This is a simulation of a Prius in gazebo 8 with sensor data being published using ROS kinetic The car's throttle, brake, steering, and gear shifting are controlled by publishing a ROS message. A ROS node allows driving with a gamepad or joystick.
This demo has been tested on Ubuntu Xenial (16.04)
- An X server
- Docker
- nvidia-docker
To have the car drive autonomously using the pre-trained weights,
Make sure the cruize_control flag is set to true
here. This allows the car to drive at a constant velocity.
RUN: roslaunch car_demo demo_drive.launch
This will load the Sonoma Raceway track and along with prius. Here the car will drive around the track by subscribing to /steering_command
from the model prediction.
Recording Bag Files and data generation
- Make sure the cruize_control flag is set to
here. - RUN
roslaunch car_demo demo_record_center.launch
- Open a terminal and navigate to
, Here we store all the data required for training, (i.e images and the csv files) and RUN:
rosbag record /filtered/steering_angle /filtered/image_raw
This will save the rosbag file with images from the center front facing camera on the car along with the corresponding steering angle.
- Start driving the car using
or a joystick. End the recording of rosbag file when you have traversed enough in the track. Record more rosbag files (traversing the same track 4-5 times), this will allow enough data for training. - Once we have the bag files, we have to extract them into images and steering angles. RUN
rosrun dataprocess
, this will generate a csv file with path to the images from center camera along with the corresponding steering angles.
Training the Model
- To train the model, RUN
rosrun model
, this will start training the model using the data generated from the previous process. - After each epoch, only the best weights are saved automatically, i.e weights are saved only if there is an improvement in training accuracy from the previous epochs.
Inference (testing on the car)
roslaunch car_demo demo_drive.launch
to test the model on the car.
Recording Bag Files and data generation
roslaunch car_demo demo_record_lcr.launch
- Open a terminal and navigate to
, Here we store all the data required for training, (i.e images and the csv files) and RUN:
rosbag record /filtered/steering_angle /filtered/center/image_raw /filtered/left/image_raw /filtered/right/image_raw
This will save the rosbag file with images from three front facing cameras on the car along with the corresponding steering angle.
- Start driving the car using
or a joystick. End the recording of rosbag file when you have traversed enough in the track. Record more rosbag files (traversing the same track 4-5 times), this will allow enough data for training. - Once we have the bag files, we have to extract them into images and steering angles. RUN
rosrun dataprocess
, this will generate a csv file with path to the images from all three cameras along with the corresponding steering angles.
Training the Model
- To train the model, RUN
rosrun model
, this will start training the model using the data generated from the previous process. - After each epoch, only the best weights are saved automatically, i.e weights are saved only if there is an improvement in training accuracy from the previous epochs.
Inference (testing on the car)
roslaunch car_demo demo_drive.launch
to test the model on the car.