All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Support custom websocket request (#52)
- Use rust 2021 edition (#54)
- Add support for wss (TLS) connections for clients (#62)
- Use dependabot (#56)
- Make clippy happy (#55)
- Check send error
- Use cfg_if and once_cell
- Add some macros
- Implemented cancel frame handling (#49)
- Upgrade version to 0.7.1
- Update examples
- Upgrade deps
- Update dependencies for readme (#46)
- Update example code in readme (#47)
- Upgrade to 0.7.2 (#50)
- Remove useless examples
- Simplify Option convert
- Register client-side responder correctly (#36)
- Redesign RSocket trait based on async_trait
- Handle empty response correctly
- Implment tls transport (#31)
- Change transport api (#35)
- Migrate to tokio v1
- Close connection correctly when client is dropped (#40)
- Bump tokio to v0.3.6
- Fix readme
- Add RSocket trait example in readme
- Use mkcert to generate TLS example certificates and keys (#38)
- Optimize import (#39)
- Config chglog (#41)
- Update deps (#42)
- Optimize bytes write action (#24)
- Convert bytes to utf8 safely (#27)
- Support tokio v0.3.x (#23)
- Implement client-side keepalive (#25)
- Use gh actions instead of travis (#22)
- Upgrade deps
- Prelease 0.6
- Use thiserror & anyhow as error struct (#20)
- Response payload of REQUEST_RESPONSE will be sent with NEXT|COMPLETE flag.