diff --git a/src/ksoroban/kdist/soroban-semantics/data.md b/src/ksoroban/kdist/soroban-semantics/data.md
index e876155..5687482 100644
--- a/src/ksoroban/kdist/soroban-semantics/data.md
+++ b/src/ksoroban/kdist/soroban-semantics/data.md
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ storing data on the host side.
| I32(Int) [symbol(SCVal:I32)]
| U64(Int) [symbol(SCVal:U64)]
| I64(Int) [symbol(SCVal:I64)]
+ | U128(Int) [symbol(SCVal:U128)]
| ScVec(List) [symbol(SCVal:Vec)]
| ScMap(Map) [symbol(SCVal:Map)]
| ScAddress(Address) [symbol(SCVal:Address)]
@@ -115,6 +116,8 @@ module HOST-OBJECT
rule getTag(U64(I)) => 6 requires I <=Int #maxU64small
rule getTag(U64(I)) => 64 requires notBool( I <=Int #maxU64small )
rule getTag(I64(_)) => 65 // I64small is not implemented
+ rule getTag(U128(I)) => 10 requires I <=Int #maxU64small
+ rule getTag(U128(I)) => 68 requires notBool( I <=Int #maxU64small ) // U64small and U128small have the same width
rule getTag(ScVec(_)) => 75
rule getTag(ScMap(_)) => 76
rule getTag(ScAddress(_)) => 77
@@ -179,6 +182,8 @@ module HOST-OBJECT
rule fromSmall(VAL) => U64(getBody(VAL)) requires getTag(VAL) ==Int 6
+ rule fromSmall(VAL) => U128(getBody(VAL)) requires getTag(VAL) ==Int 10
// return `Void` for invalid values
rule fromSmall(_) => Void [owise]
@@ -197,6 +202,7 @@ module HOST-OBJECT
rule toSmall(I32(I)) => fromMajorMinorAndTag(#unsigned(i32, I), 0, 5)
requires definedUnsigned(i32, I)
rule toSmall(U64(I)) => fromBodyAndTag(I, 6) requires I <=Int #maxU64small
+ rule toSmall(U128(I)) => fromBodyAndTag(I, 10) requires I <=Int #maxU64small
rule toSmall(_) => HostVal(-1) [owise]
syntax Bool ::= toSmallValid(ScVal)
diff --git a/src/ksoroban/kdist/soroban-semantics/host/integer.md b/src/ksoroban/kdist/soroban-semantics/host/integer.md
index 5db9c6c..de1bcb9 100644
--- a/src/ksoroban/kdist/soroban-semantics/host/integer.md
+++ b/src/ksoroban/kdist/soroban-semantics/host/integer.md
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ module HOST-INTEGER
returnI64 => i64.const #unsigned(i64, I) ...
I64(I) : S => S
requires definedUnsigned(i64, I)
- [preserves-definedness]
+ [preserves-definedness] // definedness of '#unsigned(,)' is checked
rule [returnHostVal]:
returnHostVal => i64.const I ...
@@ -53,5 +53,51 @@ module HOST-INTEGER
0 |-> < i64 > VAL
+ rule [hostfun-obj-from-u128-pieces]:
+ hostCall ( "i" , "3" , [ i64 i64 .ValTypes ] -> [ i64 .ValTypes ] )
+ => #waitCommands
+ ~> returnHostVal
+ ...
+ 0 |-> < i64 > HIGH
+ 1 |-> < i64 > LOW
+ (.K => allocObject( U128((HIGH <
+ rule [hostfun-obj-to-u128-lo64]:
+ hostCall ( "i" , "4" , [ i64 .ValTypes ] -> [ i64 .ValTypes ] )
+ => loadObject(HostVal(VAL))
+ ~> u128low64
+ ...
+ 0 |-> < i64 > VAL
+ syntax InternalInstr ::= "u128low64" [symbol(u128low64)]
+ // ---------------------------------------------------------------
+ rule [u128-low64]:
+ u128low64 => i64.const I ... // 'i64.const N' chops N to 64 bits
+ U128(I) : S => S
+ rule [hostfun-obj-to-u128-hi64]:
+ hostCall ( "i" , "5" , [ i64 .ValTypes ] -> [ i64 .ValTypes ] )
+ => loadObject(HostVal(VAL))
+ ~> u128high64
+ ...
+ 0 |-> < i64 > VAL
+ syntax InternalInstr ::= "u128high64" [symbol(u128high64)]
+ // ---------------------------------------------------------------
+ rule [u128-high64]:
+ u128high64 => i64.const (I >>Int 64) ...
+ U128(I) : S => S
+ [preserves-definedness] // 'X >>Int K' is defined for positive K
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/tests/integration/data/add_u128.wast b/src/tests/integration/data/add_u128.wast
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb5d452
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tests/integration/data/add_u128.wast
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+uploadWasm( b"arith",
+(module $add_u128.wasm
+ (type (;0;) (func (param i64) (result i64)))
+ (type (;1;) (func (param i64 i64) (result i64)))
+ (type (;2;) (func (param i32 i64)))
+ (type (;3;) (func))
+ (import "i" "5" (func $_ZN17soroban_env_guest5guest3int16obj_to_u128_hi6417h645b49e080dcfdf6E (type 0)))
+ (import "i" "4" (func $_ZN17soroban_env_guest5guest3int16obj_to_u128_lo6417h0c596faaeffbf363E (type 0)))
+ (import "i" "3" (func $_ZN17soroban_env_guest5guest3int20obj_from_u128_pieces17h5d7cf2ad07a3899bE (type 1)))
+ (func $_ZN104_$LT$u128$u20$as$u20$soroban_env_common..convert..TryFromVal$LT$E$C$soroban_env_common..val..Val$GT$$GT$12try_from_val17h6b320ddacd75d7c2E (type 2) (param i32 i64)
+ (local i32 i64)
+ block ;; label = @1
+ block ;; label = @2
+ block ;; label = @3
+ local.get 1
+ i32.wrap_i64
+ i32.const 255
+ i32.and
+ local.tee 2
+ i32.const 68
+ i32.eq
+ br_if 0 (;@3;)
+ local.get 2
+ i32.const 10
+ i32.ne
+ br_if 1 (;@2;)
+ i64.const 0
+ local.set 3
+ local.get 0
+ i32.const 16
+ i32.add
+ i64.const 0
+ i64.store
+ local.get 0
+ local.get 1
+ i64.const 8
+ i64.shr_u
+ i64.store offset=8
+ br 2 (;@1;)
+ end
+ local.get 1
+ call $_ZN17soroban_env_guest5guest3int16obj_to_u128_hi6417h645b49e080dcfdf6E
+ local.set 3
+ local.get 1
+ call $_ZN17soroban_env_guest5guest3int16obj_to_u128_lo6417h0c596faaeffbf363E
+ local.set 1
+ local.get 0
+ i32.const 16
+ i32.add
+ local.get 3
+ i64.store
+ local.get 0
+ local.get 1
+ i64.store offset=8
+ i64.const 0
+ local.set 3
+ br 1 (;@1;)
+ end
+ local.get 0
+ i64.const 34359740419
+ i64.store offset=8
+ i64.const 1
+ local.set 3
+ end
+ local.get 0
+ local.get 3
+ i64.store)
+ (func $add (type 1) (param i64 i64) (result i64)
+ (local i32 i32 i64 i32)
+ global.get $__stack_pointer
+ i32.const 32
+ i32.sub
+ local.tee 2
+ global.set $__stack_pointer
+ local.get 2
+ i32.const 8
+ i32.add
+ local.get 0
+ call $_ZN104_$LT$u128$u20$as$u20$soroban_env_common..convert..TryFromVal$LT$E$C$soroban_env_common..val..Val$GT$$GT$12try_from_val17h6b320ddacd75d7c2E
+ block ;; label = @1
+ block ;; label = @2
+ local.get 2
+ i64.load offset=8
+ i64.eqz
+ i32.eqz
+ br_if 0 (;@2;)
+ local.get 2
+ i32.const 24
+ i32.add
+ local.tee 3
+ i64.load
+ local.set 4
+ local.get 2
+ i64.load offset=16
+ local.set 0
+ local.get 2
+ i32.const 8
+ i32.add
+ local.get 1
+ call $_ZN104_$LT$u128$u20$as$u20$soroban_env_common..convert..TryFromVal$LT$E$C$soroban_env_common..val..Val$GT$$GT$12try_from_val17h6b320ddacd75d7c2E
+ local.get 2
+ i64.load offset=8
+ i64.eqz
+ i32.eqz
+ br_if 0 (;@2;)
+ local.get 0
+ local.get 2
+ i64.load offset=16
+ i64.add
+ local.tee 1
+ local.get 0
+ i64.lt_u
+ local.tee 5
+ local.get 4
+ local.get 3
+ i64.load
+ i64.add
+ local.get 5
+ i64.extend_i32_u
+ i64.add
+ local.tee 0
+ local.get 4
+ i64.lt_u
+ local.get 0
+ local.get 4
+ i64.eq
+ select
+ i32.const 1
+ i32.eq
+ br_if 1 (;@1;)
+ block ;; label = @3
+ block ;; label = @4
+ local.get 1
+ i64.const 72057594037927935
+ i64.gt_u
+ local.get 0
+ i64.const 0
+ i64.ne
+ local.get 0
+ i64.eqz
+ select
+ br_if 0 (;@4;)
+ local.get 1
+ i64.const 8
+ i64.shl
+ i64.const 10
+ i64.or
+ local.set 0
+ br 1 (;@3;)
+ end
+ local.get 0
+ local.get 1
+ call $_ZN17soroban_env_guest5guest3int20obj_from_u128_pieces17h5d7cf2ad07a3899bE
+ local.set 0
+ end
+ local.get 2
+ i32.const 32
+ i32.add
+ global.set $__stack_pointer
+ local.get 0
+ return
+ end
+ unreachable
+ unreachable
+ end
+ call $_ZN4core9panicking5panic17hb157b525de3fe68dE
+ unreachable)
+ (func $_ZN4core9panicking5panic17hb157b525de3fe68dE (type 3)
+ call $_ZN4core9panicking9panic_fmt17hc7427f902a13f1a9E
+ unreachable)
+ (func $_ZN4core9panicking9panic_fmt17hc7427f902a13f1a9E (type 3)
+ unreachable
+ unreachable)
+ (func $_ (type 3))
+ (memory (;0;) 16)
+ (global $__stack_pointer (mut i32) (i32.const 1048576))
+ (global (;1;) i32 (i32.const 1048576))
+ (global (;2;) i32 (i32.const 1048576))
+ (export "memory" (memory 0))
+ (export "add" (func $add))
+ (export "_" (func $_))
+ (export "__data_end" (global 1))
+ (export "__heap_base" (global 2)))
+setAccount(Account(b"test-account"), 9876543210)
+ Account(b"test-account"),
+ Contract(b"calculator"),
+ b"arith",
+ .List
+ Account(b"test-caller"),
+ Contract(b"calculator"),
+ "add",
+ ListItem(U128(3)) ListItem(U128(5)),
+ U128(8)
+ Account(b"test-caller"),
+ Contract(b"calculator"),
+ "add",
+ ListItem(U128(1329227995784915872903807060280344576)) ListItem(U128(1152921504606846976)),
+ U128(1329227995784915874056728564887191552)
+ Account(b"test-caller"),
+ Contract(b"calculator"),
+ "add",
+ ListItem(U128(1329227995784915872903807060280344576)) ListItem(U128(1329227995784915872903807060280344576)),
+ U128(2658455991569831745807614120560689152)
\ No newline at end of file