Rootkits.Linux.TcpPragm4tic.7z: Driver focused on hiding active connections
Rootkits.Linux.DirentPragm4tic.7z: Driver focused on hiding specifics directory entries (ELFs, links, folders, files...)
Rootkits.Linux.Ruby.7z: Rootkit implemented with Ruby integration system (backdoor, dirent hooking, tcp hooking, process hiding & privilege escalation)
Rootkits.Linux.Heroin.7z: A classic Rootkit for dirent and process hiding
Ransomware.Win32.Babuk.7z: A sophisticated Win32 (Windows) Ransomware Infectors.Linux.Rakub.7z: This virus module intercepts the sys_create_module and sys_delete_module for further infection. Whenever a module is unloaded on that system it is infected by the new sys_delete_module systemcall. So every module requested will be infected when unloaded