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s4pe V0.5.1-beta

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@cmarNYC cmarNYC released this 12 Jul 13:32
· 55 commits to develop since this release

New wrappers / fixes contributed by Peter Jones:

-Lot Description/LOTD
-World Description/WRLD
-World Map/WMAP
-LITE fix
-World Object Data/WOBD
-Region Description/REGD
-Terrain Blend Map/TNBM
-Various fixes

Updates / fixes since 0.5.0 beta by CmarNYC:

-Updated BGEO wrapper for correct unpacked blend and vector values
-Additional decoding of Hotspot Control/HOTC
-Fixed cloning of channels in CLIP (credit to AllTheTimeAngry)
-Corrected LinkTag field and allow addition/deletion of Blend/BGEO link in Sculpt/SCPT and SimModifier/SMOD
-Backward compatibility with XML text for DATA
-XML support for 0xB8BF1A63 (untested)

To post feedback you can use this thread at MTS.

You MUST use 7-zip to uncompress the binary : 7-zip is free and available here. Extract the .7z, open the folder, and run s4pe.exe.