This package provides functions that can convert pointclouds from ROS to Open3D and vice-versa.
- Eigen3
- Open3D
- Ubuntu 18.04+: GCC 5+
- Instructions to setup Open3D can be found here.
- In case you are building this package from source, time taken for the conversion functions will be much larger if it is not built in
There are four functions provided in this library:
void open3d_conversions::open3dToRos(const open3d::geometry::PointCloud& pointcloud, sensor_msgs::PointCloud2& ros_pc2, std::string frame_id = "open3d_pointcloud");
void open3d_conversions::rosToOpen3d(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr& ros_pc2, open3d::geometry::PointCloud& o3d_pc, bool skip_colors=false);
void open3d_conversions::open3dToRos(const open3d::t::geometry::PointCloud& pointcloud, sensor_msgs::PointCloud2& ros_pc2, std::string frame_id = "open3d_pointcloud", int t_num_fields = 2, ...);
void open3d_conversions::rosToOpen3d(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr& ros_pc2, open3d::t::geometry::PointCloud& o3d_pc, bool skip_colors = false);
- On creating a ROS pointcloud from an Open3D pointcloud, the user is expected to set the timestamp in the header and pass the
to the conversion function.
Documentation can be generated using Doxygen and the configuration file by executing doxygen Doxyfile
in the package.
Feel free to contact us for any questions: