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RF-ASSEMBLER is a powerful MSX-DOS based Z-80 assembler for MSX2 computers. RF-ASSEMBLER differs from other MSX assemblers in the following respects:

  • RF-ASSEMBLER is an assembler, a disassembler and debugger combined. This allows fast software development.
  • RF-ASSEMBLER stores the source very efficient both in memory and on disk. The sources actually resembles the assembled Z-80 code more than the assembly code. On average this reduces storage by a factor 2. For example: LD A,B is stored only as a single byte: 78H. More information can be found later in this document at the description of the MD command. This efficient storage of your source code allows very fast assembly!
  • If your MSX computer is equiped with a MEMORY MAPPER, the source code allows storing the labels in a separate memory mapped RAM. This leaves more memory for running and debugging your software.


Starting RF-ASSEMBLER can be done when running MSX-DOS bij entering:


followed by the <RETURN> key. After starting RF-ASSEMBLER the following question appears:

    Include Help Pages (Y/N) ?

When answered with Y RF-ASSEMBLER will read the file RFASSEM.HLP, allowing you to use the HP (HelP) command. This requires about 5K of RAM, which will not be available for other purposes. If answered with N the HP command will not be available.

Next RF-ASSEMBLER reports for duty:

    RF-ASSEMBLER for MSX-2 version 2.4
    By Rolf Fokkens - 1987
    RAM: Memory mapper (\*)
    Free mem : xxxxx (xxxx-xxxx)
    # Labels : xxxx (Max:xxxx )


As explained in the introduction RF-ASSEMBLER can operate both with and without a MEMORY MAPPER. The software will identify the memory layout. The RAM: (also see the FM command) line may report the following:

  • Memory Mapper, indicating your computer is equiped with at least 128K RAM and a memory mapper.
  • 64KByte, indicating your MSX2 has 64K RAM or no memory mapper. The latter is the case for the Philips VG8230.

The ? is the RF-ASSEMBLER prompt, which allows you to enter a command. All command's are made up of only two characters. After entering a command no <RETURN> needs to be entered. If the command is not recognized by RF-ASSEMBLER it will be ignored, and the ? prompt is displayed again. Except for the commands anything that you enter needs to be terminated with the -key.

Most commands can be interrupted by hitting both the <CTRL> and the <C> key at the same time. During listings you can hit the spacebar to pause the listing until you enter the spacebar again.

If RF-ASSEMBLER requests a line number you can (of course) enter a line number, but you can also enter a label which refers to the first line where the label is defined. You can also enter label-number or label+number which refers to an offset of the line where the label is defined. This can be convenient if you are working with large programs.


Line editor

The RF-ASSEMBLER line editor allow you to enter and change source code lines. When entering a line there is a large sized cursor, indicating you are working in overwrite mode. When hitting the <INS> key you will work in insert mode indicated by a small sized cursor. The key toggles between insert and overwrite mode.

The following key strokes have specific meanings as well:

Right arrowMove the cursor right
Left arrowMove the cursor left
keyRemove the character pointed to by the cursor
keyRemove the character left from the cursor

Editor commands

Next follow the two-character editor commands:

CP (ComPose)

This command allows you to enter new sources code. If there is existing source code in memory, RF-ASSEMBLER will ask:

    Code erasure. Proceed (Y/N) ?

If you answer 'Y' the source code in memory will be wiped, and the defined filename will be ‘forgotten’. If you enter ‘N’ the CP command is aborted.

After the memory is wiped the following is displayed:


This is the line number of the first line. You can enter the line of assembly code now. After entry of the first line, the following is displayed so you can enter the second line:


This repeats until you hit <CTRL> <C>.

The following rules apply for RF-ASSEMBLER source code:

  • If a label is defined on a line, the line should not start with white space;
  • If no label is defined on a line, the line should start with white space;
  • Always enter uppercase, except between quotes ( ' ) or after a semicolon ( ; ).

Some example code:

    0001 LOOP DEC BC ; the label LOOP is defined here.
    0002      LD A,B ; no label is defined here
    0003      OR C
    0004      JR NZ,LOOP; no label is defined, but the label LOOP is used.
    0005      RET

You can also enter:

    0001 LOOP DEC BC
    0002  LD A,B
    0003  OR C
    0004  JR NZ,LOOP
    0005  RET

Additional rules that apply:

  • Labels start with an alphabet character, other characters are alpha numerical. A label is max 8 characters in length. Some labels are not allowed: A, B, C, D, E, H, L, AF, BC, DE, HL, IX, IY, IXH, IXL, IYH, IYL, SP, Z, NZ, C, NC, PE, PO, M, P, I, R.

  • Constants always start with a digit. Hexadecimal constants always end with a H, binary constants always end with a B and octal constants always with a O. Instead of a number you can also specify a character between quotes ( ' ), this represents the ASCII code of the character, for example:

    CP 'A' ; is equivalent with CP 65
    LD HL,377O ; is equivalent with LD HL,255

Furthermore you can use $, which refers to the address of the current instruction. For example:


is equal to

    DJNZ $
  • Math expressions allow the following operations: additions (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/), bitwise AND (&) and bitwise OR (!). The order of evaluation is: First *, / and &. Second +, - and !. The order of evaluation can be overruled by applying brackets. Brackets may only be nested 6 times, otherwise this error is displayed:\

    *** Bad nesting

    An example of this:

    LD A,(((((((4)))))))+2

    The following is allowed:

    LD A,(((4)))+2

    Application of brackets may introduce ambibuity, for example:

    LD  A,(d)

    This may both mean “load A with constant d” and “load A from memory address d”. When possible RF-ASSEMBLER assumes a memory reference is intended. For example:

    0001  LD  HL,1+2-3+4+OFFSET
    0002  LD  (IX+DISPLACE-3),VALUE+0FFH
    0003  LD  A,'T'+1
    0004  LD  A,(3)+(4) ; = LD A,7
    0005  LD  A,((3)+(4)) ; = LD A,(7)
    0006  XOR 45H

    As a rule of thumb never use more brackets than needed!

Now some examples of invalid RF-ASSEMBLER source code:

    0001 LD A,3 ; First character should have been white space
    0002 LOOP NOP ; First character should NOT have been white space
    0003 0TEST NOP ; First character should not have been a digit
    0004 LD HL,FFFFH ; FFFFH should have been 0FFFFH
    0006 LD A,'A ; Missing '
    0007 ld A,3 ; ld should have been LD
    0008 A NOP ; A is an illegal label

CC (Continue Composition)

This extends the existing source code in memory. The ‘next free’ line number is displayed, after which everything is like the CP command.

ED (EDit)

This allows changing the existing source code in memory. First you’ll be prompted:


Now you can enter the number of the line you want to change, after which the requested line is displayed.

Now you can use the following keys:

  • Up arrow: navigate one line up
  • Down arrow: navigate one line down\
  • <D> (Delete) key: remove the current line\
  • <I> (Insert) key: insert lines (see IS)\
  • <C> (Change) key: change the line using arrow keys, <INS>, etc.\
  • <CTRL> : abort the ED-command

IS (InSert)

Lines can be inserted in the existing source in memory. First you’ll be requested to enter:


Now you can enter the number of the line where you want to insert a line, after which everything is like the CC command.

DL (Delete Line)

This allows to remove a line. RF-ASSEMBLER asks which line you want te remove. For example assume your have the following source code:

    0001 ; line 1
    0002 ; line 2
    0003 ; line 3

Now suppose you want to remove line 2:

    ? DL
    Line#? 2

You now have the following source code:

    0001 ; line 1
    0002 ; line 3

As you see line 2 is no longer there.

DM (Delete Multiple lines)

Remove multiple lines. You’ll be prompted to enter:

    First line#?
    Last  line#?

Next RF-ASSEMBLER will remove the specified lines from the source code in memory.

MB (Move Block)

Move a number of lines in the source in memory. You’ll be prompted:

    First line#?
    Last  line#?
    Insrt line#?

This command cannot be used to move lines to the END of the source code in memory. In that case you’ll need to add a temporary line to the end first, and then use that line as the 'Insrt line'.

CS (Change Symbol)

Proper naming of labels is essential when programming in assembly language, is this allows for better understanding the program. RF-ASSEMBLER allows you to change a label whenever you like, and the change is carried out consistently everywhere in your program. The following is requested when changing a label:

Original label :
New      label :

A label cannot be renamed to an existing label. Furthermore the Original label should actually exist in the source code.

Assembler commands

The commands in this chapter do not assist you in changing your program, they allow you to view the source code and to assemble it to real Z-80 machine code.

LC (List Completely)

The entire source is listed, for example:

    ? LC
    0001 ; line 1
    0002 ; line 2
    0003 ; line 3

You can pause the listing by hitting the space bar, or abort the listing by hitting <CTRL> <C>.

LL (List to the Last line)

The source is listed staring from a specific line you are prompted to specify. Assuming your program is the same as shown above at the CC command, the following is an example of the LL command:

    ? LL
    First line#? 2
    0002 ; line 2
    0003 ; line 3

LS (List Symbols)

Labels and their values can be listed. You reply to RF-ASSEMBLERS prompt Label mask? Allows you to specify a wildcard for the labels you want to be listed, for example:

    A*      (All labels staring with an A)
    A?ENOOT (All labels ending at ENOOT)

If the value of a label is known by RF-ASSEMBLER (after an AM, AS, LI or WO command) the value will be displayed as well. For example:

    ? LS
    Label mask? ?A*
    LABEL1    F345 LABEL2    0005 WACKO        JACKO    0000

So all labels with the second character being ‘A’ are listed.

AS (Assemble to Screen)

An assembly listing (both source code and generated Z-80 machine code) will be displayed, including a list of labels and their values (see the LS command above). RF-ASSEMBLER asks you from what line the listing should be displayed. Any errors during processing of the source code will be reported. Possible errors are:

  • Undefined label: the value of a label can not be determined
  • Doubly defined: label is defined multiple times
  • Out of range: relative jump is to far

For example:

    ? AS
    First line\#? 2
    0007 00          0002 LABEL    NOP
    0003 *** Undefined label
    0008 210000      0003          LD HL,PRINCE
    0009 3E55        0006          LD A,170

As demonstrated by the example alle used labels are listed. Pass1 is the first step in which RF-ASSEMBLER attempts to determine the values of all labels. During Pass2 RF-ASSEMBLER substitutes the lables during the actual assembly.

LI (List Internal errors)

Any assembly errors will be determined as explained above at the AS command.

Assuming your program is the same as the example at the AS command, the LI command will work like this:

    ? LI
    0003 *** Undefined label

AM (Assemble to Memory)

You program is directly assembled to memory, existing code or data in memory will be overwritten. If RF-ASSEMBLER attempts to assemble to reserved parts of memory (for example your source code), it will report an error:

    *** Memory error
        Assembly aborted

You may have to direct RF-ASSEMBLER to assemble to another part of memory using the pseudo opcode ORG (OriGin), for example:

    0001         ORG   100H; This program starts at address 100H

The FM command (explained later in this document) may be useful in determining free memory.

Disk commands

This chapter documents commands that deal with your floppy disk.

FN (File Name)

Set the filename of your source code. First the current filename is displayed, the you can enter a new filename. For example:

    Old file name : ABCDEFGH.IJK
    New file name :

You must choose a valid filename, optionally with an extension. If you omit the extension, it will default to .ASM.

WO (Write Object)

Your source code is assembled into Z-80 machine code and written to disk. The filename is determined by the FN command, but the extension will be set to .COM, which allows you to easily start it from MSX-DOS.

When you are using using the pseudo opcode DEFS space in the file will be filled with zeroes. The ORG pseudo opcode should not be used multiple times in general, and especially not when using the WO command because any empty spaces is not initialized. Instead of:


you should use:


This will initialize the empty space with zeroes.

WS (Write Source)

Your source code will be written to disk. The following question will be presented:

    Ascii or Code (A/C) ?

If answered with A your source will be written to disk as a normal human readable ASCII file.

If answered with C the source will be written in the native RF-ASSEMBLER format. This saves you a lot of space on disk (up to 3 times) and a lot of time writing to and reading from disk.

In case there is an existing file, this file will be renamed to a file with a .BAK extension first.

RS (Read Source)

This commands reads source code from disk. If there’s source code in memory, the following question will be displayed:

    Code erasure. Proceed (Y/N) ?

When answered with Y the existing source code in memory is erased, otherwise the source code from disk is merged at the end of the source code in memory. The latter requires the source file to be an ASCII file, otherwise the following error is displayed:

    *** Bad file mode

It allways asks you to enter the filename of the source to be read from disk.

RF-ASSEMBLER automatically identifies if a source file is in ASCII or Code format. If it is an ASCII file it will be stored in memory as Code. Whenever RF-ASSEMBLER is not able to convert a line into code, the line will be prepended by a ; and stored as a comment.

DR (DiRectory)

This command lists the files that are on disk, and the amount of space that is available on disk. RF ASSEMBLER will ask:

    Dir mask :

This allows you to specify a wildcard to be applied as filter when listing the files.


  • A:E\* (All files on drive A: starting with E)
  • ????????.???(All files (on the default drive))
  • *.* (All files (on the default drive))

The debugger

For debugging porposes you can disassemble machine code in memory, and you can single-step through machine code while viewing and editing registers and memory contents. Before using the debugger you should store your source code on disk, because the GO command passes full controll to the code you are debugging with potential harmful consequences when bugs are encountered.

This chapter documents the debugger commands.

MD (Memory Dump)

A memory range is displayed both in hexadecimal and ASCII. RF-ASSEMBLER asks Address ? So you can specify from which address the memory should be displayed. Memory is displayed in blocks of 16 memory locations, any key you enter shows the next 16 memory locations. <CTRL> <C> aborts the command. For example:

    ? MD
    Address (Hex)? 8000
    8000 00 41 42 43 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 .ABCDEFG HIJKLMNO
    8000 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 12345678 9.......

MM (Memory Modify)

Data in memory can be modified. RF-ASSEMBLER asks which memory address you want to change, next it shows you the address and it’s contents. Any (hexadecimal) value you enter will be stored at that memory address. If you simply hit the <ENTER> key, the memory address is left unchanged. Next it shows the next address and it’s contents and all repeats. For example:

    ? MM
    Address (hex) ? 8000
    8000 55
    8001 00 44
    8002 34 1

DS (DisaSsemble)

Some specific memory locations will be disassembled into Z-80 assembly code. You will be asked at which memory address this should start. By entering any key (except <CTRL> <C>) RF-ASSEMBLER disassembles the next instruction. For example:

    ? DS
    Address (Hex)? 8000
    8000 21 34 12   LD HL,1234H
    8003 00         NOP
    8004 18 FA      JR 8000H

AI (Assemble Immediately)

While debugging and testing your program, it sometimes may be useful to put some specific machine code somewhere in memory without changing your source code. This can easily be achieved by means of the AI command.
RF-ASSEMBLER will ask you the memory address Address (hex) ? at which you want to put specific machine code. Next the existing machine code is disassembled on your screen, and you can enter the assembly instructions you want RF-ASSEMBLER to assemble at this memory address. For example:

    ? AI
    Address (hex) ? 8000
    8000 00       NOP       LD A,(9001H)
    8003 00       NOP       NOP

This repeats until you hit CTRL <C>.

BK (BreaKpoint)

If you want a part of your program to be executed autonomously, but you want to regain control in the RF-ASSEMBLER debugger at a certain point, you can set a breakpoint at that point. If you then fire the GO command, your program will return to RF-ASSEMBLER at the breakpoint after which all debugging options are available.

A total of 8 breakpoints can be set. The BK command will display defined breakpoints, and allows you to enter another one (unless already 8 are defined):

    Address (Hex) ?

Your reply specifies the memory address at which you want to set a breakpoint.

CB (Clear Breakpoint)

This command removes breakpoints. A list of defined breakpoints (if any) is displayed, for example:

    Breakpoints :
    1 9000
    2 9001

The breakpoints are numbered, you will be asked:

    Breakpoint no. ?

Now you can specify the number of the breakpoint you want to be cleared. You can also reply ‘A’ (All) which means all breakpoints will be cleared.


To pass controll to the program you are debugging, use this command. Wrong use of this command may result in loss of control over your computer and loss of source code in memory. Therefore you will be asked:

    Go. Proceed (Y/N)?

When answered ‘Y’ controll is transferred to the program being debugged at the memory location pointed to by the PC register until it runs into a breakpoint. You may need to specify a proper value for the PC register first using the RG command.

SP (SteP)

This starts the single stepper. This allows you to run each machine instruction (pointed to by the PC register) step by step, while all CPU registers are displayed. You may need to specify a proper value for the PC register first using the RG command.

Hitting the space bar executes a single instruction and moves the PC register to the next instruction.

Hitting the <X> key executes a CALL (and an RST) to a subroutine completely and returns to the debugger after the call has completed.

Hitting the <G> key is the same as executing the GO command.

Hitting <CTRL> <C> aborts the single stepper. You can easily continue using the single stepper by using the SP command again.

RG (ReGister)

This command allows you to change a value of any of the Z-80 registers. First the current values of the registers are displayed and the interrupt status, for example:

    F : NC,NZ,PO,P,EI
    AF 0000 BC 0000 DE 0000 HL 0000 IX 0000 IY 0000
    A' 0000 B' 0000 D' 0000 H' 0000 SP D505 PC 0000

The F (flags) register actually is displayed twice, on the first line as separate flags, on the second line as a hexadecimal value as part of AF. The first line also displayes the interrupt status register.

By answering the following prompt you can specify which register to change:

    Register :

You can specifie the following registers / register pairs: AF, BC, DE, HL, IX, IY, A'(=AF'), B'(=BC'), D'(=DE'), H'(=HL'), SP, PC, A, B, C, D, E, H, L, IXH, IYH, IXL, IYL en F.

Next you can specify the value by answering:

Value :

For the F (Flags) register not a (hexadecimal) number should be specified, but one or more of the following flags separated by commas:

  • C carry-flag is set to 1
  • NC carry-flag is set to 0
  • Z zero-flagis set to 1
  • NZ zero-flag is set to 0
  • PE P/V-flag is set to 1
  • PO P/V-flag is set to 0
  • M sign-flag is set to 1
  • P sign-flag is set to 0

Additionally you can change the interrupt-status by specifying the following as part of the flags:

  • DI Disable Interrupt
  • EI Disable Interrupt

For example a correct answer might be:


CV (ConVert)

Sometimes it may be convenient to convert a value from and to hexadecimal, decimal, octal or binary. The CV command does this for you. First you’ll be prompted:

    Value   :

You can specify any number in binary, ocal, decimal or hexadecimal. For example:

    Value   : 10101010B
    0AAH   170     252O    10101010B

You can specify a hexadecimal number by appending an H, an octal numer by appending an O and a binary number by appending a B. Decimal numbers have no character appended.

Other commands

This chapter documents a few unclassified commands.

FM (Free Memory)

RF-ASSEMBLER displays the available memory for your programs machine code. Additionally the (maximum) number of labels is displayed, for example:

    ? FM
    Free mem : 9964 (B201-D505)
    # Labels : 943  (Max: 1200)

HP (HelP)

This command displays help pages if loaded during startup of RF-ASSEMBLER. Pages are selected by hitting keys <0> to <9>. <CTRL> <C> aborts the HP command.

PT (PrinTer)

This toggles the printer. Printer on means that anything on your screen is sent to your printer as well. If your printer is blocking you can resolve this by hitting <CTRL> <STOP>.

QT (QuiT)

This command terminates RF-ASSEMBLER and brings you back to MSX-DOS. You will be asked:

    Quit. Proceed (Y/N)?

When answered ‘Y you will return to MSX-DOS indeed, but any source code in memory will be lost unless you wrote it to disk first!

Pseudo opcodes

RF-ASSEMBLER knows pseudo-opcodes that are not true Z-80 assembly instructions. They provide information for RF-ASSEMBLER that will be used during assembly of your source code.

ORG (ORiGin)

Specifies at which memory address machine code should be generated by RF-ASSEMBLER. For example:

    0001         ORG 100H; The program starts at 100H

EQU (EQUals)

Specifies the value of a symbol (a label is also a kind of symbol), for example:

    0001 VALUE   EQU 1234H; VALUE equals 1234H

DEFB (DEFine Byte)

Puts a specific 1 byte value in memory, for example:

    0001         DEFB 5; Put value 5 at this memory address

DEFW (DEFine Word)

Like DEFB but this specifies a 2 bytes value.

DEFS (DEFine Space)

Reserves a specified amount of bytes in memory, for example:

    0001         DEFS 2; Reserve 2 bytes space here

DEFM (DEFine Message)

Store an ASCII string in memory, for example:

    0001         DEFM 'Test'; Store the word Test here


This opcode is meaningless to RF-ASSEMBLER, but it allows some compatibility with other assemblers that require an END opcode at the last line of the source code.


*** Bad
A bad answer was given when prompted (e.g. Line\#?)

*** Bad file mode
While merging source code (RS command) the additional source file is not ASCII formatted

*** Bad label
An invalid label is referenced or defined in a source code line.

*** Bad nesting
An expression contains to many nested brackets

*** Bad opcode
An invalid Z-80 assembly opcode is used

*** Bad operand
An invalid Z-80 assembly operand is used

*** Bad version
A source file in Code format was created in a newer RF-ASSEMBLER version

*** Disk full
Disk full while writing a file.

*** Double defined label
A label is defined twice

*** Expression too long
An expression in source code is too long

*** File not found
A file is not found on disk

*** Memory error
There’s insufficient memory while assembling to memory (AM command)

*** Memory full or too many labels
No more memory available to store more source code or labels

*** Missing label declaration
An EQU pseudo opcode was issued without a label on the same line

*** No label declaration allowed
An ORG pseudo opcode was issued with a label defined on the same line

*** No source file
While reading a source file (RS commando) the format is not recognized by RF-ASSEMBLER

*** Out of range
A relative jump (JR or DJNZ) is out of range.

*** Printing aborted
The printer is disabled by hitting the <CTRL> <STOP> keys

*** Undefined label
There’s a reference in the source code to an undefined label.

*** Unexpected end of file
While reading a source file (RS command) the file unexpectedly ends.


Editor commands:

CC (Continue Composition) Add lines to the end of the source code
CP (ComPose) Create new source code
CS (Change Symbol) Change a label or symbol
DL (DeLete) Remove a source code line
DM (Delete Multiple lines) Remove multiple source code lines
ED (EDit) Edit source code lines
IS (InSert) Insert source code lines
MB (Move Block) Move source code lines to another position

Assembler commands:

AS (Assemble to Screen) Create an assembly listing on screen
AM (Assemble to Memory) Assemble to machine code in memory
LC (List Completely) Generate a full listing of the source code
LI (List Internal errors) List all assembly errors
LL (List to Last line) Generate a listing of the source code starting at a specific line
LS (List Symbols) List all labels/symbols in the source code and their values if known

Disk commands:

DR (DiRectory) List a directory on disk
FN (FileName) Set the filename of your program
RS (Read Source) Read a source file from disk
WO (Write Object) Assemble your program, write it to disk
WS (Write Source) Write your source code to disk

Debugger commands:

AI (Assemble Immediate) Assemble your program, write it to memory
BK (BreaKpoint) Define a breakpoint
CB (Clear Breakpoint) Remove a breakpoint
CV (ConVert) Convert number formats
DS (DiSassemble) Disassemble machine code in memory
GO (Go) Run machine code in memory MD (Memory Dump) Display memory contents MM (Memory Modify) Modify memory contents RG (ReGister) Change the value in a Z-80 register SP (SteP) Step by step execute machine code in memory

Other commando's

FM (Free Memory) Display available memory
HP (HelP) Display help pages
PT (PrinTer) Enable or disable the printer

APPENDIX C - Z-80 instructions

RF-ASSEMBLER knows all official Z-80 instructions. Furthermore it knows some ‘extra’ unofficial instruction that the Z-80 also. These instructions process the IXH, IXL, IYH en IYL registers, meaning:

  • IXH, IYH: The upper 8 bits of IX, IY respectively

  • IXL, IYL: The lower 8 bits of IX, IY respectively

For example:

    LD  A,IXH
    LD  IYH,5

RF-ASSEMBLER also knows the SLL instruction, which is equivalent with:

    RL r ; r denotes any 8 bits register

In general these extra instruction are handled well by the Z-80, but Zilog does not guarantee their proper operation on all Z-80’s.

The complete list of all Z-80 instructions and psuedo opcodes RF-ASSEMBLER knows:

    ADC  A,s       IND              LDDR
    ADC  HL,ss     INDR             LDI
    ADD  A,s       INI              LDIR
    ADD  HL,ss     INIR             NEG
    ADD  IX,pp     JP   (HL)        NOP
    ADD  IY,rr     JP   (IX)        OR s
    AND  s         JP   (IY)        OTDR
    BIT  b,m       JP   cc,nn       OTIR
    CALL cc,nn     JP   nn          OUT  (C),r
    CALL nn        JR   C,e         OUT  (n),A
    CCF            JR   NC,e        OUTD
    CP   s         JR   NZ,e        OUTI
    CPD            JR   Z,e         POP  IX
    CPDR           JR   e           POP  IY
    CPI            LD   (BC),A      POP  qq
    CPIR           LD   (DE),A      PUSH IX
    CPL            LD   (HL),n      PUSH IY
    DAA            LD   (HL),r      PUSH qq
    DEC  IX        LD   (IX+d),n    RES  b,m
    DEC  IY        LD   (IX+d),r    RET
    DEC  m         LD   (IY+d),n    RET  cc
    DEC  ss        LD   (IY+d),r    RETI
    DEC  x         LD   (nn),A      RETN
    DEFB n         LD   (nn),IX     RL m
    DEFM 'cs'      LD   (nn),IY     RLA
    DEFS nn        LD   (nn),ss     RLC  m
    DEFW nn        LD   A,(BC)      RLCA
    DI             LD   A,(DE)      RLD
    DJNZ e         LD   A,I RR      m
    EI             LD   A,(nn)      RRA
    END            LD   A,R         RRC             m
    EQU  nn        LD   I,A         RRCA
    EX   (SP),HL   LD   IX,(nn)     RRD
    EX   (SP),IX   LD   IX,nn       RST  p
    EX   (SP),IY   LD   IY,(nn)     SBC  A,s
    EX   AF,AF'    LD   IY,nn       SBC  HL,ss
    EX   DE,HL     LD   R,A         SCF
    EXX            LD   r,m         SET  b,m
    HALT           LD   r,n         SLA  m
    IM   0         LD   SP,HL       SRA  m
    IM   1         LD   SP,IX       SLL  m
    IM   2         LD   SP,IY       SRL  m
    IN   A,(n)     LD   ss,(nn)     SUB  s
    IN   r,(C)     LD   ss,nn       XOR  s
    INC  IX        LD   u,x
    INC  IY        LD   x,n
    INC  m         LD   x,u
    INC  ss        LD   x,x'
    INC  x         LDD

With specific meaning for:

  • b: A number from 0 to 7
  • d: A number from 0 to 255
  • e: An address that’s at most 128 bytes distant from the current location (*)
  • n: A number from 0 to 255
  • nn: A number from 0 to 65535
  • p: any of the values 0,8,10H,18H,20H,28H,30H of 38H (**)
  • r: A B, C, D, E, H or L
  • m: r, (HL), (IX+d) or (IY+d)
  • u: A, B, C, D or E
  • x: IXH, IXL, IYH or IYL
  • x': IXH', IXL', IYH' or IYL' (***)
  • sr: n, (HL) or (IX+d)
  • cs: An ASCII string, e.g. ’SillyMessage’
  • cc: Any of the conditions NZ, Z, NC, C, PO, PE, P or M
  • pp: BC DE, IX or SP
  • qq: AF BC, DE or HL
  • rr: BC DE, IY or SP
  • ss: BC DE, HL or SP

(*) **** Out of range is reported if e does not meet the constraints
(**) Addresses are rounded down by RF-ASSEMBLER to these values
(***) If x is part of IX (resp IY) is, the so must x'

APPENDIX D - Calling BIOS-routines from MSX-DOS

MSX ROM-BIOS routines are not directly available from MSX-DOS, because the BIOS-ROM is 'hidden' when running MSX-DOS. This may be very inconvenient during testing and debugging with RF-ASSEMBLER because RF-ASSEMBLER runs on MSX-DOS. There is a simple solution though: you can use a so called INTER-SLOT-CALL. This allows programs to call subroutines in other MSX memory slots. An INTER-SLOT-CALL works like this:

    RST  30H     ; The subroutine at 30H executes the INTER-SLOT-CALL
    DEFB SLOTID  ; This is the slot ID
    DEFW ADDRESS ; This is the memory addres of the subroutine

This is almost equivalent to:


The additional SLOTID refers to a specific memory slot though. SLOTID is a byte value, with the following structure:

    FxxxSSPP (bit 7....bit 0)

The letters have the following meaning:

  • FF=1 if secundary slot, otherwise 0
  • SS: secundary slotnumber
  • PP: primary slotnumber

In all MSX computers the BIOS-ROM is in primary slot 0, so an INTER-SLOT-CALL to the BIOS-ROM looks like this:

    RST 30H
    DEFB 0       ; Primary slot 0 = BIOS-ROM!

For example if we want our program to print a letter on our display it should call the BIOS-routine CHPUT. This would normally look like this:

          CALL CHPUT

Using an INTER-SLOT-CALL this looks like this:

    DEFB  0       ; Slot ID, so primary slot 0
    DEFW  0A2H    ; Het adres in de BIOS-ROM

This works both when running from MSX-DOS and from BASIC.

If you want your program to call a rountine in the EXTENDED ROM (MSX2), you cannot call the BIOS rountine as described above. There is an alternative way to do this from both MSX-DOS and BASIC: CALSLT. For example:

    PAINT    LD   IX,69H      ; Address of paint
             LD   IY,(0FAF7H) ; Slot ID in IY
             JP   1CH
             CALL PAINT

Warning: Special care must be taken when using the RF-ASSEMBLER single-stepper while using the RST 30H method. Never execute code like this in the single-stepper:

    LABEL    RST 30H
             DEFB SLOTID
             DEFW ADDRESS

This code should always be called completely, so use the X key in the single-stepper when running in to this instruction:

             CALL LABEL

This single-stepper complication is very hard to solve reliably in RF-ASSEMBLER, as it is caused by the ‘weird’ way the INTER-SLOT-CALL operates.

APPENDIX E - Making 'BLOAD'-files

Programs running from MSX-DOS are very different from BLOAD programs running from BASIC:

  • MSX-DOS-programs always start at address 100H, so no information about the starting location is stored in the program files.
  • BLOAD programs can be stored at any location in memory, and execution can also start at any location in memory. Therefore specific information is stored in the header of a BLOAD program.

It is no problem to create a BLOAD program with RF-ASSEMBLER., just make sure your source code starts with these lines:

    ; BLOAD header:
             DEFB 0FEH  ; BLOAD identifier
             DEFW BEGIN ; startaddress
             DEFW END   ; endaddress
             DEFW ENTRY ; execution-address

For example:

    ; example program
             DEFB 0FEH  ; Don’t include these
             DEFW BEGIN ; lines during debugging
             DEFW END   ; in your source code,
             DEFW ENTRY ; because of Memory error!
    ; use these only in the final
    ; version
             ORG 9000H
    ; programmatekst
    CHPUT    RST  30H   ; Display a letter
             DEFB 0     ; using INTER-SLOT-CALL
             DEFW 0A2H
    ; main program
    ENTRY    LD   A,'a' ; ENTRY=execution address
             CALL CHPUT

This example program can be run with the BASIC BLOAD command. It displays an ‘a’ and then returns.

Note that this program cleverly uses the END pseudo opcode.