A preprocessor for config files
bash_expand [OPTION]... [input-file]...
for full details on the input options see `man perl`
Basic input output:
- bash_expand [input-file] > [output-file]
Read from stdin
- cat [input-file] | bash_expand > [output-file]
Edit inplace
- bash_expand -i [input-file]
bash_expand is a preprocessor for config files that allows the use of
INLINE BASH COMMANDS in normal config files. It effectively is a turing
complete preprocessor for config files. It performs the following to the
1. Take everything _between_ {{ }} and apply bash expansion (using echo).
Some uses:
- {{$HOME}}
- {{$(ls /some/dir)}}
2. treat every _line_ that starts with a ; as a bash command
Some uses:
; source some_script_that_sets_vars.sh
; export $VAR = $(command)
; if [[ -z $VAR ]]; then
some config
; else
some other config
; fi
;# this is a comment that always works, even in json files
3. take every line that look like "; import <file>" and replace it with this
script applied to that file. This also allows for recursion, so BE CAREFUL
with your exit conditions. Too many levels of recursion can exhaust the
script'\''s stack space, causing a segfault ;p