diff --git a/data_sources.php b/data_sources.php
index 9d22aa8c7c..753555eb44 100644
--- a/data_sources.php
+++ b/data_sources.php
@@ -713,6 +713,15 @@ function ds_edit() {
+ /* handle debug mode */
+ if (isset_request_var('info')) {
+ if (get_nfilter_request_var('info') == '0') {
+ kill_session_var('ds_info_mode');
+ }elseif (get_nfilter_request_var('info') == '1') {
+ $_SESSION['ds_info_mode'] = true;
+ }
+ }
if (!isempty_request_var('id')) {
@@ -724,6 +733,7 @@ function ds_edit() {
*'>Turn Data Source Debug Mode.
+ *'>Turn Data Source Info Mode.
*'>Edit Data Template.
+ array(), 'ds' => array());
+ $output = explode("\n", $output);
+ foreach ($output as $line) {
+ $line = trim($line);
+ if (preg_match('/^ds\[(\S+)\]\.(\S+) = (\S+)$/', $line, $matches)) {
+ $rrd_info['ds'][$matches[1]][$matches[2]] = trim($matches[3], '"');
+ } elseif (preg_match('/^rra\[(\S+)\]\.(\S+)\[(\S+)\]\.(\S+) = (\S+)$/', $line, $matches)) {
+ $rrd_info['rra'][$matches[1]][$matches[2]][$matches[3]][$matches[4]] = trim($matches[5], '"');
+ } elseif (preg_match('/^rra\[(\S+)\]\.(\S+) = (\S+)$/', $line, $matches)) {
+ $rrd_info['rra'][$matches[1]][$matches[2]] = trim($matches[3], '"');
+ } elseif (preg_match("/^(\S+) = \"(\S+)\"$/", $line, $matches)) {
+ $rrd_info[$matches[1]] = trim($matches[2], '"');
+ } elseif (preg_match('/^(\S+) = (\S+)$/', $line, $matches)) {
+ $rrd_info[$matches[1]] = trim($matches[2], '"');
+ }
+ }
+ $output = '';
+ $matches = array();
+ /* Return parsed values */
+ return $rrd_info;
+/** rrdtool_cacti_compare compares cacti information to rrd file information
+ * @param $data_source_id the id of the data source
+ * @param $info rrdtool info as an array
+ * @return array build like $info defining html class in case of error
+ */
+function rrdtool_cacti_compare($data_source_id, &$info) {
+ global $data_source_types, $consolidation_functions;
+ /* get cacti header information for given data source id */
+ $cacti_header_array = db_fetch_row_prepared('SELECT
+ local_data_template_data_id, rrd_step, data_source_profile_id
+ FROM data_template_data
+ WHERE local_data_id = ?', array($data_source_id));
+ $cacti_file = get_data_source_path($data_source_id, true);
+ /* get cacti DS information */
+ $cacti_ds_array = db_fetch_assoc_prepared("SELECT data_source_name, data_source_type_id,
+ rrd_heartbeat, rrd_maximum, rrd_minimum
+ FROM data_template_rrd
+ WHERE local_data_id = ?", array($data_source_id));
+ /* get cacti RRA information */
+ $cacti_rra_array = db_fetch_assoc_prepared('SELECT
+ dspc.consolidation_function_id AS cf,
+ dsp.x_files_factor AS xff,
+ dspr.steps AS steps,
+ dspr.rows AS rows
+ FROM data_source_profiles AS dsp
+ INNER JOIN data_source_profiles_cf AS dspc
+ ON dsp.id=dspc.data_source_profile_id
+ INNER JOIN data_source_profiles_rra AS dspr
+ ON dsp.id=dspr.data_source_profile_id
+ WHERE dsp.id = ?
+ ORDER BY dspc.consolidation_function_id, dspr.steps',
+ array($cacti_header_array['data_source_profile_id']));
+ $diff = array();
+ /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * header information
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ if ($cacti_header_array['rrd_step'] != $info['step']) {
+ $diff['step'] = __("required rrd step size is '%s'", $cacti_header_array['rrd_step']);
+ }
+ /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * data source information
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ if (sizeof($cacti_ds_array) > 0) {
+ foreach ($cacti_ds_array as $key => $data_source) {
+ $ds_name = $data_source['data_source_name'];
+ /* try to print matching rrd file's ds information */
+ if (isset($info['ds'][$ds_name]) ) {
+ if (!isset($info['ds'][$ds_name]['seen'])) {
+ $info['ds'][$ds_name]['seen'] = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $ds_type = trim($info['ds'][$ds_name]['type'], '"');
+ if ($data_source_types[$data_source['data_source_type_id']] != $ds_type) {
+ $diff['ds'][$ds_name]['type'] = __("type for data source '%s' should be '%s'", $ds_name, $data_source_types[$data_source['data_source_type_id']]);
+ $diff['tune'][] = $info['filename'] . ' ' . '--data-source-type ' . $ds_name . ':' . $data_source_types[$data_source['data_source_type_id']];
+ }
+ if ($data_source['rrd_heartbeat'] != $info['ds'][$ds_name]['minimal_heartbeat']) {
+ $diff['ds'][$ds_name]['minimal_heartbeat'] = __("heartbeat for data source '%s' should be '%s'", $ds_name, $data_source['rrd_heartbeat']);
+ $diff['tune'][] = $info['filename'] . ' ' . '--heartbeat ' . $ds_name . ':' . $data_source['rrd_heartbeat'];
+ }
+ if ($data_source['rrd_minimum'] != $info['ds'][$ds_name]['min']) {
+ $diff['ds'][$ds_name]['min'] = __("rrd minimum for data source '%s' should be '%s'", $ds_name, $data_source['rrd_minimum']);
+ $diff['tune'][] = $info['filename'] . ' ' . '--maximum ' . $ds_name . ':' . $data_source['rrd_minimum'];
+ }
+ if ($data_source['rrd_maximum'] != $info['ds'][$ds_name]['max']) {
+ $data_local = db_fetch_row('SELECT * FROM data_local WHERE id=' . $data_source_id);
+ if ($data_source['rrd_maximum'] == '|query_ifSpeed|' || $data_source['rrd_maximum'] == '|query_ifHighSpeed|') {
+ $highSpeed = db_fetch_cell("SELECT field_value
+ FROM host_snmp_cache
+ WHERE host_id=" . $data_local['host_id'] . "
+ AND snmp_query_id=" . $data_local['snmp_query_id'] . "
+ AND snmp_index='" . $data_local['snmp_index'] . "'
+ AND field_name='ifHighSpeed'");
+ if (!empty($highSpeed)) {
+ $data_source['rrd_maximum'] = $highSpeed * 1000000;
+ }else{
+ $data_source['rrd_maximum'] = substitute_snmp_query_data('|query_ifSpeed|',$data_local['host_id'], $data_local['snmp_query_id'], $data_local['snmp_index']);
+ }
+ }else{
+ $data_source['rrd_maximum'] = substitute_snmp_query_data($data_source['rrd_maximum'],$data_local['host_id'], $data_local['snmp_query_id'], $data_local['snmp_index']);
+ }
+ if (empty($data_source['rrd_maximum']) || $data_source['rrd_maximum'] == '|query_ifSpeed|') {
+ $data_source['rrd_maximum'] = '10000000000000';
+ }
+ }
+ if ($data_source['rrd_maximum'] != $info['ds'][$ds_name]['max']) {
+ $diff['ds'][$ds_name]['max'] = __("rrd maximum for data source '%s' should be '%s'", $ds_name, $data_source['rrd_maximum']);
+ $diff['tune'][] = $info['filename'] . ' ' . '--minimum ' . $ds_name . ':' . $data_source['rrd_maximum'];
+ }
+ } else {
+ # cacti knows this ds, but the rrd file does not
+ $info['ds'][$ds_name]['type'] = $data_source_types[$data_source['data_source_type_id']];
+ $info['ds'][$ds_name]['minimal_heartbeat'] = $data_source['rrd_heartbeat'];
+ $info['ds'][$ds_name]['min'] = $data_source['rrd_minimum'];
+ $info['ds'][$ds_name]['max'] = $data_source['rrd_maximum'];
+ $info['ds'][$ds_name]['seen'] = TRUE;
+ $diff['ds'][$ds_name]['error'] = __("DS '%s' missing in rrd file", $ds_name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* print all data sources still known to the rrd file (no match to cacti ds will happen here) */
+ if (sizeof($info['ds']) > 0) {
+ foreach ($info['ds'] as $ds_name => $data_source) {
+ if (!isset($data_source['seen'])) {
+ $diff['ds'][$ds_name]['error'] = __("DS '%s' missing in cacti definition", $ds_name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * RRA information
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ $resize = TRUE; # assume a resize operation as long as no rra duplicates are found
+ # scan cacti rra information for duplicates of (CF, STEPS)
+ if (sizeof($cacti_rra_array) > 0) {
+ for ($i=0; $i<= sizeof($cacti_rra_array)-1; $i++) {
+ $cf = $cacti_rra_array{$i}['cf'];
+ $steps = $cacti_rra_array{$i}['steps'];
+ foreach($cacti_rra_array as $cacti_rra_id => $cacti_rra) {
+ if ($cf == $cacti_rra['cf'] && $steps == $cacti_rra['steps'] && ($i != $cacti_rra_id)) {
+ $diff['rra'][$i]['error'] = __("Cacti RRA '%s' has same cf/steps (%s, %s) as '%s'", $i, $consolidation_functions{$cf}, $steps, $cacti_rra_id);
+ $diff['rra'][$cacti_rra_id]['error'] = __("Cacti RRA '%s' has same cf/steps (%s, %s) as '%s'", $cacti_rra_id, $consolidation_functions{$cf}, $steps, $i);
+ $resize = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # scan file rra information for duplicates of (CF, PDP_PER_ROWS)
+ if (sizeof($info['rra']) > 0) {
+ for ($i=0; $i<= sizeof($info['rra'])-1; $i++) {
+ $cf = $info['rra']{$i}['cf'];
+ $steps = $info['rra']{$i}['pdp_per_row'];
+ foreach($info['rra'] as $file_rra_id => $file_rra) {
+ if (($cf == $file_rra['cf']) && ($steps == $file_rra['pdp_per_row']) && ($i != $file_rra_id)) {
+ $diff['rra'][$i]['error'] = __("File RRA '%s' has same cf/steps (%s, %s) as '%s'", $i, $cf, $steps, $file_rra_id);
+ $diff['rra'][$file_rra_id]['error'] = __("File RRA '%s' has same cf/steps (%s, %s) as '%s'", $file_rra_id, $cf, $steps, $i);
+ $resize = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* print all RRAs known to cacti and add those from matching rrd file */
+ if (sizeof($cacti_rra_array) > 0) {
+ foreach($cacti_rra_array as $cacti_rra_id => $cacti_rra) {
+ /* find matching rra info from rrd file
+ * do NOT assume, that rra sequence is kept ($cacti_rra_id != $file_rra_id may happen)!
+ * Match is assumed, if CF and STEPS/PDP_PER_ROW match; so go for it */
+ foreach ($info['rra'] as $file_rra_id => $file_rra) {
+ /* in case of mismatch, $file_rra['pdp_per_row'] might not be defined */
+ if (!isset($file_rra['pdp_per_row'])) $file_rra['pdp_per_row'] = 0;
+ if ($consolidation_functions{$cacti_rra['cf']} == trim($file_rra['cf'], '"') &&
+ $cacti_rra['steps'] == $file_rra['pdp_per_row']) {
+ if (!isset($info['rra'][$file_rra_id]['seen'])) {
+ # mark both rra id's as seen to avoid printing them as non-matching
+ $info['rra'][$file_rra_id]['seen'] = TRUE;
+ $cacti_rra_array[$cacti_rra_id]['seen'] = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ($cacti_rra['xff'] != $file_rra['xff']) {
+ $diff['rra'][$file_rra_id]['xff'] = __("xff for cacti rra id '%s' should be '%s'", $cacti_rra_id, $cacti_rra['xff']);
+ }
+ if ($cacti_rra['rows'] != $file_rra['rows'] && $resize) {
+ $diff['rra'][$file_rra_id]['rows'] = __("number of rows for cacti rra id '%s' should be '%s'", $cacti_rra_id, $cacti_rra['rows']);
+ if ($cacti_rra['rows'] > $file_rra['rows']) {
+ $diff['resize'][] = $info['filename'] . ' ' . $cacti_rra_id . ' GROW ' . ($cacti_rra['rows'] - $file_rra['rows']);
+ } else {
+ $diff['resize'][] = $info['filename'] . ' ' . $cacti_rra_id . ' SHRINK ' . ($file_rra['rows'] - $cacti_rra['rows']);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # if cacti knows an rra that has no match, consider this as an error
+ if (!isset($cacti_rra_array[$cacti_rra_id]['seen'])) {
+ # add to info array for printing, the index $cacti_rra_id has no real meaning
+ $info['rra']['cacti_' . $cacti_rra_id]['cf'] = $consolidation_functions{$cacti_rra['cf']};
+ $info['rra']['cacti_' . $cacti_rra_id]['steps'] = $cacti_rra['steps'];
+ $info['rra']['cacti_' . $cacti_rra_id]['xff'] = $cacti_rra['xff'];
+ $info['rra']['cacti_' . $cacti_rra_id]['rows'] = $cacti_rra['rows'];
+ $diff['rra']['cacti_' . $cacti_rra_id]['error'] = __("RRA '%s' missing in rrd file", $cacti_rra_id);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # if the rrd file has an rra that has no cacti match, consider this as an error
+ if (sizeof($info['rra']) > 0) {
+ foreach ($info['rra'] as $file_rra_id => $file_rra) {
+ if (!isset($info['rra'][$file_rra_id]['seen'])) {
+ $diff['rra'][$file_rra_id]['error'] = __("RRA '%s' missing in cacti definition", $file_rra_id);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $diff;
+/** take output from rrdtool info array and build html table
+ * @param array $info_array - array of rrdtool info data
+ * @param array $diff - array of differences between definition and current rrd file settings
+ * @return string - html code
+ */
+function rrdtool_info2html($info_array, $diff=array()) {
+ global $config;
+ include_once($config['library_path'] . '/time.php');
+ html_start_box(__('RRD File Information'), '100%', '', '3', 'center', '');
+ # header data
+ $header_items = array(
+ array('display' =>__('Header'), 'align' => 'left'),
+ array('display' => '', 'align' => 'left')
+ );
+ html_header($header_items, 1, false, 'info_header');
+ # add human readable timestamp
+ if (isset($info_array['last_update'])) {
+ $info_array['last_update'] .= ' [' . date(date_time_format(), $info_array['last_update']) . ']';
+ }
+ $loop = array(
+ 'filename' => $info_array['filename'],
+ 'rrd_version' => $info_array['rrd_version'],
+ 'step' => $info_array['step'],
+ 'last_update' => $info_array['last_update']);
+ foreach ($loop as $key => $value) {
+ form_alternate_row($key, true);
+ form_selectable_cell($key, 'key');
+ form_selectable_cell($value, 'value', '', ((isset($diff[$key]) ? 'color:red' : '')));
+ form_end_row();
+ }
+ html_end_box();
+ # data sources
+ $header_items = array(
+ array('display' => __('Data Source Items'), 'align' => 'left'),
+ array('display' => __('Type'), 'align' => 'left'),
+ array('display' => __('Minimal Heartbeat'), 'align' => 'right'),
+ array('display' => __('Min'), 'align' => 'right'),
+ array('display' => __('Max'), 'align' => 'right'),
+ array('display' => __('Last DS'), 'align' => 'right'),
+ array('display' => __('Value'), 'align' => 'right'),
+ array('display' => __('Unkown Sec'), 'align' => 'right')
+ );
+ html_start_box('', '100%', '', '3', 'center', '');
+ html_header($header_items, 1, false, 'info_ds');
+ if (sizeof($info_array['ds'])) {
+ foreach ($info_array['ds'] as $key => $value) {
+ form_alternate_row('line' . $key, true);
+ form_selectable_cell($key, 'name', '', (isset($diff['ds'][$key]['error']) ? 'color:red' : ''));
+ form_selectable_cell((isset($value['type']) ? $value['type'] : ''), 'type', '', (isset($diff['ds'][$key]['type']) ? 'color:red' : ''));
+ form_selectable_cell((isset($value['minimal_heartbeat']) ? $value['minimal_heartbeat'] : ''), 'minimal_heartbeat', '', (isset($diff['ds'][$key]['minimal_heartbeat']) ? 'color:red, text-align:right' : 'text-align:right'));
+ form_selectable_cell((isset($value['min']) ? number_format($value['min']) : ''), 'min', '', (isset($diff['ds'][$key]['min']) ? 'color:red;text-align:right' : 'text-align:right'));
+ form_selectable_cell((isset($value['max']) ? number_format($value['max']) : ''), 'max', '', (isset($diff['ds'][$key]['max']) ? 'color:red;text-align:right' : 'text-align:right'));
+ form_selectable_cell((isset($value['last_ds']) ? number_format($value['last_ds']) : ''), 'last_ds', '', 'text-align:right');
+ form_selectable_cell((isset($value['value']) ? number_format($value['value']) : ''), 'value', '', 'text-align:right');
+ form_selectable_cell((isset($value['unknown_sec']) ? number_format($value['unknown_sec']) : ''), 'unknown_sec', '', 'text-align:right');
+ form_end_row();
+ }
+ }
+ html_end_box();
+ # round robin archive
+ $header_items = array(
+ array('display' => __('Round Robin Archive'), 'align' => 'left'),
+ array('display' => __('Consolidation Function'), 'align' => 'left'),
+ array('display' => __('Rows'), 'align' => 'right'),
+ array('display' => __('Cur Row'), 'align' => 'right'),
+ array('display' => __('PDP per Row'), 'align' => 'right'),
+ array('display' => __('X Files Factor'), 'align' => 'right'),
+ array('display' => __('CDP Prep Value (0)'), 'align' => 'right'),
+ array('display' => __('CDP Unknown Datapoints (0)'), 'align' => 'right')
+ );
+ html_start_box('', '100%', '', '3', 'center', '');
+ html_header($header_items, 1, false, 'info_rra');
+ if (sizeof($info_array['rra'])) {
+ foreach ($info_array['rra'] as $key => $value) {
+ form_alternate_row('line_' . $key, true);
+ form_selectable_cell($key, 'name', '', (isset($diff['rra'][$key]['error']) ? 'color:red' : ''));
+ form_selectable_cell((isset($value['cf']) ? $value['cf'] : ''), 'cf');
+ form_selectable_cell((isset($value['rows']) ? $value['rows'] : ''), 'rows', '', (isset($diff['rra'][$key]['rows']) ? 'color:red;text-align:right' : 'text-align:right'));
+ form_selectable_cell((isset($value['cur_row']) ? $value['cur_row'] : ''), 'cur_row', '', 'text-align:right');
+ form_selectable_cell((isset($value['pdp_per_row']) ? $value['pdp_per_row'] : ''), 'pdp_per_row', '', 'text-align:right');
+ form_selectable_cell((isset($value['xff']) ? floatval($value['xff']) : ''), 'xff', '', (isset($diff['rra'][$key]['xff']) ? 'color:red;text-align:right' : 'text-align:right'));
+ form_selectable_cell((isset($value['cdp_prep'][0]['value']) ? (strtolower($value['cdp_prep'][0]['value']) == 'nan') ? $value['cdp_prep'][0]['value'] : floatval($value['cdp_prep'][0]['value']) : ''), 'value', '', 'text-align:right');
+ form_selectable_cell((isset($value['cdp_prep'][0]['unknown_datapoints'])? $value['cdp_prep'][0]['unknown_datapoints'] : ''), 'unknown_datapoints', '', 'text-align:right');
+ form_end_row();
+ }
+ }
+ html_end_box();
+/** rrdtool_tune - create rrdtool tune/resize commands
+ * html+cli enabled
+ * @param $rrd_file - rrd file name
+ * @param $diff - array of discrepancies between cacti setttings and rrd file info
+ * @param $show_source - only show text+commands or execute all commands, execute is for cli mode only!
+ */
+function rrdtool_tune($rrd_file, $diff, $show_source = true) {
+ function print_leaves($array, $nl) {
+ foreach ($array as $key => $line) {
+ if (!is_array($line)) {
+ print $line . $nl;
+ } else {
+ if ($key === 'tune') continue;
+ if ($key === 'resize') continue;
+ print_leaves($line, $nl);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $cmd = array();
+ # for html/cli mode
+ if (!isset($_SERVER['argv'][0]) || isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) || isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
+ $nl = ' ';
+ } else {
+ $nl = "\n";
+ }
+ if ($show_source && sizeof($diff)) {
+ # print error descriptions
+ print_leaves($diff, $nl);
+ }
+ if (isset($diff['tune']) && sizeof($diff['tune'])) {
+ # create tune commands
+ foreach ($diff['tune'] as $line) {
+ if ($show_source == true) {
+ print read_config_option('path_rrdtool') . ' tune ' . $line . $nl;
+ }else{
+ rrdtool_execute("tune $line", true, RRDTOOL_OUTPUT_STDOUT);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (isset($diff['resize']) && sizeof($diff['resize'])) {
+ # each resize goes into an extra line
+ foreach ($diff['resize'] as $line) {
+ if ($show_source == true) {
+ print read_config_option('path_rrdtool') . ' resize ' . $line . $nl;
+ print __('rename %s to %s', dirname($rrd_file) . '/resize.rrd', $rrd_file) . $nl;
+ }else{
+ rrdtool_execute("resize $line", true, RRDTOOL_OUTPUT_STDOUT);
+ rename(dirname($rrd_file) . '/resize.rrd', $rrd_file);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/** Given a data source id, check the rrdtool file to the data source definition
+ * @param $data_source_id - data source id
+ * @return - (array) an array containing issues with the rrdtool file definition vs data source
+ */
+function rrd_check($data_source_id) {
+ global $rrd_tune_array, $data_source_types;
+ $data_source_name = get_data_source_item_name($rrd_tune_array['data_source_id']);
+ $data_source_type = $data_source_types{$rrd_tune_array['data-source-type']};
+ $data_source_path = get_data_source_path($rrd_tune_array['data_source_id'], true);
+/** Given a data source id, update the rrdtool file to match the data source definition
+ * @param $data_source_id - data source id
+ * @return - 1 success, 2 false
+ */
+function rrd_repair($data_source_id) {
+ global $rrd_tune_array, $data_source_types;
+ $data_source_name = get_data_source_item_name($rrd_tune_array['data_source_id']);
+ $data_source_type = $data_source_types{$rrd_tune_array['data-source-type']};
+ $data_source_path = get_data_source_path($rrd_tune_array['data_source_id'], true);
+/** add a (list of) datasource(s) to an (array of) rrd file(s)
+ * @param array $file_array - array of rrd files
+ * @param array $ds_array - array of datasouce parameters
+ * @param bool $debug - debug mode
+ * @return mixed - success (bool) or error message (array)
+ */
+function rrd_datasource_add($file_array, $ds_array, $debug) {
+ global $data_source_types, $consolidation_functions;
+ $rrdtool_pipe = rrd_init();
+ /* iterate all given rrd files */
+ foreach ($file_array as $file) {
+ /* create a DOM object from an rrdtool dump */
+ $dom = new domDocument;
+ $dom->loadXML(rrdtool_execute("dump $file", false, RRDTOOL_OUTPUT_STDOUT, $rrdtool_pipe, 'UTIL'));
+ if (!$dom) {
+ $check['err_msg'] = __('Error while parsing the XML of rrdtool dump');
+ return $check;
+ }
+ /* rrdtool dump depends on rrd file version:
+ * version 0001 => RRDTool 1.0.x
+ * version 0003 => RRDTool 1.2.x, 1.3.x, 1.4.x
+ */
+ $version = trim($dom->getElementsByTagName('version')->item(0)->nodeValue);
+ /* now start XML processing */
+ foreach ($ds_array as $ds) {
+ /* first, append the strcuture in the rrd header */
+ if ($ds['type'] === $data_source_types[DATA_SOURCE_TYPE_COMPUTE]) {
+ rrd_append_compute_ds($dom, $version, $ds['name'], $ds['type'], $ds['cdef']);
+ } else {
+ rrd_append_ds($dom, $version, $ds['name'], $ds['type'], $ds['heartbeat'], $ds['min'], $ds['max']);
+ }
+ /* now work on the structure as part of the tree */
+ rrd_append_cdp_prep_ds($dom, $version);
+ /* add alues to the tree */
+ rrd_append_value($dom);
+ }
+ if ($debug) {
+ echo $dom->saveXML();
+ } else {
+ /* for rrdtool restore, we need a file, so write the XML to disk */
+ $xml_file = $file . '.xml';
+ $rc = $dom->save($xml_file);
+ /* verify, if write was successful */
+ if ($rc === false) {
+ $check['err_msg'] = __('ERROR while writing XML file: %s', $xml_file);
+ return $check;
+ } else {
+ /* are we allowed to write the rrd file? */
+ if (is_writable($file)) {
+ /* restore the modified XML to rrd */
+ rrdtool_execute("restore -f $xml_file $file", false, RRDTOOL_OUTPUT_STDOUT, $rrdtool_pipe, 'UTIL');
+ /* scratch that XML file to avoid filling up the disk */
+ unlink($xml_file);
+ cacti_log(__('Added datasource(s) to rrd file: %s', $file), false, 'UTIL');
+ } else {
+ $check['err_msg'] = __('ERROR: RRD file %s not writeable', $file);
+ return $check;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ rrd_close($rrdtool_pipe);
+ return true;
+/** delete a (list of) rra(s) from an (array of) rrd file(s)
+ * @param array $file_array - array of rrd files
+ * @param array $rra_array - array of rra parameters
+ * @param bool $debug - debug mode
+ * @return mixed - success (bool) or error message (array)
+ */
+function rrd_rra_delete($file_array, $rra_array, $debug) {
+ $rrdtool_pipe = '';
+ /* iterate all given rrd files */
+ foreach ($file_array as $file) {
+ /* create a DOM document from an rrdtool dump */
+ $dom = new domDocument;
+ $dom->loadXML(rrdtool_execute("dump $file", false, RRDTOOL_OUTPUT_STDOUT, $rrdtool_pipe, 'UTIL'));
+ if (!$dom) {
+ $check['err_msg'] = __('Error while parsing the XML of rrdtool dump');
+ return $check;
+ }
+ /* now start XML processing */
+ foreach ($rra_array as $rra) {
+ rrd_delete_rra($dom, $rra, $debug);
+ }
+ if ($debug) {
+ echo $dom->saveXML();
+ } else {
+ /* for rrdtool restore, we need a file, so write the XML to disk */
+ $xml_file = $file . '.xml';
+ $rc = $dom->save($xml_file);
+ /* verify, if write was successful */
+ if ($rc === false) {
+ $check['err_msg'] = __('ERROR while writing XML file: %s', $xml_file);
+ return $check;
+ } else {
+ /* are we allowed to write the rrd file? */
+ if (is_writable($file)) {
+ /* restore the modified XML to rrd */
+ rrdtool_execute("restore -f $xml_file $file", false, RRDTOOL_OUTPUT_STDOUT, $rrdtool_pipe, 'UTIL');
+ /* scratch that XML file to avoid filling up the disk */
+ unlink($xml_file);
+ cacti_log(__('Deleted rra(s) from rrd file: %s', $file), false, 'UTIL');
+ } else {
+ $check['err_msg'] = __('ERROR: RRD file %s not writeable', $file);
+ return $check;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ rrd_close($rrdtool_pipe);
+ return true;
+/** clone a (list of) rra(s) from an (array of) rrd file(s)
+ * @param array $file_array - array of rrd files
+ * @param string $cf - new consolidation function
+ * @param array $rra_array - array of rra parameters
+ * @param bool $debug - debug mode
+ * @return mixed - success (bool) or error message (array)
+ */
+function rrd_rra_clone($file_array, $cf, $rra_array, $debug) {
+ $rrdtool_pipe = '';
+ /* iterate all given rrd files */
+ foreach ($file_array as $file) {
+ /* create a DOM document from an rrdtool dump */
+ $dom = new domDocument;
+ $dom->loadXML(rrdtool_execute("dump $file", false, RRDTOOL_OUTPUT_STDOUT, $rrdtool_pipe, 'UTIL'));
+ if (!$dom) {
+ $check['err_msg'] = __('Error while parsing the XML of rrdtool dump');
+ return $check;
+ }
+ /* now start XML processing */
+ foreach ($rra_array as $rra) {
+ rrd_copy_rra($dom, $cf, $rra, $debug);
+ }
+ if ($debug) {
+ echo $dom->saveXML();
+ } else {
+ /* for rrdtool restore, we need a file, so write the XML to disk */
+ $xml_file = $file . '.xml';
+ $rc = $dom->save($xml_file);
+ /* verify, if write was successful */
+ if ($rc === false) {
+ $check['err_msg'] = __('ERROR while writing XML file: %s', $xml_file);
+ return $check;
+ } else {
+ /* are we allowed to write the rrd file? */
+ if (is_writable($file)) {
+ /* restore the modified XML to rrd */
+ rrdtool_execute("restore -f $xml_file $file", false, RRDTOOL_OUTPUT_STDOUT, $rrdtool_pipe, 'UTIL');
+ /* scratch that XML file to avoid filling up the disk */
+ unlink($xml_file);
+ cacti_log(__('Deleted rra(s) from rrd file: %s', $file), false, 'UTIL');
+ } else {
+ $check['err_msg'] = __('ERROR: RRD file %s not writeable', $file);
+ return $check;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ rrd_close($rrdtool_pipe);
+ return true;
+/** appends a subtree to an RRD XML structure
+ * @param object $dom - the DOM object, where the RRD XML is stored
+ * @param string $version- rrd file version
+ * @param string $name - name of the new ds
+ * @param string $type - type of the new ds
+ * @param int $min_hb - heartbeat of the new ds
+ * @param string $min - min value of the new ds or [NaN|U]
+ * @param string $max - max value of the new ds or [NaN|U]
+ * @return object - modified DOM
+ */
+function rrd_append_ds($dom, $version, $name, $type, $min_hb, $min, $max) {
+ /* rrdtool version dependencies */
+ if ($version === RRD_FILE_VERSION1) {
+ $last_ds = 'U';
+ }
+ elseif ($version === RRD_FILE_VERSION3) {
+ $last_ds = 'UNKN';
+ }
+ /* create subtree */
+ $new_dom = new DOMDocument;
+ /* pretty print */
+ $new_dom->formatOutput = true;
+ /* this defines the new node structure */
+ $new_dom->loadXML("
+ $name
+ $type
+ $min_hb
+ $min
+ $max
+ $last_ds
+ 0.0000000000e+00
+ 0
+ ");
+ /* create a node element from new document */
+ $new_node = $new_dom->getElementsByTagName('ds')->item(0);
+ #echo $new_dom->saveXML(); # print new node
+ /* get XPATH notation required for positioning */
+ #$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
+ /* get XPATH for entry where new node will be inserted
+ * which is the entry */
+ #$insert = $xpath->query('/rrd/rra')->item(0);
+ $insert = $dom->getElementsByTagName('rra')->item(0);
+ /* import the new node */
+ $new_node = $dom->importNode($new_node, true);
+ /* and insert it at the correct place */
+ $insert->parentNode->insertBefore($new_node, $insert);
+/** COMPUTE DS: appends a subtree to an RRD XML structure
+ * @param object $dom - the DOM object, where the RRD XML is stored
+ * @param string $version- rrd file version
+ * @param string $name - name of the new ds
+ * @param string $type - type of the new ds
+ * @param int $cdef - the cdef rpn used for COMPUTE
+ * @return object - modified DOM
+ */
+function rrd_append_compute_ds($dom, $version, $name, $type, $cdef) {
+ /* rrdtool version dependencies */
+ if ($version === RRD_FILE_VERSION1) {
+ $last_ds = 'U';
+ }
+ elseif ($version === RRD_FILE_VERSION3) {
+ $last_ds = 'UNKN';
+ }
+ /* create subtree */
+ $new_dom = new DOMDocument;
+ /* pretty print */
+ $new_dom->formatOutput = true;
+ /* this defines the new node structure */
+ $new_dom->loadXML("
+ $name
+ $type
+ $cdef
+ $last_ds
+ 0.0000000000e+00
+ 0
+ ");
+ /* create a node element from new document */
+ $new_node = $new_dom->getElementsByTagName('ds')->item(0);
+ /* get XPATH notation required for positioning */
+ #$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
+ /* get XPATH for entry where new node will be inserted
+ * which is the entry */
+ #$insert = $xpath->query('/rrd/rra')->item(0);
+ $insert = $dom->getElementsByTagName('rra')->item(0);
+ /* import the new node */
+ $new_node = $dom->importNode($new_node, true);
+ /* and insert it at the correct place */
+ $insert->parentNode->insertBefore($new_node, $insert);
+/** append a subtree to the subtrees of a RRD XML structure
+ * @param object $dom - the DOM object, where the RRD XML is stored
+ * @param string $version - rrd file version
+ * @return object - the modified DOM object
+ */
+function rrd_append_cdp_prep_ds($dom, $version) {
+ /* get all entries */
+ #$cdp_prep_list = $xpath->query('/rrd/rra/cdp_prep');
+ $cdp_prep_list = $dom->getElementsByTagName('rra')->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('cdp_prep');
+ /* get XPATH notation required for positioning */
+ #$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
+ /* get XPATH for source entry */
+ #$src_ds = $xpath->query('/rrd/rra/cdp_prep/ds')->item(0);
+ $src_ds = $dom->getElementsByTagName('rra')->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('cdp_prep')->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('ds')->item(0);
+ /* clone the source ds entry to preserve RRDTool notation */
+ $new_ds = $src_ds->cloneNode(true);
+ /* rrdtool version dependencies */
+ if ($version === RRD_FILE_VERSION3) {
+ $new_ds->getElementsByTagName('primary_value')->item(0)->nodeValue = ' NaN ';
+ $new_ds->getElementsByTagName('secondary_value')->item(0)->nodeValue = ' NaN ';
+ }
+ /* the new node always has default entries */
+ $new_ds->getElementsByTagName('value')->item(0)->nodeValue = ' NaN ';
+ $new_ds->getElementsByTagName('unknown_datapoints')->item(0)->nodeValue = ' 0 ';
+ /* iterate all entries found, equals 'number of ' times 'number of ' */
+ if ($cdp_prep_list->length) {
+ foreach ($cdp_prep_list as $cdp_prep) {
+ /* $cdp_prep now points to the next XML Element
+ * and append new ds entry at end of child list */
+ $cdp_prep->appendChild($new_ds);
+ }
+ }
+/** append a alue element to the subtrees of a RRD XML structure
+ * @param object $dom - the DOM object, where the RRD XML is stored
+ * @return object - the modified DOM object
+ */
+function rrd_append_value($dom) {
+ /* get XPATH notation required for positioning */
+ #$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
+ /* get all entries */
+ #$itemList = $xpath->query('/rrd/rra/database/row');
+ $itemList = $dom->getElementsByTagName('row');
+ /* create entry to preserve RRDTool notation */
+ $new_v = $dom->createElement('v', ' NaN ');
+ /* iterate all entries found, equals 'number of ' times 'number of ' */
+ if ($itemList->length) {
+ foreach ($itemList as $item) {
+ /* $item now points to the next XML Element
+ * and append new ds entry at end of child list */
+ $item->appendChild($new_v);
+ }
+ }
+/** delete an subtree from the XML structure
+ * @param object $dom - the DOM document, where the RRD XML is stored
+ * @param array $rra_parm - a single rra parameter set, given by the user
+ * @return object - the modified DOM object
+ */
+function rrd_delete_rra($dom, $rra_parm) {
+ /* find all RRA DOMNodes */
+ $rras = $dom->getElementsByTagName('rra');
+ /* iterate all entries found */
+ $nb = $rras->length;
+ for ($pos = 0; $pos < $nb; $pos++) {
+ /* retrieve all RRA DOMNodes one by one */
+ $rra = $rras->item($pos);
+ $cf = $rra->getElementsByTagName('cf')->item(0)->nodeValue;
+ $pdp_per_row = $rra->getElementsByTagName('pdp_per_row')->item(0)->nodeValue;
+ $xff = $rra->getElementsByTagName('xff')->item(0)->nodeValue;
+ $rows = $rra->getElementsByTagName('row')->length;
+ if ($cf == $rra_parm['cf'] &&
+ $pdp_per_row == $rra_parm['pdp_per_row'] &&
+ $xff == $rra_parm['xff'] &&
+ $rows == $rra_parm['rows']) {
+ print(__("RRA (CF=%s, ROWS=%d, PDP_PER_ROW=%d, XFF=%1.2f) removed from RRD file\n", $cf, $rows, $pdp_per_row, $xff));
+ /* we need the parentNode for removal operation */
+ $parent = $rra->parentNode;
+ $parent->removeChild($rra);
+ break; /* do NOT accidentally remove more than one element, else loop back to forth */
+ }
+ }
+ return $dom;
+/** clone an subtree of the XML structure, replacing cf
+ * @param object $dom - the DOM document, where the RRD XML is stored
+ * @param string $cf - new consolidation function
+ * @param array $rra_parm - a single rra parameter set, given by the user
+ * @return object - the modified DOM object
+ */
+function rrd_copy_rra($dom, $cf, $rra_parm) {
+ /* find all RRA DOMNodes */
+ $rras = $dom->getElementsByTagName('rra');
+ /* iterate all entries found */
+ $nb = $rras->length;
+ for ($pos = 0; $pos < $nb; $pos++) {
+ /* retrieve all RRA DOMNodes one by one */
+ $rra = $rras->item($pos);
+ $_cf = $rra->getElementsByTagName('cf')->item(0)->nodeValue;
+ $_pdp_per_row = $rra->getElementsByTagName('pdp_per_row')->item(0)->nodeValue;
+ $_xff = $rra->getElementsByTagName('xff')->item(0)->nodeValue;
+ $_rows = $rra->getElementsByTagName('row')->length;
+ if ($_cf == $rra_parm['cf'] &&
+ $_pdp_per_row == $rra_parm['pdp_per_row'] &&
+ $_xff == $rra_parm['xff'] &&
+ $_rows == $rra_parm['rows']) {
+ print(__("RRA (CF=%s, ROWS=%d, PDP_PER_ROW=%d, XFF=%1.2f) adding to RRD file\n", $cf, $_rows, $_pdp_per_row, $_xff));
+ /* we need the parentNode for append operation */
+ $parent = $rra->parentNode;
+ /* get a clone of the matching RRA */
+ $new_rra = $rra->cloneNode(true);
+ /* and find the 'old' cf */
+ #$old_cf = $new_rra->getElementsByTagName('cf')->item(0);
+ /* now replace old cf with new one */
+ #$old_cf->childNodes->item(0)->replaceData(0,20,$cf);
+ $new_rra->getElementsByTagName('cf')->item(0)->nodeValue = $cf;
+ /* append new rra entry at end of the list */
+ $parent->appendChild($new_rra);
+ break; /* do NOT accidentally clone more than one element, else loop back to forth */
+ }
+ }
+ return $dom;