NYX supports both source-based and binary-only fuzzing.
Currently, libafl_nyx
only supports afl++'s instruction type. To install it, you can use sudo apt install aflplusplus
. Or compile from the source:
git clone https://github.com/AFLplusplus/AFLplusplus
cd AFLplusplus
make all # this will not compile afl's additional extensions
Then you should compile the target with the afl++ compiler wrapper:
export CC=afl-clang-fast
export CXX=afl-clang-fast++
# the following line depends on your target
./configure --enable-shared=no
For binary-only fuzzing, Nyx uses intel-PT(Intel® Processor Trace). You can find the list of supported CPUs at https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/articles/000056730/processors.html.
This step is used to pack the target into Nyx's kernel. Don't worry, we have a template shell script in our example:
the parameter's meaning is listed below:
git clone https://github.com/nyx-fuzz/packer
python3 "./packer/packer/nyx_packer.py" \
./libxml2/xmllint \ # your target binary
/tmp/nyx_libxml2 \ # the nyx work directory
afl \ # instruction type
instrumentation \
-args "/tmp/input" \ # the args of the program, means that we will run `xmllint /tmp/input` in each run.
-file "/tmp/input" \ # the input will be generated in `/tmp/input`. If no `--file`, then input will be passed through stdin
--fast_reload_mode \
--purge || exit
Then, you can generate the config file:
python3 ./packer/packer/nyx_config_gen.py /tmp/nyx_libxml2/ Kernel || exit
In the example fuzzer you first need to run ./setup_libxml2.sh
. It will prepare your target and create your nyx work directory in /tmp/libxml2
. After that, you can start to write your code.
First, to create Nyxhelper
let share_dir = Path::new("/tmp/nyx_libxml2/");
let cpu_id = 0; // use first cpu
let parallel_mode = false; // close parallel_mode
let mut helper = NyxHelper::new(share_dir, cpu_id, true, parallel_mode, None).unwrap(); // we don't need to set the last parameter in standalone mode, we just use None, here
Then, fetch trace_bits
, create an observer and the NyxExecutor
let observer = unsafe { StdMapObserver::from_mut_ptr("trace", helper.trace_bits, helper.map_size) };
let mut executor = NyxExecutor::new(&mut helper, tuple_list!(observer)).unwrap();
Finally, use them normally and pass them into fuzzer.fuzz_loop(&mut stages, &mut executor, &mut state, &mut mgr)
to start fuzzing.
In the example fuzzer you first need to run ./setup_libxml2.sh
as described before.
Parallel fuzzing relies on Launcher
, so spawn logic should be written in the scoop of anonymous function run_client
let mut run_client = |state: Option<_>, mut restarting_mgr, _core_id: usize| {}
In run_client
, you need to create NyxHelper
let share_dir = Path::new("/tmp/nyx_libxml2/");
let cpu_id = _core_id as u32;
let parallel_mode = true;
let mut helper = NyxHelper::new(
share_dir, // nyx work directory
cpu_id, // current cpu id
true, // open snap_mode
parallel_mode, // open parallel mode
Some(parent_cpu_id.id as u32), // the cpu-id of main instance, there is only one main instance, other instances will be treated as secondaries
Then you can fetch the trace_bits and create an observer and NyxExecutor
let observer = unsafe { StdMapObserver::from_mut_ptr("trace", helper.trace_bits, helper.map_size) }
let mut executor = NyxExecutor::new(&mut helper, tuple_list!(observer)).unwrap();
Finally, open a Launcher
as usual to start fuzzing:
match Launcher::builder()
.run_client(&mut run_client)
// .stdout_file(Some("/dev/null"))
Ok(()) => (),
Err(Error::ShuttingDown) => println!("Fuzzing stopped by user. Good bye."),
Err(err) => panic!("Failed to run launcher: {err:?}"),