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Daniel Tartarotti Sobrosa edited this page Mar 28, 2014 · 30 revisions

The Button class constructs objects that represent a single digital Button attached to the physical board.


  • pin A Number or String address for the Button pin (digital).
var button = new five.Button(5);


// Attached to TinkerKit's "Input 0"
var button = new five.Button("I0");
  • options An object of property parameters.
Property Name Type Value(s) Description Required
pin Number, String 5, "I1" (Any digital pin on board) The Number or String address of the pin the button is attached to, ie. 5 or "I1" yes
invert Boolean true or false Invert the up and down values no
isPullup Boolean true or false Initialize as a pullup button no
holdtime Number milliseconds Number of milliseconds the button must be held until emitting a "hold" event. Defaults to 500ms no
```js // A basic button // // - attached to pin 5 // - emits down/press event // var button = new five.Button(5);

button.on("press", function() { console.log( "Button has been pressed" ); });

### Shape

{ id: A user definable id value. Defaults to a generated uid pin: The pin address that the Button is attached to

downValue: 0 or 1, depending on invert or pullup upValue: 0 or 1, depending on invert or pullup holdtime: milliseconds }

### Usage
var five = require("johnny-five"), 
    board = new five.Board();

board.on("ready", function() {

  // Create a new `button` hardware instance.
  var button = new five.Button(5);

  button.on("hold", function() {
    console.log( "Button held" );

  button.on("press", function() {
    console.log( "Button pressed" );

  button.on("release", function() {
    console.log( "Button released" );



  • hold The button has been held for holdtime milliseconds

  • down, press The button has been pressed.

  • up, release The button has been released.


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