From 838e5dfa126b302604e734d7f8fb51c3984cf6ba Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ERKuipers <>
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 13:49:10 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] added probability calculator and flood definer

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 create mode 100644 GloFAS/GloFAS_prep/

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deleted file mode 100644
index 4c41fef..0000000
--- a/GloFAS/GloFAS_analysis/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-from GloFAS.GloFAS_data_extractor.reforecast_dataFetch import get_monthsdays
-from GloFAS.GloFAS_analysis.probability_exceeding_calculator import probability
-def concatenate_prob():
-    '''Concatenate GeoDataFrames over multiple day,months along the time dimension
-        order may be odd, but timestamp provided is still right'''
-    all_years_data = []
-    MONTHSDAYS = get_monthsdays()
-    for md in MONTHSDAYS:       
-        month = md[0].lower()
-        day = md[1]
-        floodedCommune_gdf = probability()  # Open the GloFAS data for the current month, day !!!!!!!!!!!!! need to change now !
-        all_years_data.append(floodedCommune_gdf)
-    # Concatenate all GeoDataFrames for different years
-    floodedCommune_gdf_concat = gpd.GeoDataFrame(pd.concat(all_years_data, ignore_index=True), geometry='geometry')
-    floodedCommune_gdf_concat.to_file(f"{self.DataDir}/floodedRP{self.RPyr}yr_leadtime{self.leadtime}_ADM{self.adminLevel}.gpkg", driver="GPKG")
-    return floodedCommune_gdf_concat
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d27a29d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/GloFAS/GloFAS_analysis/
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+import geopandas as gpd
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+from joblib import Parallel, delayed
+from GloFAS.GloFAS_prep.aggregation import aggregation
+from GloFAS.GloFAS_data_extractor.reforecast_dataFetch import get_monthsdays
+from GloFAS.GloFAS_data_extractor.forecast_dataFetch import compute_dates_range
+from GloFAS.GloFAS_data_extractor.threshold_opener import openThreshold
+from GloFAS.GloFAS_data_extractor.unzip_open import openGloFAS, unzipGloFAS
+import GloFAS.GloFAS_prep.configuration as cfg
+class FloodProbabilityProcessor:
+    def __init__(self, leadtime, adminLevel, forecastType, measure='max', start_date=None, end_date=None):
+        # start and end_date are only necessary if your forecastType is not 'reforecast' but 'forecast'
+        self.leadtime = leadtime
+        self.adminLevel = adminLevel
+        self.measure = measure
+        self.DataDir = cfg.DataDir
+ =
+        self.RPyr = cfg.RPyr
+        self.area = cfg.MaliArea
+        self.lakesPath = cfg.lakesPath
+        self.forecastType = forecastType
+        if forecastType == 'reforecast':
+            self.MONTHSDAYS = get_monthsdays()
+        elif forecastType ==  'forecast':
+            self.MONTHSDAYSYEARS = compute_dates_range(start_date, end_date)
+        # Initializations that rely on data
+        self.reference_rasterPath = unzipGloFAS(self.DataDir, self.leadtime, '01', '07')
+        self.reference_Q_da = openGloFAS(self.reference_rasterPath, self.lakesPath,
+        self.threshold_da = openThreshold(self.DataDir,, self.RPyr, self.area, self.reference_Q_da)
+        self.threshold_gdf = aggregation(self.threshold_da, adminPath, 'polygon', measure=cfg.measure)
+    def exceedance(self, Q_da, threshold_gdf, nrEnsemble):
+        '''Check exceedance of threshold values for a single ensemble member'''
+        GloFAS_gdf = aggregation(Q_da, threshold_gdf, 'polygon', nrEnsemble, measure=self.measure)
+        exceedance = GloFAS_gdf[f'{self.measure}'] > threshold_gdf[f'{self.measure}']
+        return exceedance
+    def probability(self, Q_da, threshold_gdf, nrCores):
+        '''Calculate exceedance probability across ensemble members for a single time step'''
+        nrMembers = len(Q_da.number)
+        exceedance_count = np.zeros(len(threshold_gdf), dtype=int)
+        # Calculate exceedances for each ensemble in parallel
+        results = Parallel(n_jobs=nrCores)(delayed(self.exceedance)(Q_da, threshold_gdf, ensemble) for ensemble in Q_da.number)
+        for result in results:
+            exceedance_count += result
+        probability = exceedance_count / nrMembers
+        # Prepare results as GeoDataFrame
+        flooded_df = threshold_gdf.copy()
+        flooded_df['ExceedanceCount'] = exceedance_count
+        flooded_df['Probability'] = probability
+        return flooded_df
+    def concatenate_prob(self, Q_da, nrCores):
+        '''Concatenate exceedance probability calculations over multiple time steps'''
+        all_years_data = []
+        if self.forecastType=='reforecast':
+            for month, day in self.MONTHSDAYS:
+                print(f"Starting for {month}, {day}")
+                Q_da_rasterpath = unzipGloFAS (self.DataDir, self.leadtime, month, day)
+                Q_da = openGloFAS(Q_da_rasterpath, self.leadtime)  # Open data for the specific month/day
+                for timestamp in Q_da.time:  # Iterate over years
+                    startLoop =
+                    valid_timestamp = pd.to_datetime(str(timestamp.values)) + timedelta(hours=self.leadtime)
+                    # Calculate probability
+                    flooded_df = self.probability(Q_da, self.threshold_gdf, nrCores)
+                    flooded_df['ValidTime'] = valid_timestamp  # Add timestamp
+                    all_years_data.append(flooded_df)
+                    print(f"Time step {valid_timestamp} done, took: { - startLoop}")
+        if self.forecastType=='forecast': 
+            for date in self.MONTHSDAYSYEARS:
+                startLoop =
+                year  = date.strftime('%Y')
+                month = date.strftime('%m')
+                day   = date.strftime('%d')
+                Q_da_rasterpath = unzipGloFAS(self.DataDir, self.leadtime, month, day, year)
+                Q_da = openGloFAS(Q_da_rasterpath, lakesPath=self.lakesPath,
+                valid_timestamp = pd.to_datetime(str(timestamp.values)) + timedelta(hours=self.leadtime)
+                # Calculate probability
+                flooded_df = self.probability(Q_da, self.threshold_gdf, nrCores)
+                flooded_df['ValidTime'] = valid_timestamp  # Add timestamp
+                all_years_data.append(flooded_df)
+                print(f"Time step {valid_timestamp} done, took: { - startLoop}")
+        # Concatenate results for all time steps
+        floodProb_gdf_concat = pd.concat(all_years_data, ignore_index=True)
+        floodProb_gdf_concat = gpd.GeoDataFrame(floodProb_gdf_concat, geometry='geometry')
+        # Save to file
+        output_path = f"{self.DataDir}/floodedRP{self.RPyr}yr_leadtime{self.leadtime}_ADM{self.adminLevel}.gpkg"
+        floodProb_gdf_concat.to_file(output_path, driver="GPKG")
+        return floodProb_gdf_concat
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deleted file mode 100644
index c616298..0000000
--- a/GloFAS/GloFAS_analysis/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-from GloFAS.GloFAS_prep.aggregation import aggregation
-def exceedance (threshold_gdf, nrEnsemble, measure='max'):
-    '''GloFAS_gdf based on zonal stats using one ensemble member and timestamp: so only two dimensions '''
-    GloFAS_gdf = aggregation (Q_da, threshold_gdf, 'polygon', nrEnsemble, measure=measure)
-    exceedance = GloFAS_gdf[f'{measure}'] > self.threshold_gdf[f'{measure}']
-    return exceedance
-print (f'starting for {month, day}')
-self.Q_da = self.openGloFAS(month, day)
-print (f'for month, day {month, day}, glofas raster opened')
-for timestamp in self.Q_da.time: # which will be the same month,day, but alternating years
-    startLoop =
-    valid_timestamp = pd.to_datetime(str(timestamp.values)) + timedelta(hours=self.leadtime)
-    probability = probability
-def probability(Q_da, threshold_gdf, nrCores, measure='max'):
-    '''calculates probability for one month/day/year, so put in for loop where you loop over each grib/netcdf file, and then again for the date that is in that netcdf file'''
-    nrMembers = len(Q_da.number)  # Number of ensemble members
-    commune_info_df = threshold_gdf[[f'ADM{self.adminLevel}', 'geometry']].copy()
-    floodedCommune_data = []
-    exceedance_count = np.zeros(len(self.threshold_gdf), dtype=int)
-    # Parallelize within the ensemble members
-    results = Parallel(n_jobs=nrCores)(delayed(exceedance)(threshold_gdf, nrEnsemble, measure=measure) for ensemble in Q_da.number)
-    for result in results:
-        exceedance_count += result
-        probability = exceedance_count / nrMembers
-        flooded_df = pd.DataFrame({
-            f'ADM{self.adminLevel}': self.thresholdCommuneMax_gdf[f'ADM{self.adminLevel}'],
-            'ExceedanceCount': exceedance_count,
-            'Probability': probability,
-            'ValidTime': valid_timestamp
-                })
-        flooded_df = flooded_df.join(commune_info_df.set_index(f'ADM{self.adminLevel}'), on=f'ADM{self.adminLevel}')
-        floodedCommune_data.append(flooded_df)
-        print(f'timestep {valid_timestamp} done, took: { - startLoop}') 
-    floodedCommune_gdf = pd.concat(floodedCommune_data, ignore_index=True)
-    floodedCommune_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(floodedCommune_gdf, geometry='geometry')
-    return floodedCommune_gdf
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index 558593b..49a15b4 100644
--- a/GloFAS/GloFAS_prep/
+++ b/GloFAS/GloFAS_prep/
@@ -29,4 +29,5 @@
 adminLevel = 2 # choose level on which you would like to aggregate : 1,2,3
 years = np.arange(startYear, endYear, 1)
 admPath = adminPaths [(adminLevel-1)] # generate the useful administrative unit path 
-nrCores = 6 #determine number of cpu cores to use
\ No newline at end of file
+nrCores = 6 #determine number of cpu cores to use
+measure = 'max' # measure to aggregate on 
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd0d07a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/GloFAS/GloFAS_prep/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+from GloFAS.GloFAS_prep.vectorCheck import checkVectorFormat
+floodProbability_path = self.DataDir/ f"floodedRP{self.RPyr}yr_leadtime{self.leadtime}_ADM{self.adminLevel}.gpkg"
+def stampTrigger (floodProbability_gdf, actionLifetime, triggerProb):
+    '''defines trigger by the floodprobability that it needs to exceed, as well as writes the timeduration at which the trigger is valid 
+    actionLifetime = actionLifetime in days'''
+    # make everything capital
+    floodProbability_gdf[f'ADM{self.adminLevel}'] = floodProbability_gdf[f'ADM{self.adminLevel}'].apply(lambda x: unidecode.unidecode(x).upper())
+    floodCommune_gdf['StartValidTime'] = pd.to_datetime(floodCommune_gdf['ValidTime'], errors='coerce') # - timedelta(days=self.buffervalid)
+    # incorporate actionlifetime
+    floodCommune_gdf['EndValidTime'] = pd.to_datetime(floodCommune_gdf['ValidTime'], errors='coerce') + timedelta(days=actionLifetime)
+    floodCommune_gdf['StartValidTime'] = pd.to_datetime(floodCommune_gdf['StartValidTime'], format='%d/%m/%Y', errors='coerce')
+    floodCommune_gdf['EndValidTime'] = pd.to_datetime(floodCommune_gdf['EndValidTime'], format='%d/%m/%Y', errors='coerce')
+    # Add Trigger column based on probability threshold
+    floodCommune_gdf['Trigger'] = np.where(floodCommune_gdf['Probability'] >= triggerProb, 1, 0)
+    return floodCommune_gdf