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After completing this lesson, you will be able to
- customize many aspects of plotnine plots
- make 2d plots displaying 3 variables
- understand the basics of file paths
- prepare your own dataset for an analysis
- read your own dataset into Python
To follow along with this Lesson, please open the Colab notebook Week 04 Notes. The first code cell of this notebook calls to the remote computer, on which the notebook is running, and installs the necessary packages. For practice, you are repsonible for importing the necessary packages.
In this section, we cover some details about customizing a plotnine plot. This lesson will not explore all available options, nor are you expected to memorize all the details we cover. This lesson is intended to be an introduction to the types of things you can easily change on a plotnine plot. For details and/or reference material on computer software, you should consult the plotnine documentation.
Let's continue developing the plot we started at the end of Week
03. Our goal is to display information about the mean
total amount of sleep mamals (in our dataset) get, where the data are
grouped by their vore
status. This is a task for aggregating: group
by vore
and summarize sleep_total
with the function np.mean
Since the mean of any dataset is random, as part of the random
sampling of the data, we should also calculate and display the error
in our estimate associated with the mean. That is, we should display
a confidence interval for the mean.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import plotnine as pn
from plotnine.data import msleep
After loading the appropriate Python packages, we aggregate our dataset: group
by vore
and calculate means, by groups, of the numeric variable sleep_total
Since vore
has some missing data, we'll drop rows of the DataFrame where
is missing.
df = msleep.dropna(subset = "vore")
odf = (df
.groupby("vore", as_index = False)
mean = ("sleep_total", np.mean),
sd = ("sleep_total", np.std),
count = ("sleep_total", np.size)))
Next, we'll calculate the lower and upper bound of the confidence interval.
odf["se"] = odf["sd"] / np.sqrt(odf["count"])
odf["ub"] = odf["mean"] + 1.96 * odf["se"]
odf["lb"] = odf["mean"] - 1.96 * odf["se"]
- title
- labels
- other geoms: errorbar, jitter
- change tick labels
- re-consider bar charts
- multivariate plotting
Since plotnine plots are created by adding layers of information, let's get
started by creating the variable p
to hold our plot as we build it up piece by
piece. Below is the code we used from Week 03.
p = (pn.ggplot(data = odf)
+ pn.geom_point(pn.aes(x = odf["vore"].cat.codes, y = "mean"), color = "blue", shape = "X", size = 2.5))
The keyword arguments color
and shape
, when they appear inside a
layer and outside of aes
, take just one color and one shape.
Because plotnine is built on top of other Python packages, matplotlib
specifically, finding the available colors and shapes can be tricky.
Here are links to the matplotlib named colors and the matplotlib available shapes.
So far, we have "X"s for means for each group. No confidence intervals, no group names (just numbers representing their group names), no original data, and no plot title. And maybe we want to change the axis labels. Let's take each of these in turn. We leave it to the reader to display the plot after each update, if they so choose. We'll show the complete plot only at the end of all of our updates.
Let's add the confidence interval, useing the geom_errorbar
p += pn.geom_linerange(pn.aes(x = odf["vore"].cat.codes, ymin = "lb", ymax = "ub"), color = "blue")
The syntax p += expression
is equivalent to p = p + expression
. It
certainly takes some time to get used to, but it also very convenient. For all
of the layers we are interested in adding on to our plot p
, we just want to
update p
to hold the latest version of our plot. There is no sense in keeping
around the previous version of our plot. So this syntax is just what we want.
Next, let's add the original data. Putting the original data on a plot is increasingly popular and always recommended. It helps you and your reader understand the variation in your data, and will often help explain why one (or more) groups may appear different.
p += pn.geom_jitter(df, # notice the change in dataset
pn.aes(x = df["vore"].cat.codes, # unique numeric codes of the labels in vore
y = "sleep_total",
color = "vore"),
width = 0.25, # the maximal width of horizontal noise/jitter
alpha = 0.5
The layer geom_jitter
is like geom_point
but adds a bit of horizontal noise/jitter
in the x-axis. Since the x-axis of this plot is vore
status, and not actually
numbers adding horizontal noise doesn't change the information in the data at
all. For each category of vore
, the numeric values on the y-axis is where the
information in the data are contained.
By specifying a categorical variable for the keyword argument color
, the jittered points will show up in unique colors for each category of
the variable specified, vore
in this case. Further, a legend will
automatically be displayed. Changing the category names of the variable vore
best done by renaming the categories, as in Week 02: Categorical
variables, but we can easily change the
legend title from plotnine.
p += pn.guides(color = pn.guide_legend(title = "Vore status"))
To remind your readers, and future-you, that the x-axis here is a categorical variable, let's change the tick labels to better represent what information they actually contain.
p += pn.scale_x_continuous( # continuous x-axis scale based on numeric codes of vore
breaks = df["vore"].cat.codes.to_list(), # breaks dictate where on the x-axis, a list of numeric values
labels = df["vore"].to_list() # list of labels at breaks
Next, let's change the axis labels and title.
p += pn.labs(
x = "Vore status",
y = "Sleep (hours)",
title = "Hours of sleep by vore status"
Last, let's change the plot theme and font size, just to show that you can. Actually, I much prefer simpler themes, so as to highlight the data instead of the plot theme.
p += pn.theme_minimal(base_size = 12)
Some final thoughts on the plot above. I'd prefer the confidence intervals not
be blue. The default black would probably be better, but then I wouldn't have
been able to tell you more about the keyword argument color
The units of your variables show up in your plots, to inform you reader, but do now show up in your variable names.
The categories for vore
should be changed. Using abbreviations in your
writing and/or plots is usually not helpful to anyone but you. There are ways
to change the categories through plotnine, instead of by changing your
DataFrame. I don't recommend this. There's little to no reason to use
abbreviations for label names.
Some people would have reached for geom_errorbar
before geom_linerange
. The
difference is a pair of horizontal lines on the top and bottom of the confidence
intervals. I see the appeal of this, but prefer the minimalism of
For a hot minute, people were debating whether or not standard deviations or standard errors were better, when drawing lines extending from a mean as we have done here. The correct answer is it depends. If you want to talk about means across groups, then use standard errors. If you want to talk about population distributions across groups, then your data should at least be roughly symmetric, and then use standard deviations. If on the other hand you want to show off your plotting skills, use both.
odf["sd_ub"] = odf["mean"] + odf["sd"]
odf["sd_lb"] = odf["mean"] - odf["sd"]
p = (p + pn.geom_linerange(pn.aes(x = odf["vore"].cat.codes, ymin = "lb", ymax = "ub"), size = 1.5)
+ pn.geom_linerange(pn.aes(x = odf["vore"].cat.codes, ymin = "sd_lb", ymax = "sd_ub")))
In this section, we'll learn about where/how files, such as a dataset, are stored on your computer and how to properly enter data into a spreadsheet for later data analyses. We begin with understanding file paths. File paths are not Python specific. A file path is like the URL of a specific file on your computer. Each file on your computer has an address and that address is called a file path.
So far we've relied on a dataset that already exists on your machine. The main reason behind this is that file paths can be confusing at first. And so we've delayed this topic until near the end. Invariably, though, you will need to load your own dataset.
All computers organize their files in directories, which are sometimes called folders. Think of a directory as a specific drawer in which logically grouped files go.
Whenever you login to a computer, you should imagine that you are immediately
(as if standing) within one of the many directories of that machine. Whichever
directory you are currently in is called the current working directory.
Sometimes the current working directory is abbreviated cwd or even just
wd. The current working directory is written .
From the current working directory, you can move up or down the directory hierachry. Which is to say directories can contain other directories, and chances are good the current working directory is located within another directory. The root of the directory tree is called the root directory.
Each user on a computer has their own directory, which is a (not necessarily immediate) child of the root directory. Such a directory, unique to each user of a computer, is called their home directory.
Every file and every folder on a computer has exactly one parent directory. The
parent directory is spelled ..
There are many different ways to visualize directory structure. On a
Mac, the application Finder, and on Windows machines File Explorer,
both help users navigate files and directory structure. A more
basic traditional way to visualize directory structure is with the
command tree
From a Colab notebook, one can access the remote computer, on which the notebook
is running, by prepending an appropriate command with !
, read as bang. The
command pwd
prints the current working directory. The command tree
the directory structure below its one argument, a file path.
For instance, the command tree .
, where .
represents the current working
directory, will print the contents of the current working directory all the way
down to the children files contained within any and all sub-directories.
indents sub-directories and contained files relative to their parent
directory. In addition to indents, tree
makes use of vertical and
horizontal lines to help your eye better visualize where the directory
boundaries are.
Every directory on a computer is referenced by a file path (an
address). Directories are separated by a forward slash /
, as is
each file name. Imagine a dataset named bike.csv
contained in a
series of directories math131
and data
. Such a file would have
file path ./math131/data/bike.csv
. This file path tells us that we
are in a directory .
, which contains a directory named math131
The directory math131
itself contains a directory named data
, and
the directory data
contains a file named bike.csv
. We will learn
about the file extension .csv
in the next sub-section.
File paths that begin with .
or ..
are called relative file
paths. Such file paths are relative to the current working
directory. File paths that begin with the root directory are called
absolute file paths. For the most part, we will encourage use of
relative file paths.
We next look at the ways in which most small to medium sized datasets are organized. Any larger datasets should use a database and databases are beyond this course. Consider the following table of data.
type | size | color |
trouser | 6 | black |
dress | 8 | blue |
sneaker | 7 | silver |
ankle boot | 8 | brown |
coat | 44 | green |
sandal | 9 | black |
A table of data is often called tabular data. Tabular data are organized in rows and columns. Each row is an observation, or separate unit of analysis, and each column is a variable. Variable names show up in the first, or zero-th row, and the data are in all subsequent rows.
Such a dataset is often stored in a delimited file. Within a row,
a delimited file separates, or delimits, each variable's value with a
special character. The most common delimiters are comma ,
or some
amount of white space, a single space
, or a tab spelled \t
often written as visually equivalent to four or eight spaces. Each
has its own faults. The world has mostly settled on comma separated
values, hence .csv
file extensions.
Comma separated values would list in a text file the row for trouser
as trouser,6,black
. A file of tabular data such as this would have
file extention .csv
, which helps quickly identify the type of file.
In a .csv file, the entire table of data above would look as follows.
tags: [raises-exception, remove-output]
ankle boot,8,brown
There are some simple problems with csv files. Imagine a dataset that contains
as values sentences, specifically sentences which possibly contain commas.
Here's an example: For instance, this sentence.
. To avoid the comma within a
variable's value being conflated with a delimiting comma, people have started
surrounding individual variable values with double quotes. Double quotes is not
the only choice, but it is the common choice for a quote character.
Now imagine a dataset that contains as values strings with double quotes in
them. There's solutions to this problem, too: escape characters. The most
common espace character is a back slash \
As you can see, in extreme cases csv files are challenging to get
right. So are tab delimited files, .tsv
, for similar reasons. We
generally rely spreadsheet software and mature programming packages,
like the Python package Pandas, to simplify our lives for writing and
reading delimited files..
The Python package Pandas function named read_csv
should be used to read in
your own data. The function read_csv
defaults to a comma as delimiter, double
quotes as quote character, and back slash \
as an escape character. It is
thus your job to get your data into a csv file appropriately. The easiest
solution is to type your data into a spreadsheet and then export your
spreadsheet data into csv format.
This whole section is prep-work. Once you understand file paths and have entered your data into a delimeted file structure (.csv, .tsv, or otherwise), the Python package Pandas makes reading in the data relatively simple. The code below is an example of reading in a .csv file into a DataFrame, just as we worked with beginning in Week 01.
tags: [raises-exception, remove-output]
df = pd.read_csv("./path/to/your/data.csv")
When dealing with your own data while working in a Google Colab notebook, you have to remember that the computer on which your notebook runs is not the computer in front of you. This means, to read data into Python, you need to upload any dataset onto the Colab notebook computer.
To upload a dataset to the notebook computer, click on the folder looking icon, folder, near the top left of the Colab notebook within your browser. Confusingly, the tooltip you get when hovering over the folder icon reads Files. Then click the upload file icon, upload_file, to upload the dataset you want.
Let's say the file you uploaded is named research_data.csv
. If
upload your dataset into the current working directory on the notebook
computer, then the file path will be ./research_data.csv
, and the
code to read this file into Python, using Pandas, is
tags: [raises-exception, remove-output]
df = pd.read_csv("./research_data.csv")
If, before uploading your dataset, you created a new directory named
, and then you uploaded research_data.csv
into the directory
, the file path will be ./data/research_data.csv
, and the code
to read this file into Python, using Pandas, is
tags: [raises-exception, remove-output]
df = pd.read_csv("./data/research_data.csv")
<a href="https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1pn-YYBwmYQbjf8gmVyhv2zqPrmvQ4Bxm?usp=sharing" target="_blank">Week 04 Assignment</a>