The k8s-fluxcd-helm-health
codebundle checks for helm related resources within the Kubernetes cluster to surface up potential issues.
This TaskSet looks for any helmreleases in the specified namespace within the configured context and:
- prints a list of every helmrelease and it's status
- prints a list of all helm release version details
- prints a list of helm releases that have mismatched versions (e.g. last attempted version doesn't match the running version)
- prints all helmreleases that are not healthy along with the associated error messages
Example configuration:
With the example above, the TaskSet will collect the above mentioned data from the vault
namespace in the sandbox-cluster-1
cluster for the resources with a shortname of helmreleases
- A kubeconfig with
permissions to on the objects/namespaces that are involved in the query.
- Add additional rbac and kubectl resources and use cases
- Add an SLI for measuing helmrelease health
- Add additional troubleshooting tasks as use cases evolve