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Pipelines Helm Chart

Helm Chart to deploy the pipelines used by this Product Monorepo.

This Helm Chart was tested with:

❯ helm version
version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.7.2", GitCommit:"663a896f4a815053445eec4153677ddc24a0a361", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.16.10"}

This repo was tested with the following latest versions of Red Hat OpenShift:

❯ oc version
Server Version: 4.10.5
Kubernetes Version: v1.23.3+e419edf

Main References:

Installing Pipelines

Install or Upgrade the pipelines with this Helm Chart for your current environment:

helm upgrade --install pipelines . \
    --history-max 4 \
    --namespace gitops-monorepo-cicd --create-namespace

Removing application

To remove the helm chart

helm uninstall pipelines --namespace gitops-monorepo-cicd

Pipelines Resources


The following resources are needed to execute the pipelines:

  • Maven Settings to build, test and package the application
  • PVCs to store and persist data across the pipeline runs: Workspaces, Maven Local Repo

Sealed Secrets

The following sealed secret resources are needed to execute the pipelines:

  • Git Auth Secret with the credentials to manage the Git repository of the application

To define different credentials, add in the values.yaml file, a list of different users with an structure similar to:

    - name: github
      type: Opaque
      labels: "true" "true"

The YOUR_SEALED_SECRETS_ENCRYPTED_DATA_VALUE value is generated using the kubeseal cli as:

  1. Define a secret with the values of the credentials to secure. It could be similar to:
cat << EOF > /tmp/git-cli-auth-github.yaml
kind: Secret
apiVersion: v1
  name: git-cli-auth-github
type: Opaque
  .gitconfig: |
      sslVerify = false
    [credential ""]
      helper = store
  .git-credentials: |

Then, get the sealed secret:

/tmp/kubeseal < /tmp/git-cli-auth-github.yaml > /tmp/sealed-git-cli-auth-github.yaml \
    -n gitops-monorepo-cicd \
    --controller-namespace gitops-monorepo-cicd \
    --controller-name sealed-secrets \
    -o yaml

Extract the sealed values of the gitconfig and git-credentials properties:

❯ cat /tmp/sealed-git-cli-auth-github.yaml | grep '\.git'
    .git-credentials: AgBULs....
    .gitconfig: AgAwSg....

Copy the .git-credentials and .gitconfig values into values.yaml file, and finally commit and push the values to the repository, as this is GitOps.


The following tasks are defined to be used in the pipelines:

  • maven task to manage Maven commands and goals.
  • npm task to manage Node.JS and NPM commands and scripts.


The following tasks are defined to be used in the pipelines:


Deploy a set of different event listeners and triggers to start the different pipelines described above.

The main objects related with triggers are:

  • EventListener: listens for events at a specified port on your OCP cluster. Specifies one or more Triggers or TriggerTemplates. Includes a route to be used in the WebHook.
  • Trigger: specifies what happens when the EventListener detects an event. A Trigger specifies a TriggerTemplate, a TriggerBinding, and optionally, an Interceptor.
  • TriggerTemplate: specifies a blueprint for the resource, such as a TaskRun or PipelineRun, that you want to instantiate and/or execute when your EventListener detects an event. It exposes parameters that you can use anywhere within your resource’s template.
  • TriggerBinding: specifies the fields in the event payload from which you want to extract data and the fields in your corresponding TriggerTemplate to populate with the extracted values. You can then use the populated fields in the TriggerTemplate to populate fields in the associated TaskRun or PipelineRun.
  • Create a Secret with the value to use from Git WebHook to create a secured call.

Configuration and Values

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Bootstrap chart and their default values. See the values file for more concrete examples.

Parameter Description Default Name of the product gitops-monorepo
application.frontend Name of the frontend application sample-frontend
application.backend Name of the backend application sample-backend
image.registry Route base of the Container Registry image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000 Group of the product in the Container Registry gitops-monorepo-cicd
nexus.user User of Nexus admin
nexus.pass Password of user of Nexus admin123
nexus.url Location of Nexus http://sonatype-nexus-service:8081
sonarqube.user User of SonarQube admin
sonarqube.pass Password of user of SonarQube admin123
sonarqube.url Location of SonarQube http://sonarqube-sonarqube:9000
git.webhook.secret Secret value to use by the WebHooks s3cr3t
git.secrets Array to define the git credentials Empty

Each credential will have the following structure:

    - name: github
      type: Opaque
      labels: "true" "true"