- H-01 Incorrect fee calculation may lead to borrower overpaying
- H-02 Liquidation condition should not factor the liquidation reward into the premiums
- M-01 Modifying the loan term setting can default existing loans
- M-02 Owners of LPs can be dosed when removing their position
- M-03 Add premium doesn't collect fees
- M-04 Increase liquidity in close position may not cover original borrowed liquidity
- M-05 Liquidator has no incentives to execute a favorable trade to the borrower
- M-06 LP owner cannot control slippage while managing their position
- M-07 ERC20 implementations may revert on zero approval
- M-08 Dangerous use of deadline parameter
- M-09 Non-upgradeable contract may cause storage clashing during upgrades
- M-10 Zero amount token transfers may cause a denial of service during liquidations