Last Updated: January 13th, 2024
- Change the terminology from Vendor to Seller
Make the snackbar global, rather than individual elements creating it- Change the custom components to allow additional sx styling
- Fix the Google OAuth Button resizing issues
- Tabs to display the different sections of the page
- A button to conveniently scroll-up the page
- Submission form in the 'Contact Us' section
Third-party sign-up (Google & GitHub) functionalityAllow the user to choose either a buyer or seller roleAllow the user to create a seller profile- Require email verification upon account creation
Third-party log-in (Google & GitHub) functionality- Allow the user to recover their password
- Allow the user to update their email and password
- Create the functionality to add multiple addresses
- Allow buyers to see the review score for sellers and their menu items
- Allow buyers to filter the sellers list by distance between the selected address and the seller
- Implement pagination with a limit of 10 sellers per page
- Calculate tax depending on the user's selected address
- Allow users to make payments using with:
- Credit card
- PayPal
- Apple pay
- Google pay
- View previous & current orders
- Allow the user to update the status of the order
- For Buyers: cancelling their order
- For Sellers: updating the status of the order
- Allow a buyer to create a review on completed orders
- Allow a buyer to create (and later modify) a review for a seller
- Allow a buyer to review menu items that ordered
- Allow sellers to view their menu
- Functionality to make changes to existing items
- Functionality for a seller to create new menu items and delete old ones
- Allow sellers to see statistics on their performance
- A user will now either be a buyer or seller
- The address and phone number fields will be moved to user model
- Multiple addresses for a user will be allowed
- Functionality to update a user's credentials
A third party API for address suggestion/validation will be incorporated
- Endpoints for review functionality
- A buyer's reviews will be stored
- Change the terminology from Vendor to Seller
- Pagination for the allVendors endpoing
- Search for vendors within a certain distance
- An update review score
Signup & Login with: Google, GitHub- Payments with: Credit card, PayPal, Apple pay, Google pay
- Functionality to contact the developer via email
- Jest testing for the items endpoints