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Vision Transformers

Vision Transformers apply the transformer architecture (Consisting of Multi Headed Attention (MHA) and Feed Forward Network (FFN) blocks) to a wide variety of vision tasks such as classification, object detection, semantic segmentation, etc. This document explains how vision transformers are currently supported with TIDL

Support for Vision Transformer Operators

The below table covers the current status of transformer operators:

No Module Functional Limitation Performance Gap Target Closure Timeline Additional Notes
1 Attention - MatMul
  • None
None NA
2 Attention - Softmax
  • Axis support – support along width (lowest axis) & height axis
None NA
3 Attention - Data reshape/movement
  • None
None NA
4 Layernorm
  • Axis support - Width axis (Lowest axis)
None NA
5 Patch embedding
  • None
None NA
6 Window shifting
  • None
None NA SWIN Transformer Specific
7 Patch merging
  • Supported only when channels (depth) are in the lowest dimension
None NA SWIN Transformer Specific
8 GELU None None NA


  • TIDL currently supports vision transformers via ONNX models only
  • TIDL has validated vision transformers from timm exported to ONNX in the current release
  • Accuracy with 8-bit quantization is not yet achieved with variety of models, for example SWIN architecture suffers accuracy loss with 8-bit quantization
  • ONNX-RT Optimization Level must be set to ORT_DISABLE_ALL while compiling models offloaded to C7x for vision transformers


We plan to support the following networks & features in our upcoming releases:

SDK Version Network/Features
SDK 9.2 (This release) Improved support for transformers (Latency & Accuracy)
Support for DETR, SWIN
SDK 10.0 (July'2024) Additional optimization (latency and accuracy) of transformer modules
Support for DETR-3D, Segformer
Support for low latency mode for multiple C7x(s) for transformer architectures
SDK 10.1 (Nov'2024) Support for BEVFormer (ECCV 2022), BEVFormer-V2, StreamPETR (ICCV 2023), Deformable DETR
Deformable attention
Temporal information fusion
SDK 10.2 and beyond Other state of the art architectures
Deformable convolution
Above mentioned feature set for future releases are indicative and subject to change based upon industry needs and research in this field

TIDL Layer Mapping of Transformer Operators


  • The following sequence of ONNX operators are converted to a layernorm layer in TIDL
  • Note: Individual operators such as pow, sqrt, reducemean and div are not supported in isolation
  • Note: The γ (Multiplication factor) and β (Addition Factor) are expressed outside TIDL's layernorm block as eltwise layers


  • The following sequence of ONNX operators which represent the GELU activation are mapped to TIDL's Batchnorm layer
  • Note: Individual operators such as Erf, Div are not supported in isolation
  • GELU can be identified by Batchnorm's activation parameters

Patch Merging

  • Patch merging is expressed as 8x strided slices and a concat layer.
  • Note: Patch merging is only supported when channels (i.e. depth) is in the lowest dimension

DeiT Transformer Example

  • DeiT model can be generated from timm using the following steps,
    • pip install timm onnx onnxsim
    • import timm
    • import torch
    • deit = timm.create_model('deit_tiny_patch16_224', pretrained=True)
    • deit.eval()
    • x = torch.randn(1, 3, 224, 224)
    • deit(x).shape
    • torch.onnx.export(deit,x, "deit_tiny.onnx",export_params=True,opset_version=14,do_constant_folding=True,input_names=['input'],output_names=['output'])
    • !onnxsim deit_tiny.onnx deit_tiny_1.onnx
  • The above commands can be run in a Google colab notebook, they have been validated using the same.
  • Sample model config for the model has been added to, place the model in 'model_base_path' and you can run the model using the standard steps.