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Optimizing C# Applications

Why Optimizing?

  • Customer satisfaction
    • Customers report performance problems
    • Reduce churn rate
    • Tip: Ask you users if they are leaving because of poor performance
  • Raise conversion rate
    • Consider the first impression potential users have from your software
    • Tip: Ask your users why they are not buying
  • Reduce TCO of your application
    • Performance problems waste your user's time = money
    • Reduce TCO for your customers by lowering system requirements
    • Cloud environment is too expensive

Optimization Anti-Patterns

  • Add optimizations during initial development
    • Aka premature optimization
    • Write obvious (not naive) code first -> measure -> optimize if necessary
    • Perf problems will always be where you don't expect them
  • Optimize code without measuring
    • Without measuring, optimized code is often slower
    • Make sure to know if your optimization brought you closer to your goals
  • Optimize for non-representative environments
    • Specify problematic environments as accurate as possible
    • Test your application on systems similar to your customers' environments
    • Hardware, software, test data (consider data security)

Optimization Anti-Patterns

  • Optimization projects without concrete goals
    • Add perf goals (quantifiable) in requirements
    • You could spend endless time optimizing your applications
    • Optimize to solve concrete problems (e.g. for memory, for throughput, for response time)
  • Soft problems or goals
    • Strive for quantifiable perf metrics in problem statements and goals
    • Objective perf problems instead of subjective stories
  • Optimize without a performance baseline
    • Always know your performance baseline and compare against it
    • Reproducible test scenarios are important

Optimization Anti-Patterns

  • Optimize without profound knowledge about your platform
    • Know your runtime, platform, hardware, and tools
  • Optimize the wrong places
    • E.g. optimize C# code when you have a DB-related problem
    • Spend enough time on root-cause analysis for your perf problems
  • Ship debug builds
    • Release builds are much faster than debug builds

Optimization Anti-Patterns

  • Optimize everything
    • Focus on performance-critical aspects of your application instead
    • Pareto principle (80/20)
  • Architect without performance in mind
    • Avoid architecture with inherent performance problems
    • If necessary, consider prototyping in early project stages
  • Confuse performance and user experience
    • Async programming might not be faster but delivers better user experience
  • Ignore Telemetry
    • Real-world performance data (especially in SaaS-scenarios)

Good Optimization Projects

  1. Plan for it
    • Put it on your backlog
    • Get (time) budget for it (time-boxing); consider business case for your optimization project
    • Follow Design-to-Cost approach
    • Make yourself familiar with corresponding tools
  2. Prepare a defined, reproducible test scenario
    • Hardware, software, network
    • Test data (e.g. database)
    • Application scenarios (automate if possible)
  3. Measure performance baseline
    • E.g. CPU%, memory footprint, throughput, response time

Good Optimization Projects

  1. Define performance goals
    • Must be measurable
    • Involve stakeholders (e.g. product owners, customers, partners, etc.)
  2. Optimize - Measure - Analyze Cycle
    • Don't change too many things at the same time
    • Measure after optimizing
    • Compare against baseline; if necessary, reset your baseline
    • Check if you have reached performance goals/time-box
  3. Ask for feedback in real-world environments
    • E.g. friendly customers, testing team
    • Telemetry (e.g. Application Insights)

Good Optimization Projects

  1. Document and present your work
    • Architecture, code, measurement results
    • Potentially change your system requirements, guidelines for admins, etc.
    • Share best/worst practices with your peers
  2. Ship your results
    • Remember: Ship release builds
    • Continuous deployment/short release cycles let customers benefit from perf optimizations
    • Consider hotfixes

Use the Cloud

  • Easy to build different execution environments
    • Number of processors, RAM, different operating systems, etc.
    • Performance of database clusters
    • Don't wait for admins to setup/deliver test machines/VMs
  • Design for scale-out and micro-services
    • Easier to add/remove VMs/containers than scaling up/down
    • Use micro-services and use e.g. Azure Websites or Docker to map to server farms
  • Extremely cost efficient
    • You only pay for the time your perf tests last
    • You can use your partner benefits, BizSpark benefits, etc.

Use the Cloud

  • Less data security issues if you use artificial test data
  • Ability to run large-scale load tests
    • Gather perf data during long-running, large-scale load tests
  • SaaS enables you to optimize for a concrete environment

Performance influencers

  • Performance of storage system
    • Database, file system, etc.
  • Performance of services used
    • E.g. external web services
  • Network characteristics
    • How chatty is your application?
    • Latency, throughput, bandwidth
    • Especially important in multi-tier applications

Performance influencers

  • Efficiency of your algorithms
    • Core algorithms
    • Parallel vs. sequential
  • Platform characteristics
    • JIT compiler
    • Garbage collector
  • Hardware
    • Number of cores, 64 vs. 32 bits, RAM, SSDs, etc.


  • Network connection to the database
    • Latency, throughput
    • Do you really need all the data you read from the database (e.g. unnecessary columns)?
  • Generation of execution plan
    • Statement parsing, compilation of execution plan
    • Bound to CPU-power of database server
    • Can't you simplify your query to speed up parse and compile time?
  • Query execution
    • Complexity of query, index optimization, etc.
    • You might need a database expert/admin to tune your SQL statements


  • Process DB results
    • Turn DB results into .NET objects (O/R mappers)
  • DB access characteristics
    • Many small vs. few large statements
    • Lazy loading
    • DB latency influences DB access strategy


  • How often do you call over the network?
    • Latency, speed-of-light problem
    • Ratio between latency and service operation
    • Consider reducing network calls with caching (e.g. Redis cache)...
      ...but make sure that you cache doesn't make perf worse!
  • How much data do you transfer?
    • Transfer less data (e.g. unnecessary database columns)
    • Make protocol more efficient (e.g. specific REST services or OData instead of generic services)
  • Measuring is important
    • The tools you use might do things you are not aware of (e.g. OR-mapper)



JIT Compiler

JIT Compiler

Image Source:

  • PreJITStub responsible for triggering JIT
  • Overwritten with a jump to JIT compiled code

JIT Compiler


  • Windows Performance Monitor (PerfMon)
    • Gather telemetry of local system
  • PerfView
    • Free, low-level profiler for Windows

NGEN - Native Image Generator

  • Generates native images for assembly and dependencies
    • Reference counting
  • Advantages
    • Better startup time (no JITing, faster assembly loading)
    • Smaller memory footprint (code sharing between processes, important in RDS scenarios)
  • Disadvantages
    • NGEN has to be called (also for updates) - requires installer (incl. admin privileges)
    • NGEN takes time (longer install time)
    • NGEN images are larger on disk
    • Native code slightly less performant than JIT'ed code

CLR Memory Management

  • CLR is a stack-based runtime
    • Value types
  • Managed heap
    • Managed by the CLR
    • Allocating memory is usually very fast
    • When necessary (e.g. thresholds, memory pressure, etc.), unreferenced memory is freed
  • Generations of objects
    • Gen 0, 1, and 2
    • Large objects (>85k bytes) are handled differently (large object heap)

CLR Memory Management

  • Different GC strategies
    • Workstation (background) garbage collection
    • Server garbage collection (optimized for throughput)
    • Choose via config setting
  • Concurrent collection for Gen 2 collections
    • You can allocate small objects during Gen 2 collection
  • Background GC
    • For workstation in .NET >= 4, for server in .NET >= 4.5
    • For details see MSDN

Memory Management Tips

  • Avoid allocating unnecessary memory
  • Reuse large objects
  • Use memory perf counters for analysis
    • See MSDN for details
  • Be careful when inducing GC with GC.Collect
    • Add GC.Collect only if you are sure that it makes sense

Memory Management Tips


  • Prepare your optimization projects appropriately
  • Write obvious code first
    • Measure to find the right places to optimize
  • Use profilers
  • Make small steps and gather feedback
  • Use the cloud

Further Readings and Exercises