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Releases: robotemi/sdk

Version 1.130.2

18 Jan 04:58
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Released on January 18, 2023.
Compatibile with temi 130 Launcher, minimum version 17266.

Sprint 130 temi launcher and SDK bring the following features and changes.

  • Add Català as TTS language.
  • Remove packageName from stopTelepresence() argument

Version 1.130.1

17 Jan 10:51
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Released on January 17, 2023.
Compatibile with temi 130 Launcher, minimum version 17261.

Sprint 130 temi launcher and SDK bring the following features and changes.


  1. Drag listener onRobotDragStateChanged, a callback to notify robot is being dragged when itself is not in a movement state.

  2. stopTelepresence() with Meetings permission

  3. New util method Serial.weight to get weight on the trays from temi GO. (Works with MCU 1.8 firmware.)

Version 1.130.0

09 Jan 13:13
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Released on January 9, 2023.
Compatibile with temi 130 Launcher, minimum version 17228.

Sprint 130 temi launcher and SDK bring the following features and changes.


  1. Create link based meeting from SDK with createLinkBasedMeeting API.

    It has the same capability as temi center and temi mobile, to create a link based telepresence meeting to call current robot from any web browser, without the need to have a temi account.

  2. Add MEETINGS permission for creating link based meetings.

  3. setInteractionState in Greet Mode to hold greet mode in the interaction phase.

    Previously in the 3rd step step of Greet Mode, if there is no touching, active detection, moving, speaking, ongoing sequence, etc, temi robot will end interaction phase and continue to post-interaction phase and then finish this round of greeting session.

    Now in 130 version, temi will respect interaction event set from SDK, so 3rd party apps can set interaction state to ON, to keep Greet Mode in the interaction phase, and the app can use all the time it needs to play a music, speak with app's built-in TTS engine. Finally set interaction state to OFF, and temi will bring back its original logic to detect and end this round of greeting session.

  4. Boot complete broadcast. com.robotemi.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED

    temi will send a broadcast to this action, with serial number in SN as extra value.

    Note: You still need to wait for the readiness of robot using OnRobotReadyListener after this broadcast is received. As there is a small gap of time for your app to connect to temi SDK service.

  5. Add Serial.getLcdColorBytes util method to change LCD background and text color for temi GO.

New return value

  1. Current map name will be returned in MapDataModel in the field of mapName

  2. lowLightMode ON/OFF will be returned from CallState callback in telepresence meeting.

    When LowLightMode is ON, the video feed from the robot will be brightened.

SDK sample app update

  1. Add more examples to control the LED strip.

  2. Add an example to launch temi browser to show a webpage.

Bug fix

  1. Add <queries> in manfest to fix package visibility issue for Android 11+ tablets connected to temi Platform.

Version 1.129.4

27 Sep 04:58
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  • Released on September 27, 2022.
  • Compatibile with temi 129 Launcher, minimum version 17009.

What's new

  • Fix OnLoadMapStatusChangedListener not working on V2 robot.

Version 1.129.2

08 Sep 08:44
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  • Released on September 8, 2022.
  • Compatibile with temi 129 Launcher, minimum version 17009.

What's new

  • Add serial communication implementation for temi GO. Check it out at
  • Starting from temi launcher 17009, face recognition will return age and gender for all use cases. (previously only for greet mode visitors)

Version 1.129.1

22 Aug 05:18
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  • Released on August 22, 2022.
  • Compatibile with temi 129 Launcher, minimum version 16933.

What's new

  • Add patrol
  • onTelepresenceStatusChanged initialization and CallState update
  • getAllContact will provide more roles according to organization member and assigned contacts.
  • Face recognition callback will provide userType for different recognition results.

Version 1.129.0

10 Aug 11:32
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Released on August 10, 2022.
Compatibile with temi 129 Launcher, minimum version 16892.

129 temi Launcher and 1.129.0 SDK introduce the following changes.

Important changes

  1. 129 version only applies to temi V3 robot.
  2. temi V3 robot under 129 version must be paid as PRO plan to use 3rd party application integrated with temi SDK.
  3. Update the versioning format from 0.10.xx to 1.129.0, aligning with temi software 129 version.
  4. Update gradle script to include source and javadoc. Integration with SDK becomes easier, you can read method doc inside the package from IDE.
  5. Kiosk permission change requires 129 launcher and works with apps complied with previous SDK. All the rest changes will require both 129 launcher and SDK to be used.


  1. setTtsVoice() and getTtsVoice(), for the 129 new feature to change TTS voice gender, speech and pitch. Settings permision required. (Ths feature is not available for Chinese Version temi)
  2. isStandByOn(), setStandBy() and stopStandBy(), to control standBy state of temi. Settings permision required.
  3. Multi-Floor support
    • setMultiFloorEnabled(enabled: Boolean) to turn ON/OFF multi-floor feature, requires Settings and Map permission.
    • isMultiFloorEnabled() to check multi-floor feature status.
    • getCurrentFloor(), return Floor object with floor id, name, map id, and locations, requires Map permission.
    • getAllFloors() return all floors, requires Map permission.
    • loadFloor() load a floor with floorId and postion of target floor. This floor id must come from getAllFloors() API, requires Map permission.
    • OnLoadFloorStatusChangedListener will provide floor switching callbacks.

Permission changes

Most APIs will no longer require Kiosk permission. i.e. Your app doesn't need to be the selected home page application to call the method.

APIs that still require Kiosk permission are

  • shutdown()
  • restart()
  • publishTtsStatus()
  • startDefaultNlu()

All the rest won't require Kiosk permission, but still need permissions like Sequence, Face if appliable.

New return value

  1. Return an UUID String for loadMap() and loadMapWithPosition(), which will be received in onLoadMapStatusChanged during map loading.
  2. Under greet mode, ContactModel in OnFaceRecognizedListener and OnContinuousFaceRecognizedListener will return tracked visitors, with infomation of UUID, age, gender, and similarity. It will benefit when tracking unregistered user, as the UUID for the same person is expected to identical across multiple greet mode recognition sessions. The stranger pool size is up to 200, will be cleared on robot boot, or midnight if greet mode is OFF.
  3. onGoToLocationStatusChanged will provide more information about Abort status in the field of description, giving more explain to descriptionId 1003, 1004, 1005 and 1006.

The full list of abort and calculating is

ID Description
500 "Complete"
0 "Abort General"
1003 "Abort no movement"
1004 "Abort timeout"
1005 "Abort by user"
1006 "Abort out of map bounds"
1060 "Path Plan"
2000 "Obstacle"
2001 "Ground Obstacle"
2002 "Hight Obstacle"
2003 "Lidar Obstacle"
2004 "Front Obstacle"
2005 "Back Obstacle"
2006 "Abyss Obstacle"
2007 "Virtual Wall Obstacle"
2008 "Cliff Detected"
2009 "Stuck Wheel"
1020- 1050 "Calculating"
5000- 5021 "Calculating"
10007 "Going"
- "Unknown"

New overload parameter

  1. loadMap() and loadMapWithPosition() can take the parameters offline: Boolean and withoutUI: Boolean.
    • set offline = true will skip the network request for pending map update check from temi cloud service, and load local cached map directly, default as false
    • set withoutUI = true will not show the blocking UI while loading map, it is then the responsibility of app to protect unwanted operations during loading map, default as false.
  2. TtsRequest can take new constructor parameter cached, if cached = true, the synthesized TTS will be saved in an LruCache and can be used offline when requested next time, the cache size is 10MB for each package, one short TTS is about 100KB in size. This will benefit if there are constantly spoken sentences, e.g. from strings.xml, further tts requests can be used offline, and immediately spoken. The default value for cached is false.

Bug fix

  1. Fix robot would go to coordinate (0, 0) when location sent in Robot.goTo() is invalid.
  2. Fix navigation safety value medium is returned as high from Robot.navigationSafety.


  1. SDK sample app is updated to better show frequently changed callback data.

Version 0.10.80

01 Apr 03:31
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Version 0.10.80

  • Released on March 15, 2022.
  • Required minimum version of Launcher is 16398.

What's new



Version 0.10.79

13 Jan 10:29
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Version 0.10.79

  • Released on December 25, 2021.
  • Required minimum version of Launcher is 16013.

What's new



Version 0.10.78

29 Oct 03:49
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