An interative Python/Matplotlib tool for analysing subpulse drifting in pulsars
This needs the following Python packages to be installed on your system:
- numpy
- scipy
- matplotlib
- tk
If starting a new analysis, this can be run on a "pdv" file (i.e. a text file containing the output of PSRCHIVE's pdv utility) as follows:
python <pdv_file> <stokes>
where "stokes" is one of (I,Q,U,V)
The program uses the JSON format to save out the analyses to file. If such a file has been saved, it can be loaded directly from the command line using
python <json_file>
If you use this software for any publications, please cite McSweeney et al. (2022) and (optionally) Janagal et al. (2023).