. Additionally, we provide sample JSON data for shipment creation.
Example: John Doe orders a product from ABC Organization. The order is split into two packages and shipped via ground transport, with tracking for both packages and costs associated with each route segment.
- Description: Represents the overall shipment, tracking details such as the type of shipment, origin, destination, status, and costs.
- Key Attribute:
- Example: Let's create a shipment record for an outgoing sales order.
"Shipment": {
"shipmentId": "SHIP001",
"shipmentTypeEnumId": "SALES_SHIPMENT",
"fromPartyId": "ORG456",
"toPartyId": "PER123",
"estimatedShipDate": "2024-09-16",
"statusId": "PACKED",
"estimatedShipCost": 15.00,
"costUomId": "USD",
"binLocationNumber": 10
- Description: Represents the items in a shipment, detailing the product and quantity being shipped.
- Key Attributes:
- Example: Let's create shipment items for the shipment.
"ShipmentItem": {
"shipmentId": "SHIP001",
"productId": "PROD20001",
"quantity": 1
- Description: Represents the packaging of items in a shipment. Each package may contain one or more shipment items.
- Key Attributes:
- Example: Let's create shipment packages for the shipment.
"ShipmentPackage": {
"shipmentId": "SHIP001",
"shipmentPackageSeqId": "00001",
"weight": 5,
"weightUomId": "LBS"
- Description: Tracks the contents of each package, associating each shipment item with the package it is contained in.
- Key Attributes:
- Example: Let's track which items are in each package.
"ShipmentPackageContent": {
"shipmentId": "SHIP001",
"shipmentPackageSeqId": "00001",
"productId": "PROD20001",
"quantity": "1"
- Description: Represents the route of the shipment, detailing the carrier, origin, and destination.
- Key Attributes:
- Example: Let's create a route segment for the shipment.
"ShipmentRouteSegment": {
"shipmentId": "SHIP001",
"shipmentRouteSegmentSeqId": "SEG001",
"carrierPartyId": "CARRIER001",
"shipmentMethodEnumId": "GROUND",
"originPostalContactMechId": "LOC001",
"destPostalContactMechId": "LOC002"
- Description: Represents the route of the shipment, detailing the carrier, origin, and destination.
- Key Attributes:
- Example: Let's create a route segment for the shipment.
"ShipmentPackageRouteSeg": {
"shipmentId": "SHIP001",
"shipmentRouteSegmentSeqId": "SEG001",
"shipmentPackageSeqId": "00001",
"trackingCode": "4455667788",
"labelImage": "/images/shippingLabel/4455667788.jpeg",
"labelPrinted": "PRINTED"
- Description: Tracks the relationship between shipment items and their associated orders or returns.
- Key Attributes: shipmentItemSeqId, orderId, orderItemSeqId
- Example: Let's link the shipment items to their corresponding order items.
"ShipmentItemSource": {
"shipmentId": "SHIP001",
"productId": "PROD20001",
"quantity": 1,
"orderId": "ORD789",
"orderItemSeqId": "00001",
"statusId": "PACKED"
"Shipment": {
"shipmentId": "SHIP001",
"shipmentTypeEnumId": "SALES_SHIPMENT",
"fromPartyId": "ORG456",
"toPartyId": "PER123",
"estimatedShipDate": "2024-09-16",
"statusId": "PACKED",
"estimatedShipCost": 15.00,
"costUomId": "USD",
"binLocationNumber": 10,
"ShipmentItem": {
"productId": "PROD20001",
"quantity": 1
"ShipmentPackage": {
"shipmentPackageSeqId": "00001",
"weight": 5,
"weightUomId": "LBS",
"ShipmentPackageContent": {
"productId": "PROD20001",
"quantity": "1"
"ShipmentRouteSegment": {
"shipmentRouteSegmentSeqId": "SEG001",
"carrierPartyId": "CARRIER001",
"shipmentMethodEnumId": "GROUND",
"originPostalContactMechId": "LOC001",
"destPostalContactMechId": "LOC002",
"ShipmentPackageRouteSeg": {
"shipmentPackageSeqId": "00001",
"trackingCode": "4455667788",
"labelImage": "/images/shippingLabel/4455667788.jpeg",
"labelPrinted": "PRINTED"