This gem is forked from Codeblock/bing_translator-gem, translate_array functionality is added. Nokogiri and JSON version dependencies are relaxed to 1.5.4 and 1.7.7 respectively.
To sign up for the free tier (as of this writing), do the following:
- Go here
- Sign in with valid MSN credentials.
- On the right side, click 'SIGN UP', under the $0.00 option.
- Read and accept the terms and conditions and click the big 'SIGN UP' button.
- Create a new application. Fill in a unique client ID, give it a valid name, give it a valid redirect URI (not actually used by the Bing Translator API, so it can be anything) and hit 'CREATE'.
- Click on the name of your application to see the info again. You'll need the 'Client ID' and 'Client secret' fields.
require 'rubygems'
require 'bing_translator'
spanish = translator.translate 'Hello. This will be translated!', :from => 'en', :to => 'es'
spanish_array = translator.translate_array ["hello", "bye"], from: en, to: es
# without :from for auto language detection
spanish = translator.translate 'Hello. This will be translated!', :to => 'es'
locale = translator.detect 'Hello. This will be translated!' # => :en
# The speak method calls a text-to-speech interface in the supplied language.
# It does not translate the text. Format can be 'audio/mp3' or 'audio/wav'
audio = translator.speak 'Hello. This will be spoken!', :language => :en, :format => 'audio/mp3', :options => 'MaxQuality'
open('file.mp3', 'wb') { |f| f.write audio }