0.6.0 (2018-07-26)
Merged pull requests:
- OPENEUROPA-9: Update Drupal Scaffold. #115 (dxvargas)
- OPENEUROPA-633: Revert to the latest stable version of Drupal core #113 (aritomelo)
- OPENEUROPA-712: Improve Behat test for language switcher block #112 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-721: Update code-review and grump.yml.dist file. #110 (imanoleguskiza)
- Update drupal scaffold #109 (pfrenssen)
- OPENEUROPA-722: Make sure the default body classes are output #108 (pfrenssen)
- OPENEUROPA-714: Update ECL version to 1.2.0 #107 (drupol)
- OPENEUROPA-676: Add oe_multilingual blocks. #105 (voidtek)
- OPENEUROPA-384: Add extra attributes to checkbox and radios #103 (imanoleguskiza)
- OPENEUROPA-369: Make sure that all OpenEuropa projects are released under EUPL-1.2 #102 (drupol)
- OPENEUROPA-582: Update images on docker-compose and drone file. #101 (voidtek)
- OPENEUROPA-704: Replace TransformationContext with behat-transformation-context #100 (imanoleguskiza)
- OPENEUROPA-616: Fix theme releases on Drone #99 (drupol)
- OPENEUROPA-682: Add config for Selenium. #98 (richardcanoe)
0.5.1 (2018-06-25)
Merged pull requests:
- Update CHANGELOG.md for 0.5.1 release. #97 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-694: Make sure that in page navigation link translations are correctly displayed #96 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-689: Fix HTML characters encoded twice. #92 (drupol)
0.5.0 (2018-06-22)
Merged pull requests:
- Update CHANGELOG.md for 0.5.0 release. #95 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-691: Fix tests on OpenEuropa Theme #94 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-675: Add content row paragraph type #93 (brummbar)
- OPENEUROPA-678: Provide a EC favicon. #91 (drupol)
- OPENEUROPA-677: New patch for @ECL node package #90 (drupol)
- OPENEUROPA-673: Make sure Rich Text paragraph is properly styled #89 (drupol)
- OPENEUROPA-674: Add banner component to OpenEuropa Theme #88 (ademarco)
0.4.1 (2018-06-18)
Merged pull requests:
- Update CHANGELOG.md for 0.4.1 release. #87 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-664: Make sure that OpenEuropa Theme page template can be extended by sub-themes #86 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-663: Renamed language switcher block. #85 (richardcanoe)
0.4.0 (2018-06-14)
Merged pull requests:
- Update CHANGELOG.md for 0.4.0 release. #84 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-628: Implement additional paragraph types #82 (brummbar)
0.3.1 (2018-06-14)
Merged pull requests:
- Update CHANGELOG.md for 0.3.1 release. #83 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-635: Reduce patches on OpenEuropa Theme #80 (ademarco)
0.3.0 (2018-06-12)
Merged pull requests:
- Update CHANGELOG.md for 0.3.0 release #81 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-615: Add templates for splash page and css for body in sass. #78 (Medi4tor)
- OPENEUROPA-15: Provide an overview page for integrated ECL components #77 (ademarco)
0.2.0 (2018-05-29)
Merged pull requests:
- Update CHANGELOG.md for 0.2.0 release #76 (ademarco)
- Language labels are translated in their native language. #75 (brummbar)
- OPENEUROPA-480: Provide a language selection page #74 (richardcanoe)
- OPENEUROPA-581: Update ECL library to 1.0.0. #73 (voidtek)
- OPENEUROPA-469: Add support for Content Language Switcher block. #71 (imanoleguskiza)
- OPENEUROPA-558: Theme language switcher block #70 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-560: Port CI/CD setup to Drone #69 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-298: Commit hash updated for oe_profile. #68 (richardcanoe)
- OPENEUROPA-556: Fix breadcrumbs after ECL update and add kernel tests. #67 (imanoleguskiza)
0.1.0 (2018-04-23)
Closed issues:
- Impossible to enable or set oe_theme as default using UI #51
- Status messages miss an icon #38
- Form inputs are implement ECL presentation #37
- Dropdown list missing icon #35
- Instead of image presentation displayed the input field #34
- Uncaught PHP Exception Twig_Error_Loader: "The "themes/custom/oe_theme/templates/components" directory does not exist #33
- The comment form fields contain double quotes #25
- The ecl-dialog overlaps the content of the page #24
- OPENEUROPA-43: Create Theme Helper module #17
- OPENEUROPA-43: Integrate UI Patterns module #16
- OPENEUROPA-43: Consolidate theme development workflow #15
- Update ECL #13
- NEPT-1103: Integrate ECL components in theme #9
- NEPT-1103: Update ECL library to 0.12.0 #7
- Rename project before release #6
- Provide basic layout using ECL grid #4
- Style tabs #3
- Style breadcrumb #2
- Setup theme #1
Merged pull requests:
- OPENEUROPA-543: Theme tables. #66 (netlooker)
- OPENEUROPA-352: Added themeing to text format element. #65 (richardcanoe)
- OPENEUROPA-365: Improve OE Theme documentation #64 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-545: Use task runner release command. #63 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-382: Fix ECL builder #62 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-382: Only required ECL templates are copied. #61 (richardcanoe)
- OPENEUROPA-378: Remove lengthy default comments in overridden Twig templates. #60 (aritomelo)
- OPENEUROPA-355: Theming confirm password. #59 (aritomelo)
- OPENEUROPA-350: Form: make sure required mark is properly displayed #58 (richardcanoe)
- OPENEUROPA-528: Instruction to enable debug and disable twig cache manually #56 (aritomelo)
- OPENEUROPA-342: Integrate pagination component #54 (netlooker)
- OPENEUROPA-381: Added strict type and ameded the heredoc comments. #53 (aritomelo)
- OPENEUROPA-531: form elements should be tested for rendering inside a form #52 (brummbar)
- OPENEUROPA-344: Added alternate method of testing using crawler. #50 (imanoleguskiza)
- OPENEUROPA-305: Provide a release package including compiled CSS. #49 (pfrenssen)
- OPENEUROPA-366: Theming radio and checkbox #48 (aritomelo)
- OPENEUROPA-304: Adding the SASS/JS watcher. #45 (voidtek)
- OPENEUROPA-345: Removed wrong image template. #44 (imanoleguskiza)
- OPENEUROPA-343: Updated ECL libraries. #43 (imanoleguskiza)
- OPENEUROPA-341: Create theme overview page. #42 (imanoleguskiza)
- OPENEUROPA-329: Theme Quote paragraph. #41 (aritomelo)
- OPENEUROPA-318: integrate messages components #40 (brummbar)
- OPENEUROPA-326: Theme "Accordion" paragraph type #39 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-317: Integrate navigation menus #36 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-324: Transfer Drupal-related projects to OpenEuropa organisation #32 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-315: Rename configuration in OE Theme to use namespace oe. #31 (aritomelo)
- OPENEUROPA-309: Theme "Links block" paragraph type in OE Theme #30 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-301: Add header placeholder blocks to demo module #29 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-13: consolidate theme front-end workflow #28 (brummbar)
- OPENEUROPA-195: Integrate footer-related ECL components #27 (drupol)
- OPENEUROPA-163: Integrate form-related ECL components #26 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-193: Add header and related default blocks #23 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-277: Switch Behat tests to Kernel tests #22 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-209: Update ECL to latest version #21 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-194: Added navigation components #20 (imanoleguskiza)
- OPENEUROPA-12: Include Europa Component Library Twig loader as composer dependency. #19 (drupol)
- OPENEUROPA-205: Integrating Task Runner and Docker Compose. #18 (ademarco)
- Update ECL #13 #14 (ademarco)
- 9 ecl integration #12 (ademarco)
- NEPT-1103: Update ECL library to 0.12.0 #7 #11 (ademarco)
- NEPT-1103: Update ECL library to 0.11.0 #7 #8 (ademarco)
- Provide basic layout using ECL grid #4 #5 (ademarco)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator