img = ArrayImgs.floats((float[]) fp.getPixels(), dims);
+ fp.setMinAndMax(0, 255);
+ ip.setPixels(0, fp);
+ }
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2ba98d836
--- /dev/null
+++ b/render-app/src/main/java/org/janelia/alignment/intensity/
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+package org.janelia.alignment.intensity;
+import net.imglib2.util.IntervalIndexer;
+import net.imglib2.util.Intervals;
+import static net.imglib2.util.Util.safeInt;
+ * Holds flattened coefficient array and dimensions.
+ */
+public class Coefficients {
+ private final int[] size;
+ private final int[] strides;
+ /**
+ * {@code flattenedCoefficients[i]} holds the flattened array of the i-the coefficient.
+ * That is, for linear map {@code y=a*x+b}, {@code flattenedCoefficients[0]} holds all the {@code a}s and
+ * {@code flattenedCoefficients[1]} holds all the {@code b}s.
+ */
+ final float[][] flattenedCoefficients;
+ public Coefficients(
+ final double[][] coefficients,
+ final int... fieldDimensions) {
+ this((c, f) -> coefficients[f][c], coefficients[0].length, fieldDimensions);
+ }
+ @FunctionalInterface
+ public interface CoefficientFunction {
+ double apply(int coefficientIndex, int flattenedFieldIndex);
+ }
+ public Coefficients(
+ final CoefficientFunction coefficients,
+ final int numCoefficients,
+ final int... fieldDimensions) {
+ final int numElements = safeInt(Intervals.numElements(fieldDimensions));
+ size = fieldDimensions.clone();
+ strides = IntervalIndexer.createAllocationSteps(size);
+ flattenedCoefficients = new float[numCoefficients][numElements];
+ for (int j = 0; j < numCoefficients; ++j) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < numElements; ++i) {
+ flattenedCoefficients[j][i] = (float) coefficients.apply(j, i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ int size(final int d) {
+ return size[d];
+ }
+ int stride(final int d) {
+ return strides[d];
+ }
+ int numDimensions() {
+ return size.length;
+ }
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4f6c4334d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/render-app/src/main/java/org/janelia/alignment/intensity/
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+package org.janelia.alignment.intensity;
+import net.imglib2.Dimensions;
+import net.imglib2.algorithm.blocks.AbstractBlockProcessor;
+import net.imglib2.algorithm.blocks.BlockProcessor;
+import net.imglib2.algorithm.blocks.BlockSupplier;
+import net.imglib2.algorithm.blocks.ClampType;
+import net.imglib2.algorithm.blocks.DefaultUnaryBlockOperator;
+import net.imglib2.algorithm.blocks.UnaryBlockOperator;
+import net.imglib2.blocks.TempArray;
+import net.imglib2.type.NativeType;
+import net.imglib2.type.PrimitiveType;
+import net.imglib2.type.numeric.real.FloatType;
+import net.imglib2.util.Cast;
+import net.imglib2.util.IntervalIndexer;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.function.Function;
+import static net.imglib2.type.PrimitiveType.FLOAT;
+public class FastLinearIntensityMap {
+ /**
+ * Apply an interpolated linear intensity map to blocks of the standard
+ * ImgLib2 {@code RealType}s.
+ *
+ * The returned factory function creates an operator matching the type a
+ * given input {@code BlockSupplier}.
+ *
+ * @param coefficients
+ * @param imageDimensions
+ * @param the input/output type
+ * @return factory for {@code UnaryBlockOperator} to intensity-map blocks of type {@code T}
+ */
+ public static > Function, UnaryBlockOperator> linearIntensityMap(
+ final Coefficients coefficients,
+ final Dimensions imageDimensions) {
+ return s -> createLinearIntensityMapOperator(
+ s.getType(), s.numDimensions(), coefficients, imageDimensions, ClampType.CLAMP);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a {@code UnaryBlockOperator} to apply an interpolated linear
+ * intensity map to blocks of the standard ImgLib2 {@code RealType}s.
+ *
+ * @param type instance of the input type
+ * @param coefficients
+ * @param imageDimensions
+ * @param clampType
+ * @param the input/output type
+ * @return {@code UnaryBlockOperator} to intensity-map blocks of type {@code T}
+ */
+ public static > UnaryBlockOperator createLinearIntensityMapOperator(
+ final T type,
+ final int numDimensions,
+ final Coefficients coefficients,
+ final Dimensions imageDimensions,
+ final ClampType clampType) {
+ if (numDimensions != imageDimensions.numDimensions() || numDimensions != coefficients.numDimensions()) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("numDimensions mismatch");
+ }
+ final FloatType floatType = new FloatType();
+ final LinearIntensityMapProcessor processor = new LinearIntensityMapProcessor(TransformCoefficients.create(imageDimensions, coefficients));
+ final UnaryBlockOperator op = new DefaultUnaryBlockOperator<>(floatType, floatType, numDimensions,numDimensions, processor);
+ return op.adaptSourceType(type, ClampType.NONE).adaptTargetType(type, clampType);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Apply LinearIntensityMap defined by {@code TransformCoefficients} to {@code float[]} blocks.
+ */
+ static class LinearIntensityMapProcessor extends AbstractBlockProcessor {
+ private final TransformCoefficients coefficients;
+ private final int[] sourceStride;
+ private final long[] start;
+ private final TempArray< float[] >[] tempArrays;
+ public LinearIntensityMapProcessor(final TransformCoefficients coefficients) {
+ super(PrimitiveType.FLOAT, coefficients.numDimensions());
+ this.coefficients = coefficients;
+ final int n = coefficients.numDimensions();
+ sourceStride = new int[n];
+ start = new long[n];
+ tempArrays = Cast.unchecked(new TempArray[4]);
+ Arrays.setAll(tempArrays, i -> TempArray.forPrimitiveType(FLOAT));
+ }
+ private LinearIntensityMapProcessor(final LinearIntensityMapProcessor processor) {
+ super(processor);
+ this.coefficients = processor.coefficients.independentCopy();
+ final int n = coefficients.numDimensions();
+ sourceStride = new int[n];
+ start = new long[n];
+ tempArrays = Cast.unchecked(new TempArray[4]);
+ Arrays.setAll(tempArrays, i -> TempArray.forPrimitiveType(FLOAT));
+ }
+ @Override
+ public BlockProcessor independentCopy() {
+ return new LinearIntensityMapProcessor(this);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void compute(final float[] src, final float[] dst) {
+ start[0] = sourcePos[0];
+ IntervalIndexer.createAllocationSteps(sourceSize, sourceStride);
+ final int len = sourceSize[0];
+ final float[] tmp_coeff0 = tempArrays[0].get(len);
+ final float[] tmp_coeff1 = tempArrays[1].get(len);
+ final float[] tmp_lsrc = tempArrays[2].get(len);
+ final float[] tmp_ldst = tempArrays[3].get(len);
+ compute(sourcePos.length - 1, src, dst, 0, tmp_coeff0, tmp_coeff1, tmp_lsrc, tmp_ldst);
+ }
+ private void compute(final int d, final float[] src, final float[] dst, final int o,
+ final float[] tmp_coeff0, final float[] tmp_coeff1,
+ final float[] tmp_lsrc, final float[] tmp_ldst) {
+ final int len = sourceSize[d];
+ if (d > 0) {
+ final long p0 = sourcePos[d];
+ for (int p = 0; p < len; ++p) {
+ start[d] = p0 + p;
+ compute(d - 1, src, dst, o + p * sourceStride[d], tmp_coeff0, tmp_coeff1, tmp_lsrc, tmp_ldst);
+ }
+ } else {
+ coefficients.line(start, len, 0, tmp_coeff0);
+ coefficients.line(start, len, 1, tmp_coeff1);
+ System.arraycopy(src, o, tmp_lsrc, 0, len);
+ map(tmp_lsrc, tmp_coeff0, tmp_coeff1, tmp_ldst, len);
+ System.arraycopy(tmp_ldst, 0, dst, o, len);
+ }
+ }
+ private static void map(final float[] src, final float[] a, final float[] b, final float[] dst, final int len) {
+ for (int x = 0; x < len; ++x) {
+ dst[x] = src[x] * a[x] + b[x];
+ }
+ }
+ }
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f9d97cf36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/render-app/src/main/java/org/janelia/alignment/intensity/
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+package org.janelia.alignment.intensity;
+import net.imglib2.Dimensions;
+import net.imglib2.algorithm.blocks.AbstractBlockProcessor;
+import net.imglib2.algorithm.blocks.BlockProcessor;
+import net.imglib2.algorithm.blocks.BlockSupplier;
+import net.imglib2.algorithm.blocks.ClampType;
+import net.imglib2.algorithm.blocks.DefaultUnaryBlockOperator;
+import net.imglib2.algorithm.blocks.UnaryBlockOperator;
+import net.imglib2.blocks.TempArray;
+import net.imglib2.type.NativeType;
+import net.imglib2.type.PrimitiveType;
+import net.imglib2.type.numeric.real.FloatType;
+import net.imglib2.util.Cast;
+import net.imglib2.util.IntervalIndexer;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.function.Function;
+import static net.imglib2.type.PrimitiveType.FLOAT;
+public class FastQuadraticIntensityMap {
+ /**
+ * Apply an interpolated quadratic intensity map to blocks of the standard
+ * ImgLib2 {@code RealType}s.
+ *
+ * The returned factory function creates an operator matching the type a
+ * given input {@code BlockSupplier}.
+ *
+ * @param coefficients
+ * @param imageDimensions
+ * @param the input/output type
+ * @return factory for {@code UnaryBlockOperator} to intensity-map blocks of type {@code T}
+ */
+ public static > Function, UnaryBlockOperator> quadraticIntensityMap(
+ final Coefficients coefficients,
+ final Dimensions imageDimensions) {
+ return s -> createQuadraticIntensityMapOperator(
+ s.getType(), s.numDimensions(), coefficients, imageDimensions, ClampType.CLAMP);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a {@code UnaryBlockOperator} to apply an interpolated quadratic
+ * intensity map to blocks of the standard ImgLib2 {@code RealType}s.
+ *
+ * @param type instance of the input type
+ * @param coefficients
+ * @param imageDimensions
+ * @param clampType
+ * @param the input/output type
+ * @return {@code UnaryBlockOperator} to intensity-map blocks of type {@code T}
+ */
+ public static > UnaryBlockOperator createQuadraticIntensityMapOperator(
+ final T type,
+ final int numDimensions,
+ final Coefficients coefficients,
+ final Dimensions imageDimensions,
+ final ClampType clampType) {
+ if (numDimensions != imageDimensions.numDimensions() || numDimensions != coefficients.numDimensions()) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("numDimensions mismatch");
+ }
+ final FloatType floatType = new FloatType();
+ final QuadraticIntensityMapProcessor processor = new QuadraticIntensityMapProcessor(TransformCoefficients.create(imageDimensions, coefficients));
+ final UnaryBlockOperator op = new DefaultUnaryBlockOperator<>(floatType, floatType, numDimensions,numDimensions, processor);
+ return op.adaptSourceType(type, ClampType.NONE).adaptTargetType(type, clampType);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Apply LinearIntensityMap defined by {@code TransformCoefficients} to {@code float[]} blocks.
+ */
+ static class QuadraticIntensityMapProcessor extends AbstractBlockProcessor {
+ private final TransformCoefficients coefficients;
+ private final int[] sourceStride;
+ private final long[] start;
+ private final TempArray< float[] >[] tempArrays;
+ public QuadraticIntensityMapProcessor(final TransformCoefficients coefficients) {
+ super(PrimitiveType.FLOAT, coefficients.numDimensions());
+ this.coefficients = coefficients;
+ final int n = coefficients.numDimensions();
+ sourceStride = new int[n];
+ start = new long[n];
+ tempArrays = Cast.unchecked(new TempArray[5]);
+ Arrays.setAll(tempArrays, i -> TempArray.forPrimitiveType(FLOAT));
+ }
+ private QuadraticIntensityMapProcessor(final QuadraticIntensityMapProcessor processor) {
+ super(processor);
+ this.coefficients = processor.coefficients.independentCopy();
+ final int n = coefficients.numDimensions();
+ sourceStride = new int[n];
+ start = new long[n];
+ tempArrays = Cast.unchecked(new TempArray[5]);
+ Arrays.setAll(tempArrays, i -> TempArray.forPrimitiveType(FLOAT));
+ }
+ @Override
+ public BlockProcessor independentCopy() {
+ return new QuadraticIntensityMapProcessor(this);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void compute(final float[] src, final float[] dst) {
+ start[0] = sourcePos[0];
+ IntervalIndexer.createAllocationSteps(sourceSize, sourceStride);
+ final int len = sourceSize[0];
+ final float[] tmp_coeff0 = tempArrays[0].get(len);
+ final float[] tmp_coeff1 = tempArrays[1].get(len);
+ final float[] tmp_coeff2 = tempArrays[2].get(len);
+ final float[] tmp_lsrc = tempArrays[3].get(len);
+ final float[] tmp_ldst = tempArrays[4].get(len);
+ compute(sourcePos.length - 1, src, dst, 0, tmp_coeff0, tmp_coeff1, tmp_coeff2, tmp_lsrc, tmp_ldst);
+ }
+ private void compute(final int d, final float[] src, final float[] dst, final int o,
+ final float[] tmp_coeff0, final float[] tmp_coeff1, final float[] tmp_coeff2,
+ final float[] tmp_lsrc, final float[] tmp_ldst) {
+ final int len = sourceSize[d];
+ if (d > 0) {
+ final long p0 = sourcePos[d];
+ for (int p = 0; p < len; ++p) {
+ start[d] = p0 + p;
+ compute(d - 1, src, dst, o + p * sourceStride[d], tmp_coeff0, tmp_coeff1, tmp_coeff2, tmp_lsrc, tmp_ldst);
+ }
+ } else {
+ coefficients.line(start, len, 0, tmp_coeff0);
+ coefficients.line(start, len, 1, tmp_coeff1);
+ coefficients.line(start, len, 2, tmp_coeff2);
+ System.arraycopy(src, o, tmp_lsrc, 0, len);
+ map(tmp_lsrc, tmp_coeff0, tmp_coeff1, tmp_coeff2, tmp_ldst, len);
+ System.arraycopy(tmp_ldst, 0, dst, o, len);
+ }
+ }
+ private static void map(final float[] src, final float[] a, final float[] b, final float[] c, final float[] dst, final int len) {
+ for (int x = 0; x < len; ++x) {
+ final float sx = src[x];
+ dst[x] = sx * sx * a[x] + sx * b[x] + c[x];
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/render-app/src/main/java/org/janelia/alignment/intensity/ b/render-app/src/main/java/org/janelia/alignment/intensity/
index dfa6ba03c..153fc4fa1 100644
--- a/render-app/src/main/java/org/janelia/alignment/intensity/
+++ b/render-app/src/main/java/org/janelia/alignment/intensity/
@@ -171,6 +171,7 @@ public < S extends NumericType< S > > void run( final RandomAccessibleInterval<
// this is before applying any image transformations
final double[] s = new double[ dimensions.numDimensions() ];
for ( int d = 0; d < s.length; ++d )
+ // TODO: probably a bug!? integer division in floating point context...
s[ d ] = image.dimension( d ) / dimensions.dimension( d );
final Scale scale = new Scale( s );
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eddcb8da7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/render-app/src/main/java/org/janelia/alignment/intensity/
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+package org.janelia.alignment.intensity;
+import net.imglib2.Dimensions;
+import net.imglib2.blocks.TempArray;
+import net.imglib2.util.Cast;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import static net.imglib2.type.PrimitiveType.FLOAT;
+ * Apply scaling and translation to {@code Coefficients} array.
+ * Use {@link #line} to extract an X line segment of transformed interpolated coefficients.
+ */
+class TransformCoefficients {
+ private final Coefficients coefficients;
+ private final int n;
+ private final double[] g;
+ private final double[] h;
+ private final float[] sof;
+ private final int[] S;
+ private final TempArray[] tempArrays;
+ static TransformCoefficients create(final Dimensions target, final Coefficients coefficients) {
+ final int n = coefficients.numDimensions();
+ final double[] scale = new double[n];
+ Arrays.setAll(scale, d -> target.dimension(d) / coefficients.size(d));
+ // TODO: probably a bug!? integer division in floating point context...
+ // It should be this instead:
+ // Arrays.setAll(scale, d -> (double) target.dimension(d) / coefficients.size(d));
+ // but we keep the bug for compatibility for now
+ // shift everything in xy by 0.5 pixels so the coefficient sits in the middle of the block
+ final double[] translation = new double[n];
+ Arrays.setAll(translation, d -> 0.5 * scale[d]);
+ return new TransformCoefficients(scale, translation, coefficients);
+ }
+ TransformCoefficients(final double[] scale, final double[] translation, final Coefficients coefficients) {
+ this.coefficients = coefficients;
+ n = coefficients.numDimensions();
+ g = new double[n];
+ h = new double[n];
+ sof = new float[n];
+ S = new int[n];
+ Arrays.setAll(g, d -> 1.0 / scale[d]);
+ Arrays.setAll(h, d -> -translation[d] * g[d]);
+ tempArrays = Cast.unchecked(new TempArray[n]);
+ Arrays.setAll(tempArrays, i -> TempArray.forPrimitiveType(FLOAT));
+ }
+ private TransformCoefficients(TransformCoefficients t) {
+ this.coefficients = t.coefficients;
+ this.n = t.n;
+ this.g = t.g;
+ this.h = t.h;
+ this.sof = new float[n];
+ this.S = new int[n];
+ tempArrays = Cast.unchecked(new TempArray[n]);
+ Arrays.setAll(tempArrays, i -> TempArray.forPrimitiveType(FLOAT));
+ }
+ void line(final long[] start, final int len0, final int coeff_index, final float[] target) {
+ final float[] coeff = coefficients.flattenedCoefficients[coeff_index];
+ for (int d = 0; d < n; ++d) {
+ sof[d] = (float) (g[d] * start[d] + h[d]);
+ S[d] = (int) Math.floor(sof[d]);
+ }
+ final int Smax = (int) Math.floor(len0 * g[0] + sof[0]) + 1;
+ final int L0 = Smax - S[0] + 1;
+ // interpolate all dimensions > 0 into tmp array
+ final float[] tmp = tempArrays[0].get(L0);
+ int o = 0;
+ for (int d = 1; d < n; ++d) {
+ final int posd = Math.min(Math.max(S[d], 0), coefficients.size(d) - 1);
+ o += coefficients.stride(d) * posd;
+ }
+ interpolate_coeff_line(1, L0, coeff, tmp, o);
+ // interpolate in dim0 into target array
+ float s0f = sof[0] - S[0];
+ final float step = (float) g[0];
+ for (int x = 0; x < len0; ++x) {
+ final int s0 = (int) s0f;
+ final float r0 = s0f - s0;
+ final float a0 = tmp[s0];
+ final float a1 = tmp[s0 + 1];
+ target[x] = a0 + r0 * (a1 - a0);
+ s0f += step;
+ }
+ }
+ private void interpolate_coeff_line(final int d, final int L0, final float[] coeff, final float[] dest, final int o) {
+ if (d < n) {
+ interpolate_coeff_line(d + 1, L0, coeff, dest, o);
+ if (S[d] >= 0 && S[d] <= coefficients.size(d) - 2) {
+ final float[] tmp = tempArrays[d].get(L0);
+ interpolate_coeff_line(d + 1, L0, coeff, tmp, o + coefficients.stride(d));
+ final float r = sof[d] - S[d];
+ interpolate(dest, tmp, r, L0);
+ }
+ } else {
+ padded_coeff_line(S[0], L0, coeff, dest, o);
+ }
+ }
+ private void padded_coeff_line(final int x0, final int len, final float[] coeff, final float[] dest, final int o) {
+ final int w = coefficients.size(0);
+ final int pad_left = Math.max(0, Math.min(len, -x0));
+ final int pad_right = Math.max(0, Math.min(len, x0 + len - w));
+ final int copy_len = len - pad_left - pad_right;
+ if (pad_left > 0) {
+ Arrays.fill(dest, 0, pad_left, coeff[o]);
+ }
+ if (copy_len > 0) {
+ System.arraycopy(coeff, o + x0 + pad_left, dest, pad_left, copy_len);
+ }
+ if (pad_right > 0) {
+ Arrays.fill(dest, len - pad_right, len, coeff[w - 1]);
+ }
+ }
+ // elements a[i] are set to (1-r) * a[i] + r * b[i]
+ private void interpolate(final float[] a, final float[] b, final float r, final int len) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
+ a[i] += r * (b[i] - a[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ TransformCoefficients independentCopy() {
+ return new TransformCoefficients(this);
+ }
+ int numDimensions() {
+ return n;
+ }