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trans edited this page Aug 23, 2010 · 5 revisions

Want to see a cool trick? How about loading CORE methods automagically. It’s like Ruby’s #autoload for core extensions.

  require 'facets/opesc'

  class Object

    # This will automatically load (most) core methods
    # if they are not present when called.

    def method_missing(methodname, *a, &b)
      methodname = OpEsc.escape(methodname)
        require "facets/#{class}/#{methodname}"
        __send__(methodname, *a, &b)
      rescue LoadError


NOTE: In version 2.8.x and less, this was possible simply via:

  require 'facets-live'

As of version 3.0+ this has been deprecated for being a YAGNI. Which accounts for this “tip” if you still would like to do it.

Super Secret Tip

I moved the code into lib/more/facets/auto_core.rb, if you really want a quick way to do this.

    require 'facets/auto_core'

Now that’s just some craziness, isn’t it ;-)

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