Week 00: Start here#
+Lessons and Assignments#
+Lessons found on this website. Lessons contain the explanations of what’s to +come in the assignments. Examples and all.
+For assignments, we’ll use Google Colab with your username@mail.csuchico.edu +account (same password as your username@csuchico.edu account).
+Google Colab#
+Google Colab provides a notebook +environment where the user can develop a reproducible document that blends text +and code together. Such reproducible documents are popular in the world of data +science, statistics, machine learning, and the various applied sciences that use +programming. By combining text and code, you can walk (via text) your audience +through an analysis (usually via code and/or math), showing the exact code you +used to draw any conclusions about the data or otherwise.
+We will use Google Colab for free, as part of your campus Google account +username@mail.csuchico.edu. The free aspect means we’ll have to deal with some +issues that don’t otherwise come about if we were to install Python on our own +personal machines. I, Edward, have made the active choice to use Google Colab +instead of teaching you how to installing Python on your personal machine, +because I believe we can get started faster this way. If you want to follow +along with this course using your different tools, please see the details on the +page [Week 06 and beyond][and-beyond.md].
+From here, there’s really no better way to learn about Google Colab than to go +touch it. Here’s a link to the Colab notebook associated with Week 00: Start +here.