Table of contents Essential documentation ⭐ Start here Welcome to AppFlowy Docs How to get help 🛣 Roadmap 🛠 Install AppFlowy 🖥 System Requirements 💿 Installation methods Mac / Windows / Linux Packages Installing on Linux Installing & Setting up Flutter on Linux from Source From source Docker Troubleshooting 🙌 Contribute to AppFlowy 🟢 Get started 💻 Software Contributions 🌳 Environment Setup 🐧 Building on Linux 🍎 Building on MacOS 🪟 Building on Windows ❓ Troubleshooting 💛 Submitting Code 🏦 Setting Up Your Repositories 🦮 Style Guides 🔬 Code Submission Guidelines ⤴ Submitting your first Pull Request 🔁 Launcher and Tasks ☎ Translate AppFlowy 🤔 How-tos 🧩 How to Create a Plugin for AppFlowy Editor ⌨ How to Implement Markdown Syntax To Style Text In AppFlowy Editor ☑ How to Add a Test 💀 Architecture CodeMap(WIP) Frontend 🛰 Workspace 🧮 Grid ⚙ Setting Backend Initialize Protobuf Event Driven System Delta(WIP) Database Domain Driven Design Proposals 📚 Technical Glossary 📔 AppFlowy Mentorship Program Program Guidance Project Ideas Proposal Template Design Documentation Brand Product Research Accessibility Handbook Values Benefits