- Redesign UI: make a single view and comparison view mode more explicit
- Implement crossfade mode
- Window icon: make a high heel or something ladylike
- Create and show the difference SIR in comparison view?
- Finish context menu in MainViewer (for opening, closing, splitting, etc)?
- Be able to open gzipped SIR files (use libarchive? Or the Python stuff?)
- Add keyboard shortcuts for changing display range, popup zoomer window, etc
- Add panner window?
- Status bar: I'm still not satisfied with it...
- Use basemap to draw coastlines and such? Show lat/lon gridlines?
- Be able to draw a region box? For example, given lower-left and upper-right corners, draw the region bounding box. Note that due to map projections, the box probably won't be square. This shouldn't be too hard once basemap is used.
- Make a man page?
- Support reading sir.nc files (NetCDF formatted SIR files) and sir.h5 (HDF5 formatted SIR files)?
- In
, include a way to download and compile libsir.so?
- If zoomer window is focused, key presses don't go through to main window