Lightweight web interface for yt-dlp.
It's not that lightweight, but the project tries to keep hardware constraints to the bare minimum, while keeping a certain degree of functionality.
Based on initial rough estimates from docker stats
, on idle we're looking at something like this for RAM usage:
- celery worker: 90MB
- redis: 20MB
- api server: 100MB
- frontend: 90MB
- total: 300MB
# start redis
docker-compose up -d
# start celery
# Note: by default celery starts a number of worker processes equal to the number of CPU cores
# this can be changed by passing --concurrency=<n> to the worker
# @see:
cd api
celery -A tasks worker --loglevel=INFO --queues=downloads,info # --concurrency=2
# start fastapi
cd api
uvicorn main:app --reload
# start frontend
cd app
npm run dev
If you want more control over what's happening in celery, you can install flower:
pip install flower
# start celery with flower
celery -A tasks flower --loglevel=INFO --queues=downloads,info
Flower web interface can then be accessed at http://localhost:5555 and used to monitor queues, tasks, etc.
- Logging
- Auth
- Rootless docker images
- Docker image and compose sample