First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! This project thrives on your contributions, whether you're reporting issues, suggesting new features, improving documentation, or contributing code.
If you encounter any bugs or have any suggestions, please open an issue. When creating an issue, please include:
- A clear title and description.
- Steps to reproduce the issue (if applicable).
- The expected and actual behavior.
- Any relevant logs, screenshots, or configuration details.
Have an idea to improve the bot? We’d love to hear it! Please create an issue with:
- A clear and descriptive title.
- A detailed explanation of the enhancement.
- Any additional context, such as use cases or benefits.
If you're interested in fixing issues or adding features:
Fork the repository and create a new branch for your changes. For example, git checkout -b fix-issue-123 or git checkout -b add-new-feature.
Write clear, concise code and follow the existing code style. Please add comments where necessary and keep the code as simple as possible.
Add or update tests to cover your changes if applicable.
Commit your changes with a descriptive commit message. For example, git commit -m "Fix issue #123: Correct deployment trigger logic".
Push to your branch and create a pull request. Be sure to include the following in your pull request description:
- A summary of your changes.
- Any related issue numbers (e.g., "Fixes #123").
- Any additional notes or details that reviewers might need.
All pull requests will be reviewed by project maintainers. The review process may involve discussions around code improvements, requests for additional tests, or other feedback. Please be patient as we work through the review process.
Please adhere to the following coding standards when contributing:
- Write clear and descriptive commit messages.
- Keep your code well-documented, especially for complex logic.
To set up the project locally:
- Clone the repository:
- Install dependencies: Follow the installation instructions in the README.
- Run tests: Ensure that your changes pass all existing tests by running the test suite.
Please be respectful in all interactions with the community. Abusive, discriminatory, or inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated.
Thank You Thank you for contributing to PRDeployBot! Your efforts make this project better for everyone.