For help getting started with Flutter, view the online documentation.
The application can start with different modes :
- dev:
- qa:
- prod: will run the application by targeting the production ecosystem
Note that switching between flavors requires running flutter clean
to clean the app build files.
To run the app use the following command by specifying the mode
(dev, qa, prod):
flutter run --flavor <mode> --target lib/main_<mode>.dart
example: flutter run --flavor dev --target lib/main_dev.dart
The project comes with some runs configuration but if you want to make your own, here's how:
Edit the running configurations for the project and set the values according to the mode
you want to run (dev, qa, prod):
- Dart entrypoint: the path to the
file (example:lib/main_dev.dart
) - Build flavor:
) - Before Launch :
Gradle task