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Simple backup form my dotfiles configuration using git bare technique

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This are my dotfiles configurations.

A dotfile is a Unix file starting with a dot (period) that saves the configuration for many of our Unix programs.

In fact, you are seeing a fraction of my current $HOME directory.

When is it time to backup your configuration files?

I started backing up my dotfiles after some time of using i3 window manager and neovim editor as my daily tools to program and in general, to use the computer.


This are the programs/tools I usually install after the installation of ArcoLinux OS:

Official repositories

  • lsd: Alternative to ls

  • bat: Replacement of cat

  • neovim: Alternative to vim

  • texlive-most: LaTeX packages

  • npm: NodeJS and npm

  • qalculate-gtk: Calculator

  • okular: PDF viewer

  • qt5ct: Qt5 theme manager

  • konsole: Another terminal emulator

  • geogebra: Function plotter


  • nerd-fonts-hack: Fonts and icons

  • shell-color-scripts: Alternative utility to neofetch

  • xournal: PDF editor

  • mailspring: Mail manager

  • equalx: LaTeX equation maker

  • drawio-desktop: Diagram program

  • typora: Markdown editor

  • losslesscut-bin: Video cutter


  • shutter: Best screenshots


Window Manager

Awesome WM

awesome wm

Qtile WM

qtile wm

i3 WM

i3 wm

Xmonad WM

xmonad wm

Backup technique

I am using a git bare repository to backup my dotfiles as suggested by DT on Youtube (video), whom at the same time is using the following article from Atlassian

Git bare repository setup

If you what to have your dotfiles backup do the following:

Firstly, I recommend to look at the concept of a git bare repository

1. Create a bare repository

Create a bare repository wherever it suit you. I have it in a separe partition from the operative system (that is in fact where I place all my files). Use the following git command:

git init --bare <path>

This will create a git repository which have objects we normally do not touch, but that make our repository database work (for example, HEAD is save here).

Now we need the bare repository to (kind of) point to a specific folder, call the worktree (normally the worktree and the repository are in the same directory and you identified the repo by a hidden directory called .git).

Anyway, if none of that is clear, Just do the following:

echo "alias dot='/usr/bin/git --git-dir=<path-to-bare-repo> --work-tree=$HOME'"
>> ~/.bashrc
  • You can name the alias as you please, in this case I called it dot

  • The command creates a permanent alias in your .bashrc, however you can created manually

  • As additional information: Somme of us prefered to save the aliases in ~/.bashrc-personal or ~/.zshrc-personal if you are using zsh shell

Reload your shell as you like (close it and open if you do not know of any other way).

Finally, you are ready to use commands such as

dot status
dot add <dotfile>
dot commit
dot push origin master

3. Hide untracked files

Some articles advise to hide the untracked files records when you check the repository status.

Personally I didn’t did it because the status guide me to se what I wanted to backup. Anyway, maybe I will hide the status later so here it is

dot config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no

IMPORTANT: I didn’t use the above command but as a consecuence I create a .gitignore file whichi I think is a fair solution for the moment.

4. Create a README file (optional)

Finally I create this file using asciidoc syntax under the .github directory in my home directory. I din’t want to have a README file in my home directory but I want it to be in the repo, for that reason is in .github

5. Start commit the the dotfiles

The last step is to add and commit every important file I have. The process is exaclty the same as if you where is a normal repository, except, instead of using git you have to use dot. For example:

dot add .zshrc
dot commit -m "added zsh shell configuration"
dot push origin master